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Protection from & Clearing of Negative Energies ∞Mega Bundle
With this Mega Bundle of 21 recordings, you will receive all the light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, processes & a meditation listed below for removing all that is negative in nature from your body, mind, chakras and energy field.
This Mega Bundle Contains 22 Recordings for Clearing, Releasing & Protecting Yourself & Your Energy Field from Negative Energies, Entities, People & Attachments – Full Value is Over $325.
With this Mega Bundle of 21 recordings, you will receive all the light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, processes & a meditation listed below for removing all that is negative in nature from your body, mind, chakras and energy field. Listen to them in any order and as many times as you like. You may enjoy some more than others, and you can trust your intuitive sense as to how frequently to listen to each one. Love <3
Light Language for a Full Energy Reset ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
A full energy reset. What does that mean? Well, everything is comprised of energy. Our bodies are energy. Our emotions are energy. Our thoughts are also energy. Our chakras are our energy centers. Energy field? You better believe that’s comprised of energy. So a full energy reset is a clearing and cleansing of all that is no longer serving us in those energetic bodies, beings, and centers. Any negative thoughts, beliefs, attachments, emotions, traumas, and so on will all be cleansed, released, and cleared by this full energy reset. How is that possible, you might wonder. A light language is a powerful energetic transmission. It’s not words in a galactic language that we’re supposed to interpret into our own. Each light language is an upgrade, cleansing, clearing and activation of what is intended for the light language. Love <3
Light Language for Protecting You from All Negative Energies, People, Agendas & Intentions ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Negative energies. We don’t want them around us, that’s for sure. Negative people. They can seem pretty hard to avoid sometimes. Negative agendas. We don’t even know what all of them are, who’s holding them, and how they’re being enacted. Negative intentions. Those are the thoughts and fantasies of others who haven’t even begun putting their negative agendas into action, and yet, they still carry an energy to them. Given that we are surrounded by all of this negativity (and more), how do we protect ourselves? Is it even possible? Those questions are why I channeled this 6-minute light language. I want everyone to feel safe, protected, loved, and able to follow their passion in life without interference. And so, I held the intention for this language of light to contain the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to protect us from all the negative energies, people, agendas, and intentions in the world today. I know that it will work for you because I could feel the power of it as I was channeling it. Love <3
Light Language for Removing All Energy Drains From Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Energy Drains. They can come from so many sources these days – people, EMFs, the collective consciousness, collective anxiety and fear, negative entities, negative energies, and the list goes on and on. I decided to create a light language that would remove all of them from your body, chakras and energy field all at once. This is a very efficient recording! Before I channeled this language of light, I set the intention for it to hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove all energy drains from your body, chakras, and energy field, and as I was channeling it, I could feel the shaman in me from previous lifetimes coming up to assist with the transmission. It felt very powerful coming through me, and I’m sure you will agree that it is when you give it a listen. After listening to this one, you might also want to visualize replacing those energy drains with some white light or higher-frequency energies. And make sure you drink lots of water. Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing Negative Energies from Your Home, Office, Car & Other Spaces
Negative energies. They can enter our spaces from other people’s energy, as a result of our own thoughts, via thoughtforms, because of our negative emotions, from traumatic experiences we’ve had, from arguments we’ve had with other people, or they might just be hanging around from lifetimes previous to the current one we are in. It ultimately doesn’t matter how negative energies get into our space, but it does matter that we address them. Of course, burning sage is the traditional way to deal with negative energies in a space, but in my opinion, sound is an even more powerful way to rid our space of these intrusive energies and beings. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. It was designed to clear all negative energies from your various spaces. Joy! <3
Arcturian Light Language for Giving You a Full Soul Healing & Cleansing ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our souls. They go through a lot in a singular lifetime – a lot of pain, suffering, trauma, and negative thoughts, actions, words, and emotions. When we die in a physical lifetime, our souls go to the seventh dimension, where they receive a healing and a cleansing to release all that was not serving the soul from the previous lifetime. We are doing so much work in this one lifetime – healing, releasing, forgiving, and integrating – and as such, our souls could use a little help from time to time. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language from The Arcturian Council.
First, I tuned in to the Arcturian Council so that I could bring the light language through the prism of their 9th-dimensional energy. Then I held the intention that the light language include the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes for cleansing and healing us at a soul level. And then I just got out of the way and let the tones, words, and sounds flow through me. The result is a light language that is quite powerful in its intensity, as well as its ability to give your soul a full cleansing and healing experience, much like the one it receives in between lifetimes.Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Removing Other People’s Energies from Your Energy Field
You are awake. And as an awakened soul, you’re sensitive, empathic, and it’s easy for you to pick up on whatever is in the energetic fields of others around you and the human collective at large. Then there are those individuals who are intentionally projecting their thoughts, beliefs, and judgments onto you, either hoping to convert you to their belief system, or trying to influence you into doing something that you don’t necessarily want to do. There are countless ways in which we get caught up in the not-so-positive (and sometimes downright negative) offerings of other people, and whether their intentions are positive or not, their energies can linger in your field because of that built-in sensitivity you were born with. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones that I channel with my voice.
Mantras for Purging Negative Energies & Entities from Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Mantras. They can be powerful when we speak them with conviction, when they really resonate with our being-ness. When you’re aligned with a mantra, it is a force to be reckoned with. Negative energies and entities can also be powerful forces in our lives, often taking over and not allowing us to function. Even thought forms can take over a room and keep us in a thought loop about something we’d rather not be thinking about. That’s why I channeled these mantras from the 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings known as The Creators.
As The Creators offer each spoken mantra, they also coach us through the process of feeling into the mantra to see if it actually resonates and therefore has the positive intended effect on our vibration. There are several mantras offered in this recording of just over 11 minutes in length, and The C’s recommend that you choose your favorite(s) to repeat (out loud or in your head) over and over again, even when you’re not listening to this recording. Removing the negative energies and/or entities will open you up to new possibilities, and The Creators definitely included some mantras in the mix that are all about getting into the positive energy flow, which will of course put us in a high enough vibrational state that the negative energies cannot come in to our awareness or our energy fields. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you.Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing from Your Cells, Field & Chakras All That No Longer Serves You
We have picked up negative thoughts, beliefs, programming, energies, and so much more that no longer serves us throughout this lifetime, and we brought even more from our many past lives into this one to heal and clear. Now is the time to release it all, and sound is such a beautiful catalyst for doing just that. Sound vibrates, and vibration is the key to creating an energetic environment that makes lower-vibrational thoughts, feelings, energies, beliefs and whatever else we’re holding onto incompatible with that newfound high-vibrational energy. This 10-minute sound healing was created with one of my crystal bowls and the channeled tones and overtones that I brought through with the intention, vibration, and energy to force out of your cells, chakras and energy fields what no longer serves you in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Protection & Healing from Psychic Attacks, Negative Entities, Thought Forms & Cording
We’ve all experienced cording and negative thought forms roaming around us, and those of us who took a lot on in this lifetime also have experienced psychic attacks and the presence of negative entities in and around them. That’s why I created this sound healing. We can heal our bodies, minds, process and release emotions, and still feel the effects of these nasty entities and attacks. For this 10-minute sound healing, I channeled tones, overtones and sounds, while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the toning and playing with the intention to put you in a high enough vibrational state to heal from these attacks, while also putting you in a frequency that will deflect any future attacks from harming you. Security! <3
Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions. Our energy fields. They’re a lot like sponges, picking up thought forms, beliefs, entities, emotions, and other energies as we move through our day. That’s why I called upon Archangel Michael to give us this breathing exercise.
Let Archangel Michael take you through a series of heart-cleansing breaths and then fill your physical and energetic body with the energy of source. This process not only clears your energy field, but turns you into a beacon of positive energy.
Michael is known as the archangel of protection, and Michael came through with a powerful exercise in this recording. It’s just over 10 minutes in length, and it is so simple that you can easily do it every day – in fact, Michael suggests that we do so to prevent energies from coming in and to clear them at the end of each day. As the world gets more and more complex, and with so many energies coming at us from TVs, phones, computers, radios, and satellites, (not to mention all the devices we can’t even see or don’t even know about), this recording is especially relevant in the digital age.Clear! <3
Sound Healing for Removing Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms & Beliefs from Your Energy Field
In this sound healing of just under 10 and a half minutes, my lovely wife Maricris offers the shamanic drumming, and I channeltones and overtones that are intended to remove all negative thought forms, energies, beliefs, and entities from your energy field. This sound healing can be utilized any time you feel that you’ve overcome by someone else’s energy. For example, after visiting with certain family members, co-workers, or even after just having been in a crowded place, you may feel that you’ve picked up some negativity in your field that you need to purge. This is the perfecttool do do just that. Love! <3
Light Language for Space Clearing Negative Energies & Entities from Your Home
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 44 seconds, I channeled a light language that will clear the space in your home of any and all negatively-oriented energies and/or entities. This is a powerful light language, and I believe it’s more effective than burning sage for removing these energies and entities for good. You can play the recording in each room in your home, and then you can use it for maintenance any time you feel that your home may have picked up some new negative energies/entities. For those of us who are open and sensitive, clearing space is a must! Love <3
Light Language for Deflecting Psychic Attacks & Negative Energy Cords
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic codes that will deflect psychic attacks from other individuals and prevent people from cording you. This transmission will also release any existing cords you have attached to you. Sometimes other people from our past have a hard time letting go, or they feel wronged by us in some way. Whether they’re doing it intentionally or not, they could be draining our energy, implanting negative thoughts, emotions, and energy in our fields, and generally bringing us down. After listening to this transmission, you will feel free and clear of the attacks, cording, and any other attachments to people from your past who feel they have unfinished business with you. It’s time to let go! <3
Light Language for Clearing Negative Thought Forms from Your Mental Body
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration, energy, intention, and galactic codes for clearing your mental body of all negative thought forms that don’t serve you. We pick these thought forms up over the course of our lives, and they stay in our mental bodies. Unless we do something about them, they can stay with us and continue to wreak havoc on our minds. Once you listen to this recording, however, you’ll break that mental loop and be free of the thought forms for good. If you pick some more up the next day, and you can’t shake them on your own, you can listen to the recording again.Freedom! <3
Tones and Overtones for Clearing Negative Thought Forms & Entities
In this transmission of over 10 minutes, I channel tones and overtones that are infused with the intention of clearing your energy field and immediate surroundings of all negative thought forms and entities. This is one you can listen to over and over, any time you feel that you’ve picked up something in your field that isn’t serving you, or if you can’t seem to let go of a train of thought you know doesn’t serve you. Also, you can tone along, create your own tones, and let the tones in this recording inspire you.Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Negative Entity Attachments & Implants
This light language transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes is infused with the vibration and intention to remove negative entity attachments and implants that you may have in your energy field and/or body. The light language that came through me is accompanied by tones. Tones are extremely powerful when infused with an intention, and this transmission felt very powerful as it came through me. Listen to this once, and then make your own tones, and perhaps even speak your own light language, to amplify the effectiveness of the recording. Love! <3
Releasing Yourself from Mind & Vibration Control Technology ∞The PHCo7
In this download of over 14 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through the steps that are necessary to release ourselves from mind and vibration control technologies that are employed by other humans and negatively-oriented ETs. Taking these steps will ensure that you have control over your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and most importantly, your ascension process. They also give us a process for forgiving and sending unconditional love to these humans and ETs, who are always reflections of some aspect of ourselves. <3
Negative Entity Removal from Your Energy Field & Physical Body ∞The PHCo7
The negative entities that attach to us when we are at our lowest points in life often stick around, even after the drama and trauma is over. They feed off of the energy of the emotions and pain we experience.Removing them is easier than you might think! The Pleiadians demonstrate that in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. They’ll walk you through the process and you’ll get your sovereign space back! Enjoy <3
Overtones for Clearing Negative Emotions ∞The Hathors & The Creators
Have you ever woken up from a good (or bad) night’s sleep and just felt yucky? Sometimes we’re processing negative emotions for the collective, past life selves, or even this lifetime’s self, but we have no idea where the emotions are coming from. Other times, it’s all too clear where they’re coming from. Either way, tones and overtones are a great way to clear them out of our fields. In this 10.5 minute download, The Hathors and The Creators collaborated to deliver us these overtones infused with that intention. When you listen, intend that these overtones will do just that for you and either tone along or just listen in. Toning is always transformative for me. Enjoy! <3
Meditation for Releasing All Negative Attachments ∞Archangel Gabriel
Negative Attachments. They can take so many forms. Thoughts, emotions, and entities to name a few. What happens to most of us is that once the thoughts, emotions, and entities take hold of us, we get caught in a seemingly endless negative loop. They keep us in a lower vibrational state, and then we are more susceptible to inadvertently inviting them back in our fields, in our heads, and in our chakras. That’s why I channeled Archangel Gabriel for this 15.5 minute meditation. Gabriel takes us through a process to release the negative attachments, and it’s simple, easy to do, and it’s a meditation that we can do every single day…and still benefit from. Love! <3
Lower Frequency Thought Form Clearing ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council walks us through a process of identifying the lower frequency thought forms that are floating around in our fields…and just outside of our fields. They then offer an exercise to lovingly release the lower frequency thought forms, making room for higher frequency ones. Next, the Arcturians suggest a few mantras to replace the old thought forms with. Enjoy! <3
Protection from & Clearing of Negative Energies ∞Mega Bundle
With this Mega Bundle of 21 recordings, you will receive all the light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, processes & a meditation listed below for removing all that is negative in nature from your body, mind, chakras and energy field.
This Mega Bundle Contains 22 Recordings for Clearing, Releasing & Protecting Yourself & Your Energy Field from Negative Energies, Entities, People & Attachments – Full Value is Over $325.
With this Mega Bundle of 21 recordings, you will receive all the light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, processes & a meditation listed below for removing all that is negative in nature from your body, mind, chakras and energy field. Listen to them in any order and as many times as you like. You may enjoy some more than others, and you can trust your intuitive sense as to how frequently to listen to each one. Love <3
Light Language for a Full Energy Reset ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
A full energy reset. What does that mean? Well, everything is comprised of energy. Our bodies are energy. Our emotions are energy. Our thoughts are also energy. Our chakras are our energy centers. Energy field? You better believe that’s comprised of energy. So a full energy reset is a clearing and cleansing of all that is no longer serving us in those energetic bodies, beings, and centers. Any negative thoughts, beliefs, attachments, emotions, traumas, and so on will all be cleansed, released, and cleared by this full energy reset. How is that possible, you might wonder. A light language is a powerful energetic transmission. It’s not words in a galactic language that we’re supposed to interpret into our own. Each light language is an upgrade, cleansing, clearing and activation of what is intended for the light language. Love <3
Light Language for Protecting You from All Negative Energies, People, Agendas & Intentions ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Negative energies. We don’t want them around us, that’s for sure. Negative people. They can seem pretty hard to avoid sometimes. Negative agendas. We don’t even know what all of them are, who’s holding them, and how they’re being enacted. Negative intentions. Those are the thoughts and fantasies of others who haven’t even begun putting their negative agendas into action, and yet, they still carry an energy to them. Given that we are surrounded by all of this negativity (and more), how do we protect ourselves? Is it even possible? Those questions are why I channeled this 6-minute light language. I want everyone to feel safe, protected, loved, and able to follow their passion in life without interference. And so, I held the intention for this language of light to contain the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to protect us from all the negative energies, people, agendas, and intentions in the world today. I know that it will work for you because I could feel the power of it as I was channeling it. Love <3
Light Language for Removing All Energy Drains From Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Energy Drains. They can come from so many sources these days – people, EMFs, the collective consciousness, collective anxiety and fear, negative entities, negative energies, and the list goes on and on. I decided to create a light language that would remove all of them from your body, chakras and energy field all at once. This is a very efficient recording! Before I channeled this language of light, I set the intention for it to hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove all energy drains from your body, chakras, and energy field, and as I was channeling it, I could feel the shaman in me from previous lifetimes coming up to assist with the transmission. It felt very powerful coming through me, and I’m sure you will agree that it is when you give it a listen. After listening to this one, you might also want to visualize replacing those energy drains with some white light or higher-frequency energies. And make sure you drink lots of water. Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing Negative Energies from Your Home, Office, Car & Other Spaces
Negative energies. They can enter our spaces from other people’s energy, as a result of our own thoughts, via thought forms, because of our negative emotions, from traumatic experiences we’ve had, from arguments we’ve had with other people, or they might just be hanging around from lifetimes previous to the current one we are in. It ultimately doesn’t matter how negative energies get into our space, but it does matter that we address them. Of course, burning sage is the traditional way to deal with negative energies in a space, but in my opinion, sound is an even more powerful way to rid our space of these intrusive energies and beings. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. It was designed to clear all negative energies from your various spaces. Joy! <3
Arcturian Light Language for Giving You a Full Soul Healing & Cleansing ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our souls. They go through a lot in a singular lifetime – a lot of pain, suffering, trauma, and negative thoughts, actions, words, and emotions. When we die in a physical lifetime, our souls go to the seventh dimension, where they receive a healing and a cleansing to release all that was not serving the soul from the previous lifetime. We are doing so much work in this one lifetime – healing, releasing, forgiving, and integrating – and as such, our souls could use a little help from time to time. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language from The Arcturian Council.
First, I tuned in to the Arcturian Council so that I could bring the light language through the prism of their 9th-dimensional energy. Then I held the intention that the light language include the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes for cleansing and healing us at a soul level. And then I just got out of the way and let the tones, words, and sounds flow through me. The result is a light language that is quite powerful in its intensity, as well as its ability to give your soul a full cleansing and healing experience, much like the one it receives in between lifetimes. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Removing Other People’s Energies from Your Energy Field
You are awake. And as an awakened soul, you’re sensitive, empathic, and it’s easy for you to pick up on whatever is in the energetic fields of others around you and the human collective at large. Then there are those individuals who are intentionally projecting their thoughts, beliefs, and judgments onto you, either hoping to convert you to their belief system, or trying to influence you into doing something that you don’t necessarily want to do. There are countless ways in which we get caught up in the not-so-positive (and sometimes downright negative) offerings of other people, and whether their intentions are positive or not, their energies can linger in your field because of that built-in sensitivity you were born with. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones that I channel with my voice.
Mantras for Purging Negative Energies & Entities from Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Mantras. They can be powerful when we speak them with conviction, when they really resonate with our being-ness. When you’re aligned with a mantra, it is a force to be reckoned with. Negative energies and entities can also be powerful forces in our lives, often taking over and not allowing us to function. Even thought forms can take over a room and keep us in a thought loop about something we’d rather not be thinking about. That’s why I channeled these mantras from the 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings known as The Creators.
As The Creators offer each spoken mantra, they also coach us through the process of feeling into the mantra to see if it actually resonates and therefore has the positive intended effect on our vibration. There are several mantras offered in this recording of just over 11 minutes in length, and The C’s recommend that you choose your favorite(s) to repeat (out loud or in your head) over and over again, even when you’re not listening to this recording. Removing the negative energies and/or entities will open you up to new possibilities, and The Creators definitely included some mantras in the mix that are all about getting into the positive energy flow, which will of course put us in a high enough vibrational state that the negative energies cannot come in to our awareness or our energy fields. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you. Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing from Your Cells, Field & Chakras All That No Longer Serves You
We have picked up negative thoughts, beliefs, programming, energies, and so much more that no longer serves us throughout this lifetime, and we brought even more from our many past lives into this one to heal and clear. Now is the time to release it all, and sound is such a beautiful catalyst for doing just that. Sound vibrates, and vibration is the key to creating an energetic environment that makes lower-vibrational thoughts, feelings, energies, beliefs and whatever else we’re holding onto incompatible with that newfound high-vibrational energy. This 10-minute sound healing was created with one of my crystal bowls and the channeled tones and overtones that I brought through with the intention, vibration, and energy to force out of your cells, chakras and energy fields what no longer serves you in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Protection & Healing from Psychic Attacks, Negative Entities, Thought Forms & Cording
We’ve all experienced cording and negative thought forms roaming around us, and those of us who took a lot on in this lifetime also have experienced psychic attacks and the presence of negative entities in and around them. That’s why I created this sound healing. We can heal our bodies, minds, process and release emotions, and still feel the effects of these nasty entities and attacks. For this 10-minute sound healing, I channeled tones, overtones and sounds, while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the toning and playing with the intention to put you in a high enough vibrational state to heal from these attacks, while also putting you in a frequency that will deflect any future attacks from harming you. Security! <3
Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions. Our energy fields. They’re a lot like sponges, picking up thought forms, beliefs, entities, emotions, and other energies as we move through our day. That’s why I called upon Archangel Michael to give us this breathing exercise.
Let Archangel Michael take you through a series of heart-cleansing breaths and then fill your physical and energetic body with the energy of source. This process not only clears your energy field, but turns you into a beacon of positive energy.
Michael is known as the archangel of protection, and Michael came through with a powerful exercise in this recording. It’s just over 10 minutes in length, and it is so simple that you can easily do it every day – in fact, Michael suggests that we do so to prevent energies from coming in and to clear them at the end of each day. As the world gets more and more complex, and with so many energies coming at us from TVs, phones, computers, radios, and satellites, (not to mention all the devices we can’t even see or don’t even know about), this recording is especially relevant in the digital age. Clear! <3
Sound Healing for Removing Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms & Beliefs from Your Energy Field
In this sound healing of just under 10 and a half minutes, my lovely wife Maricris offers the shamanic drumming, and I channel tones and overtones that are intended to remove all negative thought forms, energies, beliefs, and entities from your energy field. This sound healing can be utilized any time you feel that you’ve overcome by someone else’s energy. For example, after visiting with certain family members, co-workers, or even after just having been in a crowded place, you may feel that you’ve picked up some negativity in your field that you need to purge. This is the perfect tool do do just that. Love! <3
Light Language for Space Clearing Negative Energies & Entities from Your Home
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 44 seconds, I channeled a light language that will clear the space in your home of any and all negatively-oriented energies and/or entities. This is a powerful light language, and I believe it’s more effective than burning sage for removing these energies and entities for good. You can play the recording in each room in your home, and then you can use it for maintenance any time you feel that your home may have picked up some new negative energies/entities. For those of us who are open and sensitive, clearing space is a must! Love <3
Light Language for Deflecting Psychic Attacks & Negative Energy Cords
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic codes that will deflect psychic attacks from other individuals and prevent people from cording you. This transmission will also release any existing cords you have attached to you. Sometimes other people from our past have a hard time letting go, or they feel wronged by us in some way. Whether they’re doing it intentionally or not, they could be draining our energy, implanting negative thoughts, emotions, and energy in our fields, and generally bringing us down. After listening to this transmission, you will feel free and clear of the attacks, cording, and any other attachments to people from your past who feel they have unfinished business with you. It’s time to let go! <3
Light Language for Clearing Negative Thought Forms from Your Mental Body
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration, energy, intention, and galactic codes for clearing your mental body of all negative thought forms that don’t serve you. We pick these thought forms up over the course of our lives, and they stay in our mental bodies. Unless we do something about them, they can stay with us and continue to wreak havoc on our minds. Once you listen to this recording, however, you’ll break that mental loop and be free of the thought forms for good. If you pick some more up the next day, and you can’t shake them on your own, you can listen to the recording again. Freedom! <3
Tones and Overtones for Clearing Negative Thought Forms & Entities
In this transmission of over 10 minutes, I channel tones and overtones that are infused with the intention of clearing your energy field and immediate surroundings of all negative thought forms and entities. This is one you can listen to over and over, any time you feel that you’ve picked up something in your field that isn’t serving you, or if you can’t seem to let go of a train of thought you know doesn’t serve you. Also, you can tone along, create your own tones, and let the tones in this recording inspire you. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Negative Entity Attachments & Implants
This light language transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes is infused with the vibration and intention to remove negative entity attachments and implants that you may have in your energy field and/or body. The light language that came through me is accompanied by tones. Tones are extremely powerful when infused with an intention, and this transmission felt very powerful as it came through me. Listen to this once, and then make your own tones, and perhaps even speak your own light language, to amplify the effectiveness of the recording. Love! <3
Releasing Yourself from Mind & Vibration Control Technology ∞The PHCo7
In this download of over 14 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through the steps that are necessary to release ourselves from mind and vibration control technologies that are employed by other humans and negatively-oriented ETs. Taking these steps will ensure that you have control over your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and most importantly, your ascension process. They also give us a process for forgiving and sending unconditional love to these humans and ETs, who are always reflections of some aspect of ourselves. <3
Negative Entity Removal from Your Energy Field & Physical Body ∞The PHCo7
The negative entities that attach to us when we are at our lowest points in life often stick around, even after the drama and trauma is over. They feed off of the energy of the emotions and pain we experience. Removing them is easier than you might think! The Pleiadians demonstrate that in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. They’ll walk you through the process and you’ll get your sovereign space back! Enjoy <3
Overtones for Clearing Negative Emotions ∞The Hathors & The Creators
Have you ever woken up from a good (or bad) night’s sleep and just felt yucky? Sometimes we’re processing negative emotions for the collective, past life selves, or even this lifetime’s self, but we have no idea where the emotions are coming from. Other times, it’s all too clear where they’re coming from. Either way, tones and overtones are a great way to clear them out of our fields. In this 10.5 minute download, The Hathors and The Creators collaborated to deliver us these overtones infused with that intention. When you listen, intend that these overtones will do just that for you and either tone along or just listen in. Toning is always transformative for me. Enjoy! <3
Meditation for Releasing All Negative Attachments ∞Archangel Gabriel
Negative Attachments. They can take so many forms. Thoughts, emotions, and entities to name a few. What happens to most of us is that once the thoughts, emotions, and entities take hold of us, we get caught in a seemingly endless negative loop. They keep us in a lower vibrational state, and then we are more susceptible to inadvertently inviting them back in our fields, in our heads, and in our chakras. That’s why I channeled Archangel Gabriel for this 15.5 minute meditation. Gabriel takes us through a process to release the negative attachments, and it’s simple, easy to do, and it’s a meditation that we can do every single day…and still benefit from. Love! <3
Lower Frequency Thought Form Clearing ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council walks us through a process of identifying the lower frequency thought forms that are floating around in our fields…and just outside of our fields. They then offer an exercise to lovingly release the lower frequency thought forms, making room for higher frequency ones. Next, the Arcturians suggest a few mantras to replace the old thought forms with. Enjoy! <3
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