This Raise Your Vibration Mega Bundle Consists of 44 Recordings that I Chose for the Unique Purpose of Raising Your Vibration. When you Listen to these Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations, Mantras, Processes
This Raise Your Vibration Mega Bundle Consists of 44 Recordings that I Chose for the Unique Purpose of Raising Your Vibration. When you Listen to these Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations, Mantras, Processes, Breathing Exercises, and a Workshop Recording. The Full Price for All of these Recordings is Over $675. You Can Listen to Them in Any Order You Choose, and Some You Will Want to Listen to Over and Over Again!
Light Language for a Full Energy Reset ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
A full energy reset. What does that mean? Well, everything is comprised of energy. Our bodies are energy. Our emotions are energy. Our thoughts are also energy. Our chakras are our energy centers. Energy field? You better believe that’s comprised of energy. So a full energy reset is a clearing and cleansing of all that is no longer serving us in those energetic bodies, beings, and centers. Any negative thoughts, beliefs, attachments, emotions, traumas, and so on will all be cleansed, released, and cleared by this full energy reset. How is that possible, you might wonder. A light language is a powerful energetic transmission. It’s not words in a galactic language that we’re supposed to interpret into our own. Each light language is an upgrade, cleansing, clearing and activation of what is intended for the light language. Love <3
Before I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I set the intention that it would be a light language for a full energy reset, and as such, it contains the vibration, intention, energies, and galactic light codes to give you that full energy reset you want and need. Listen to this one whenever you feel you need an energy boost, an energetic cleanse, or you just feel weighed down by everything you have picked up along your path…or throughout the day you’re living in. This one can be used over and over again, and each time you’ll feel the difference in your body, mind, emotions, thoughts, and overall outlook on life. Joy!
Light Language for Starting Your Day Off In a High Vibration
Being in a high vibration. It’s so important and such a huge part of the teachings I’ve channeled from The 9D Arcturian Council and all of the other beings/collectives I’ve worked with over the years. When you start your day off in a high vibration, it’s easier to maintain that higher-vibrational state of being throughout the entire day. And what does that mean? It means you will create the reality you want to experience, experience it, and enjoy the experience of it. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for putting you in a high vibration so that you can live your best day and your best life. Joy!
Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset
In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset.Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your day. Joy! <3
Light Language for Giving You a Full Frequency Reset
A full frequency reset. Sounds pretty amazing, but what is it exactly? We have higher and lower frequencies running within our bodies, energy fields, meridian lines, and chakras that affect everything we do, think and say. They even affect our beliefs and our powers of manifestation. And most of them are frequencies we picked up from teachers, parents, media, and others who meant well (or perhaps didn’t!), and the end result is that we’re playing/running the same 3D programs that they did. And so, those lower-vibrational frequencies are holding us back from becoming our true selves, our 5D/Higher Selves. This light language can and will clear those lower-vibrational frequencies! Joy <3
I set the intention for a full frequency reset before channeling this 6-minute light language, and I can already feel the difference in myself as I write up this description! The light language is infused with not only the intention I held, but it also has galactic light codes embedded in it to release those lower frequencies from you in order to allow in the higher-frequency codes, energies and information. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and let the higher frequencies in this light language take over all of your bodies, your cells, chakras, and more. Love! <3
Morning Meditation for Starting Your Day ∞Archangel Michael
In my opinion, meditation is always the best way to start each day, and that’s why I channeled this 15-minute guided meditation from Archangel Michael. This Morning Meditation is set to beautiful new age music composed by my friend, musician Anneda Char. Throughout the course of the 15-minute meditation, Archangel Michael guides us through a series of processes and visualizations that will not only get your day started off on the right foot, but it will also ensure that your day ends on that same positive note.
You can listen to this recording before you get out of bed in the morning, or near the beginning of your day, and it will set the tone for all of your actions, interactions, and thoughts as you move through the activities you want to take part in, as well as the ones you feel you must take care of because they’ve been on your to-do list for weeks. To do so with the right energy, the highest possible vibration, is the best way to ensure your success, as well as minimizing any resistance you might have to the actions and interactions that are required of you by work or familial obligations. You have the power within you to control how your day unfolds.Joy! <3
Light Language for Dissolving All Impediments to You Being Your Highest Self
Once we awaken to the truth of who we really are, the desire to become our highest and best self becomes stronger and stronger. That desire is often met with the harsh reality that change in the physical is slow in coming and that the journey we are on is a marathon and not a sprint. That’s why I created this light language. I channeled this language of light for six minutes while holding the intention, energy, vibration, and accessing the galactic light codes to dissolve anything and everything that is getting in between you and the highest version of yourself that you can be in this moment. Light languages work by activating what is already inside of us but has been lying dormant in our bodies, chakras, and/or energy fields. This is the perfect time to unlock all that is inside of ourselves, as there are so many energies around in support of us becoming our highest selves. I know that this light language is just the thing to get you there. Love! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up & Moving High-Frequency Energies Through Your Body
Moving high-frequency energy through our bodies. It’s something I channel about all the time, and something I’ve experienced countless times in this lifetime. And I want everyone to be able to experience that magical feeling of being lit up, filled with goosebumps, and energized by non-physical, unconditional love. That’s why I created this light language of 6 minutes in length. Before I began channeling the light language transmission, I held that intention for the light language that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to the energies that are all around you. I then channeled the light language and could feel the power of it as it moved through me. This experience of having high-frequency energy moving through me happened for the first time, without any intention on my part, in 2010 and eventually led to my channeling The Creators in the Fall of 2010. Now, it’s a daily practice of mine, and I invite you to give yourself the gift of this truly magical and transformative experience. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy & Other High Vibrational States of Being
Sound is such a powerful tool for putting us in a higher vibrational state of being, but unless we are listening to a song that we really love, we often don’t tune in to the tones, sounds, and overtones that are all around us and have the power to uplift us with such ease. That’s why I created this recording of 10 minutes and 10 seconds of me playing a crystal bowl, while channeling tones and overtones that carry the intention of raising the vibration of the listener to new heights. I’ve noticed that toning is one of the easiest and fastest ways for me to raise my vibration, and that’s why I’m so happy to offer this recording to all of you. If you want to tone along with me, or come up with your own tones and sounds to accompany the recording, that will also help to raise your vibration into a state of joy, bliss, or ecstasy as well. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs of Not Being Good Enough
The feeling of not being good enough can get started at a very young age. For me, it began with being raised Catholic and always fearing that I was not be good enough to get into Heaven. And then there’s not feeling good enough to receive love, not feeling good enough to receive your full value monetarily. I’m sure there are lots of awakened individuals who are also feeling not good enough to ascend, or to access their spiritual gifts. This feeling of not being good enough is perpetuated by a society that is extremely judgmental. And that’s why I created this light language transmission. I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it will activate your vibration of feeling that you’re more than enough, just as you are. The light language is also infused with galactic light codes that will elevate your consciousness so that you can allow in all that you have asked for and deserve. Love! <3
Meditation for Releasing Over-Thinking & Activating Bliss ∞Archangel Michael
Over-thinking. Sometimes it seems like our thoughts are completely out of our realm of control. Thoughts seem to have a seductive quality as well, as if we can think our way into a solution to every problem we’ve ever created with our lower-frequency vibration. We think, and we think, and then we remember that we create our reality, and we worry about the thoughts we’ve been thinking creating a reality we definitely don’t want to experience. It’s a vicious cycle. This 15-minute, guided meditation from Archangel Michael will get you to break that cycle. Michael leads us through a process that’s incredibly easy to follow, and the Archangel doesn’t just help us with the releasing of those unwanted thoughts. There’s also an activation of the feeling of bliss that will leave you feeling like you’re on cloud nine, with Michael sitting right beside you. Love! <3
Meditation to Achieve Alignment from Ophelia The Faerie
Meditation to Achieve Alignment from Ophelia The Faerie – Ophelia The Faerie takes you through this guided meditation to help you achieve alignment of your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. It will also align you with your Oversoul, Higher Self, the Universe, and Source. Ophelia the Faerie‘s soothing energy will ground you into your heart center and leave you feeling lighter, more calm, infinitely expanded, and completely aligned. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, which was channeled by the gifted Evan Hatfield. This guided meditation is just under 18 and a half minutes in length, and it’s the perfect way to start your day off on the right foot.
Guided Meditation for Relaxation & Inducing Sleep ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Guided Meditation for Relaxation & Inducing Sleep. Relax. It’s much easier said than done. Usually when someone tells us to “relax,” it’s when we are at our most un-relaxed, and it’s pretty annoying!
And sleep. I’ve struggled with sleep for most of my adult life. Oh, to go back to those days of my childhood when sleep came so easily to me. How great would that be? That’s why I channeledArchangel Michael for this guided sleep meditation. Meditation has helped me with sleep so much over the years, and now I feel that I am much less of an insomniac than I was in my 20’s and 30’s.
Sound Healing for Raising Your Vibration
We all know how important our vibration is. Our vibration determines what we experience in our lives. The higher our vibration is, the more we attract better feeling experiences to us.
Spend ten minutes each day with this download to ensure that you are aligned with your highest vibration. Close your eyes, focus on your heart and let the complementary tones of my voice and crystal bowl encircle your energy field. When you are feeling the resonance within, then you can extend it out to encompass every aspect of your daily life.
In this 10-minute sound healing, I channeledtones and overtones infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to raise your overall vibration. I also played one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sounds created by the bowl to have that same vibration-raising effect on the listener. We hear about raising our vibration all the time, but it can be a bit of a daunting task, especially on those really tough days. The power of sound to shift our vibration is not talked about in mainstream society nearly enough, and yet we all know from experience that hearing a certain song can bring us back to a very happy memory, shifting our vibration immediately. Listen to this one first thing in the morning or whenever you need a boost to your core vibration. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Christ Consciousness
I encourage you to use this Sound Healing for Activating Your Christ consciousness. We are now in the time of the true second coming of Jesus, because we are the beings here to usher in this new age. We can experience the world in the way he did…Christ even says that in the Bible, and not even the kings and popes who edited the cool stuff out caught that one!
Christ consciousness is a state of being. It’s a knowing that you are one with everything and exist in this reality as Source Energy in a physical body. This level of consciousness is attainable, no matter what we were taught when we were being indoctrinated as children by the seemingly all-powerful adults in our lives. That’s why I created this sound healing.
I channeled these high vibrational tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, infusing the tones and sounds with the intention to activate that Christ consciousness within the listener. You. That’s right. You can experience Christ consciousness. So why not do it? Once a day seems like a good idea to me :). Love! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Becoming Your 5D/Higher Self
Use this 10-minute sound healing with channeled tones by me for releasing all blocks to becoming your higher self. I played one of my crystal bowls to add to the power of the energy created by the tones. I infused each tone with the intention of releasing the blockages you have to becoming your 5th dimensional/higher self.
This aspect of us is just waiting to come out, but we’ve been told how small and insignificant we are by so many…and in so many lifetimes! That’s why I created this sound healing. It was specifically crafted to release all of those blocks, even the ones we had no idea existed. That’s why sound healing is such a wonderful healing modality. Sound can release blockages that have been around for lifetimes!
Light Language for Aligning You with Your Higher Self, Oversoul & Source
Alignment. It’s a word we use a lot in the new age/spiritual community. But what does it actually mean? My interpretation of alignment is that when we’re in alignment, we’re in vibrational harmony with something or someone. I channeled this light language (which is 5:55 in length) to align us all with our higher selves, oversouls, and Source. This recording is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to do just that. I could feel the alignment in my body as I channeled this one. The light languages are always unique to the intention I set before channeling them. Listen to this one whenever you feel like your ego is taking over, or you just feel you need some good old fashioned alignment with the higher aspects of YOU! Joy <3
Sound Healing for Synching You with Your Ideal Timeline
Your ideal timeline. What exactly is that, anyway? A timeline is just the current version of our past, present and future. Think of them as trails on a hike. Some trails came from the parking lot and lead to a waterfall. Others start in a field and lead to caves. Same nature preserve, different trails. We change our timelines often, and we usually don’t realize it. We change our past and our future (and of course our present) in the NOW. That’s what this sound healing is all about. By listening to it in the now, you’ll shift your vibration to harmonize, or synch, you up with your ideal timeline. You may think you can use your mind to visualize your way to that ideal timeline, but your mind is limited in what it can even conceive of. That’s why it’s best to use vibration to synch ourselves up. This sound healing I created with one of my crystal bowls and the tones I channeled will put you on your ideal timeline. Joy! <3
Light Language for Maximizing Your Body’s Ability to Receive High Frequency Energies
Our bodies. We know that they’re often falling a bit behind the evolution of our consciousness. And when those high frequency energies come pouring in from the higher realms, we can get a bit worn out. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission. I want to be able to handle the higher frequency energies, and I’ll do anything I can to help my body do so.This light language transmission contains the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to help your body assimilate those higher frequency energies that are coming at us from all angles. Listen to this one and then open yourself up to receive all that’s coming from the higher realms, including the Earth’s core and the sun. Feel the difference. Joy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with the Fastest Timeline to Ascension
Ascension. When is it gonna happen already?? Well, I keep hearing 2028 in private sessions, but I also hear the guides saying that it could happen sooner if we jump timelines. That’s what this light language transmission is all about…getting you in the right frequency to jump timelines to the one where ascension will occur sooner than later. I channeled this light language and could feel the infusion of the energy of ascension. This is a HIGHfrequencytransmission of intention, vibration, and galactic light codes. Do this one once a day until you feel that you’ve jumped timelines and that ascension is right around the corner. Joy! <3
Light Language for Putting You in the Fifth Dimensional Frequency State
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that holds the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to take you to the fifth dimensional frequency state. As fourth dimensional beings, we have access to the fifth dimensional frequency state, and once we achieve that state, it’s up to us to hold it. If you need to listen to this one a few times in a row to really get the momentum doing, absolutely do so. And then hold the frequency of 5D for as long as you can while doing the things you normally do in a day. See how long you can hold it for, and then see if you can hold it for longer the following day. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Insomnia & Embracing Sleep
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 48 seconds, I channeled a light language that will release your insomnia and get you to embrace the sleep you so desire. Listening to this recording right before bed, focusing on it, and letting the light language and galactic light codes work on you is the best prescription for a restful night’s sleep. The light language is encoded with the vibration and intention to bring about the best sleep you could possibly experience. If you don’t fall asleep upon the first listen, play it on a loop (at low volume) until you do…or at least until you are sleepy enough to fall asleep on your own. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating the Joy Vibration
In this transmission of just over 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration of joy. This light language will activate the joy vibration within you, putting that vibration in your field, and aligning you with joyous experiences throughout your day. This is a good one to listen to before you start your day, and you can also use it to pick yourself up when you’re feeling down. It’s definitely going to put a smile on your face 🙂. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Ideal Timeline
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, energy, and vibration to bring help you harmonize with your ideal timeline. This is one that you can listen to again and again, as we are constantly shifting timelines at this stage of our evolution. You may even get inspired to speak a light language of your own after listening a few times. Or just sit back, listen, and let the codes and light language do all the work.Enjoy! <3
How to Maintain a High Vibration & Be of Service to Those Offering a Low Vibration
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a process for helping us hold a higher vibration while those around us are not. When we have no choice but to be around people who are always looking at the negative, worrying, or fearing the worst, this process can be a lifesaver. Ultimately there are people who we do love and want to spend time with (like family members), but who are at a point in their lives where they can only offer a low vibration. And we can help, while also maintaining a higher vibration. Love <3
Light Language for Clearing Your Energy Field & Making Room for Higher Frequency Energies
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I brought through a light language that is infused with the energy, codes, and intention to clear your energy field, making room for higher frequency energies to take their place. The language will also fill your field with the vibration that will attract those higher frequency energies. After listening a few times, you might get inspired to speak a light language of your own. It doesn’t have to be the same, or even similar, to the language I brought through in order to be effective. Love! <3
Mantras for Embodying More of Source Energy ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 and a half minutes, I channeledThe Creators, and they offered a series of mantras that, when spoken and aligned with, will allow you to embody more of Source Energy in your daily life. The Creators make sure that you resonate with each mantra before moving on to the next one. Each mantra was chosen carefully by The C’s. The result is that you will shift your vibration significantly enough to become more of the You that you have always intended to be. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing All That No Longer Serves You
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I bring through a light language that is infused with the vibration that will release anything you have been holding onto that no longer serves you. Any energies, traumas, thought forms, emotions, beliefs, and attachments that you have will be released from your field, your chakras, your cells and your mind when you listen to this recording. Listen as often as you feel you need to, and eventually, you may even create your own light language to release what no longer serves you. Replace it with Love! <3
Accessing the Power of Higher Vibrations ∞Audio Recording
The audio recording of this onlineevent I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton and The Creators is a little over an hour and a half in length. On the recording, you’ll receive a guided meditation from Maricris, as well as a channeled transmission from The Creators on the topic at hand. Also, Maricris offered a list of 8 ways to raise your vibration.
Next, The Creators took questions from the attendees, and they offered their unparalleled wisdom in the responses. And finally, Maricris took questions from the attendees, and she used her gifts as a Psychic Priestess and Shamanic Soul Activator to answer them. There’s a lot packed into this 90 minute recording. Enjoy! <3
Vibrational Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes from Yeshua, he takes us through a process of upgrading and up-leveling our vibrations. He connects us to a field that represents our daily vibrational offering, and he helps us merge that with the highest vibrational offering coming from our heart centers. He also offers a transmission to surround us and support us through the process. After listening to this download, you will feel re-charged, re-energized, and recommitted to holding a higher vibration throughout your day. Enjoy! <3
Joy Activation ∞The Buddha
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Buddha walks us through a process to access, activate, and utilize the joy vibration to create and filter our reality. This is a process you can do to start each and every day in order to set the tone and intention for everything you experience throughout the day. You can also do this process with the intention of activating any of the higher frequency vibrations you want to create with and use to filter your reality. All you have to do is replace joy with that other high frequency vibration. Enjoy! <3
Joy Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this 18-minute Joy Meditation, Archangel Michael helps us identify the frequency of Joy within us, and then they spread that joy around our entire physical bodies. Set to beautiful new age music, this meditation is sure to shift your vibration. Michael’s soothing energy will stay with you, filling you with that angelic magic throughout your day. You’ll be feeling the JOY! <3
Raise Your Vibration Meditation ∞The Creators
In this meditation of about 15 and a half minutes, The Creators guide us to raise our vibration easily and effortlessly. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it is filled with the high frequency vibration that The Creators infused it with. You can use this meditation every day to raise your vibration to higher and higher levels! Enjoy <3
Holding a Fifth Dimensional Frequency Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this 15 and a half minute meditation, Archangel Michael walks us through several processes to aid and assist us in holding a fifth dimensional frequency. Set to beautiful new age music, this one is sure to put your vibration in the higher echelons of yumminess! Enjoy <3
Breathing Exercises to Raise Your Vibration ∞The Founders
In this download of just under 12 minutes, Archangel Michael describes what energy, vibration, and frequency are in relationship to each other, and they take us through a process to find and hold the frequency we desire to experience in our reality. And, of course, we get that angelic transmission to hold space as we do the process. Enjoy!
Seven Steps to Raising Your Vibration ∞The Creators
Raising your vibration. Our vibration is the frequency at which our energy is moving. It determines everything that comes to us and doesn’t come to us. It is responsible for our emotions, our thoughts, our finances, our health, the relationships and other people we experience, the opportunities that come our way, our access to our spiritual gifts. Again, it really is everything. That’s why this recording from The Creators with the seven steps to raising your vibration is particularly powerful. The C’s give you the steps in easy-to-follow instructions. You’ll notice that there is background music playing along with the channeling of The Creators and the detailed steps they outline in the exercise.
If you’ve bought many recordings from me in the past, and this is the first time you’ve encountered this type of background music playing, I apologize. It was one of the first recordings ever made for my website, and at the time, it seemed like a good idea. If I had the raw file to send you without the background music, I would, but this was made in 2013. So wherever that raw recording is, I certainly do not know. But I hope you find the music accompanying the channeling to be quite uplifting and even soothing as you listen to the Creators.Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with the New Earth
The New Earth. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? I know I have. It’s the Earth we are ascending to. What is the New Earth like, you might wonder? Well, it’s a paradise. It’s a garden of Eden. Heaven on Earth would be a good way of describing the New Earth. No pollution. No crime. No cataclysmic changes, or so-called ‘natural disasters.’ There will be nothing on the New Earth that is not wanted and everything you have decided (in the living of your lifetimes here) that you do want to experience. And while you’re experiencing the New Earth, you will still be creating and deciding what could be better about it. Joy! <3
I channeled this 6-minute language of light with the intention that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to align you with the New Earth as soon as humanly possible! I do believe that we can live in a fifth-dimensional frequency state NOW, regardless of what the rest of humanity is doing, and therefore, I know that you can access the New Earth and your fifth-dimensional self in this moment, rather than just waiting for a solar flash, event, e.t.s to come and take us all away on spaceships, etc. There is no time like the present, and there is no Earth like the New Earth. So sit back, put your feet up, and listen to this light language as it whisks you away to the New Fifth-Dimensional Earth plane of existence. Love <3
Meditation for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive All Higher Frequency Energies, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞Yeshua
Higher Frequency Energy, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive all that you’ve summoned? An open crown chakra will certainly allow you to do so, and in this 15-minute guided meditation from Yeshua, the ascended master leads us through a simple and easy-to-follow process for opening up and receiving through that amazing chakra that sits at the top of our heads. The crown chakra can and will receive more than you can possibly imagine. Yeshua is the perfect guide to take us through this process, as he certainly accessed so much higher frequency energy, as well as so many downloads, upgrades, and activations in his lifetime here on Earth. This soothing yet powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music, created specifically and exclusively for me and the meditations I channel by the talented musician that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for many years, Anneda Char. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing All Blocks & Putting You in the Flow of High Frequency Energies
Blocks. We know we have them, and even if we can pinpoint what they are and where they are, it can still be challenging to remove them. This light language transmission I channeled will release those blockages and put you in the flow of the higher frequency energies. Being in the flow is so important at this time, as the energies tend to have their way with us if we don’t flow with them. Listen to this one whenever you feel that you’re out of that flow or when you are feeling the effects of the blockages on your energetic, physical, mental, and/or emotional bodies. Feel good! <3
5D Frequency Upgrade & Higher Self Alignment ∞The PHCo7
In this download of just under 13 minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer up a Fifth Dimensional Frequency Upgrade and an alignment with our Higher Selves. According to the P’s, we are now ready to start receiving the 5D energy that’s all around us and to actualize our Higher Selves in order to live the lives of our dreams. You will probably want to drink a lot of water before and after this one, and prepare yourself for a powerful download of energy. Enjoy! <3
Energy Receptor Clearing for High-Frequency Downloads ∞The PHCo7
This download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, brought to you by The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, will help you clear away the gunk that’s in your cell’s energy receptors so that you can fully receive the high-frequency downloads that are coming from the higher realms, the sun, and the photon belt. The P’s lead us through a meditation that not only clears the receptors, but they also guide us through a process for bringing the energies from those downloads in through our fields, chakras, and ultimately, our cells. Enjoy! <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of over 12 minutes, Archangel Michael offers a clearing of the energy, trauma, emotions, and attachments from our energetic field (also known as the auric field). After assisting us in clearing out the old, Michael offers a frequency upgrade for our fields so that we can receive the downloads we already have waiting for us. This upgrade will also help us hold more of that Fifth-Dimensional Love and Light in our fields. Enjoy <3
Frequency Upgrade ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
When I woke up the morning after the full moon in May of 2016, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven told me that they were going to give me a much needed frequency upgrade. So I laid back and accepted it. And then I thought, “This must be this week’s download!” And so it is. It’s 11 and a half minutes of the PHCo7 facilitating some scheduled maintenance for our bodies and energy fields. All you have to do is lay back and enjoy the process as they do what they do so well! <3.
How to Find & Hold a Frequency ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of just under 12 minutes, Archangel Michael describes what energy, vibration, and frequency are in relationship to each other, and they take us through a process to find and hold the frequency we desire to experience in our reality. And, of course, we get that angelic transmission to hold space as we do the process. Enjoy!
Raise Your Vibration ∞Mega Bundle
This Raise Your Vibration Mega Bundle Consists of 44 Recordings that I Chose for the Unique Purpose of Raising Your Vibration. When you Listen to these Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations, Mantras, Processes
This Raise Your Vibration Mega Bundle Consists of 44 Recordings that I Chose for the Unique Purpose of Raising Your Vibration. When you Listen to these Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations, Mantras, Processes, Breathing Exercises, and a Workshop Recording. The Full Price for All of these Recordings is Over $675. You Can Listen to Them in Any Order You Choose, and Some You Will Want to Listen to Over and Over Again!
Light Language for a Full Energy Reset ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
A full energy reset. What does that mean? Well, everything is comprised of energy. Our bodies are energy. Our emotions are energy. Our thoughts are also energy. Our chakras are our energy centers. Energy field? You better believe that’s comprised of energy. So a full energy reset is a clearing and cleansing of all that is no longer serving us in those energetic bodies, beings, and centers. Any negative thoughts, beliefs, attachments, emotions, traumas, and so on will all be cleansed, released, and cleared by this full energy reset. How is that possible, you might wonder. A light language is a powerful energetic transmission. It’s not words in a galactic language that we’re supposed to interpret into our own. Each light language is an upgrade, cleansing, clearing and activation of what is intended for the light language. Love <3
Before I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I set the intention that it would be a light language for a full energy reset, and as such, it contains the vibration, intention, energies, and galactic light codes to give you that full energy reset you want and need. Listen to this one whenever you feel you need an energy boost, an energetic cleanse, or you just feel weighed down by everything you have picked up along your path…or throughout the day you’re living in. This one can be used over and over again, and each time you’ll feel the difference in your body, mind, emotions, thoughts, and overall outlook on life. Joy!
Light Language for Starting Your Day Off In a High Vibration
Being in a high vibration. It’s so important and such a huge part of the teachings I’ve channeled from The 9D Arcturian Council and all of the other beings/collectives I’ve worked with over the years. When you start your day off in a high vibration, it’s easier to maintain that higher-vibrational state of being throughout the entire day. And what does that mean? It means you will create the reality you want to experience, experience it, and enjoy the experience of it. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for putting you in a high vibration so that you can live your best day and your best life. Joy!
Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset
In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset. Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your day. Joy! <3
Light Language for Giving You a Full Frequency Reset
A full frequency reset. Sounds pretty amazing, but what is it exactly? We have higher and lower frequencies running within our bodies, energy fields, meridian lines, and chakras that affect everything we do, think and say. They even affect our beliefs and our powers of manifestation. And most of them are frequencies we picked up from teachers, parents, media, and others who meant well (or perhaps didn’t!), and the end result is that we’re playing/running the same 3D programs that they did. And so, those lower-vibrational frequencies are holding us back from becoming our true selves, our 5D/Higher Selves. This light language can and will clear those lower-vibrational frequencies! Joy <3
I set the intention for a full frequency reset before channeling this 6-minute light language, and I can already feel the difference in myself as I write up this description! The light language is infused with not only the intention I held, but it also has galactic light codes embedded in it to release those lower frequencies from you in order to allow in the higher-frequency codes, energies and information. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and let the higher frequencies in this light language take over all of your bodies, your cells, chakras, and more. Love! <3
Morning Meditation for Starting Your Day ∞Archangel Michael
In my opinion, meditation is always the best way to start each day, and that’s why I channeled this 15-minute guided meditation from Archangel Michael. This Morning Meditation is set to beautiful new age music composed by my friend, musician Anneda Char. Throughout the course of the 15-minute meditation, Archangel Michael guides us through a series of processes and visualizations that will not only get your day started off on the right foot, but it will also ensure that your day ends on that same positive note.
You can listen to this recording before you get out of bed in the morning, or near the beginning of your day, and it will set the tone for all of your actions, interactions, and thoughts as you move through the activities you want to take part in, as well as the ones you feel you must take care of because they’ve been on your to-do list for weeks. To do so with the right energy, the highest possible vibration, is the best way to ensure your success, as well as minimizing any resistance you might have to the actions and interactions that are required of you by work or familial obligations. You have the power within you to control how your day unfolds. Joy! <3
Light Language for Dissolving All Impediments to You Being Your Highest Self
Once we awaken to the truth of who we really are, the desire to become our highest and best self becomes stronger and stronger. That desire is often met with the harsh reality that change in the physical is slow in coming and that the journey we are on is a marathon and not a sprint. That’s why I created this light language. I channeled this language of light for six minutes while holding the intention, energy, vibration, and accessing the galactic light codes to dissolve anything and everything that is getting in between you and the highest version of yourself that you can be in this moment. Light languages work by activating what is already inside of us but has been lying dormant in our bodies, chakras, and/or energy fields. This is the perfect time to unlock all that is inside of ourselves, as there are so many energies around in support of us becoming our highest selves. I know that this light language is just the thing to get you there. Love! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up & Moving High-Frequency Energies Through Your Body
Moving high-frequency energy through our bodies. It’s something I channel about all the time, and something I’ve experienced countless times in this lifetime. And I want everyone to be able to experience that magical feeling of being lit up, filled with goosebumps, and energized by non-physical, unconditional love. That’s why I created this light language of 6 minutes in length. Before I began channeling the light language transmission, I held that intention for the light language that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to the energies that are all around you. I then channeled the light language and could feel the power of it as it moved through me. This experience of having high-frequency energy moving through me happened for the first time, without any intention on my part, in 2010 and eventually led to my channeling The Creators in the Fall of 2010. Now, it’s a daily practice of mine, and I invite you to give yourself the gift of this truly magical and transformative experience. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy & Other High Vibrational States of Being
Sound is such a powerful tool for putting us in a higher vibrational state of being, but unless we are listening to a song that we really love, we often don’t tune in to the tones, sounds, and overtones that are all around us and have the power to uplift us with such ease. That’s why I created this recording of 10 minutes and 10 seconds of me playing a crystal bowl, while channeling tones and overtones that carry the intention of raising the vibration of the listener to new heights. I’ve noticed that toning is one of the easiest and fastest ways for me to raise my vibration, and that’s why I’m so happy to offer this recording to all of you. If you want to tone along with me, or come up with your own tones and sounds to accompany the recording, that will also help to raise your vibration into a state of joy, bliss, or ecstasy as well. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs of Not Being Good Enough
The feeling of not being good enough can get started at a very young age. For me, it began with being raised Catholic and always fearing that I was not be good enough to get into Heaven. And then there’s not feeling good enough to receive love, not feeling good enough to receive your full value monetarily. I’m sure there are lots of awakened individuals who are also feeling not good enough to ascend, or to access their spiritual gifts. This feeling of not being good enough is perpetuated by a society that is extremely judgmental. And that’s why I created this light language transmission. I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it will activate your vibration of feeling that you’re more than enough, just as you are. The light language is also infused with galactic light codes that will elevate your consciousness so that you can allow in all that you have asked for and deserve. Love! <3
Meditation for Releasing Over-Thinking & Activating Bliss ∞Archangel Michael
Over-thinking. Sometimes it seems like our thoughts are completely out of our realm of control. Thoughts seem to have a seductive quality as well, as if we can think our way into a solution to every problem we’ve ever created with our lower-frequency vibration. We think, and we think, and then we remember that we create our reality, and we worry about the thoughts we’ve been thinking creating a reality we definitely don’t want to experience. It’s a vicious cycle. This 15-minute, guided meditation from Archangel Michael will get you to break that cycle. Michael leads us through a process that’s incredibly easy to follow, and the Archangel doesn’t just help us with the releasing of those unwanted thoughts. There’s also an activation of the feeling of bliss that will leave you feeling like you’re on cloud nine, with Michael sitting right beside you. Love! <3
Meditation to Achieve Alignment from Ophelia The Faerie
Meditation to Achieve Alignment from Ophelia The Faerie – Ophelia The Faerie takes you through this guided meditation to help you achieve alignment of your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. It will also align you with your Oversoul, Higher Self, the Universe, and Source. Ophelia the Faerie‘s soothing energy will ground you into your heart center and leave you feeling lighter, more calm, infinitely expanded, and completely aligned. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, which was channeled by the gifted Evan Hatfield. This guided meditation is just under 18 and a half minutes in length, and it’s the perfect way to start your day off on the right foot.
Guided Meditation for Relaxation & Inducing Sleep ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Guided Meditation for Relaxation & Inducing Sleep. Relax. It’s much easier said than done. Usually when someone tells us to “relax,” it’s when we are at our most un-relaxed, and it’s pretty annoying!
And sleep. I’ve struggled with sleep for most of my adult life. Oh, to go back to those days of my childhood when sleep came so easily to me. How great would that be? That’s why I channeled Archangel Michael for this guided sleep meditation. Meditation has helped me with sleep so much over the years, and now I feel that I am much less of an insomniac than I was in my 20’s and 30’s.
Sound Healing for Raising Your Vibration
We all know how important our vibration is. Our vibration determines what we experience in our lives. The higher our vibration is, the more we attract better feeling experiences to us.
Spend ten minutes each day with this download to ensure that you are aligned with your highest vibration. Close your eyes, focus on your heart and let the complementary tones of my voice and crystal bowl encircle your energy field. When you are feeling the resonance within, then you can extend it out to encompass every aspect of your daily life.
In this 10-minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to raise your overall vibration. I also played one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sounds created by the bowl to have that same vibration-raising effect on the listener. We hear about raising our vibration all the time, but it can be a bit of a daunting task, especially on those really tough days. The power of sound to shift our vibration is not talked about in mainstream society nearly enough, and yet we all know from experience that hearing a certain song can bring us back to a very happy memory, shifting our vibration immediately. Listen to this one first thing in the morning or whenever you need a boost to your core vibration. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Christ Consciousness
I encourage you to use this Sound Healing for Activating Your Christ consciousness. We are now in the time of the true second coming of Jesus, because we are the beings here to usher in this new age. We can experience the world in the way he did…Christ even says that in the Bible, and not even the kings and popes who edited the cool stuff out caught that one!
Christ consciousness is a state of being. It’s a knowing that you are one with everything and exist in this reality as Source Energy in a physical body. This level of consciousness is attainable, no matter what we were taught when we were being indoctrinated as children by the seemingly all-powerful adults in our lives. That’s why I created this sound healing.
I channeled these high vibrational tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, infusing the tones and sounds with the intention to activate that Christ consciousness within the listener. You. That’s right. You can experience Christ consciousness. So why not do it? Once a day seems like a good idea to me :). Love! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Becoming Your 5D/Higher Self
Use this 10-minute sound healing with channeled tones by me for releasing all blocks to becoming your higher self. I played one of my crystal bowls to add to the power of the energy created by the tones. I infused each tone with the intention of releasing the blockages you have to becoming your 5th dimensional/higher self.
This aspect of us is just waiting to come out, but we’ve been told how small and insignificant we are by so many…and in so many lifetimes! That’s why I created this sound healing. It was specifically crafted to release all of those blocks, even the ones we had no idea existed. That’s why sound healing is such a wonderful healing modality. Sound can release blockages that have been around for lifetimes!
Light Language for Aligning You with Your Higher Self, Oversoul & Source
Alignment. It’s a word we use a lot in the new age/spiritual community. But what does it actually mean? My interpretation of alignment is that when we’re in alignment, we’re in vibrational harmony with something or someone. I channeled this light language (which is 5:55 in length) to align us all with our higher selves, oversouls, and Source. This recording is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to do just that. I could feel the alignment in my body as I channeled this one. The light languages are always unique to the intention I set before channeling them. Listen to this one whenever you feel like your ego is taking over, or you just feel you need some good old fashioned alignment with the higher aspects of YOU! Joy <3
Sound Healing for Synching You with Your Ideal Timeline
Your ideal timeline. What exactly is that, anyway? A timeline is just the current version of our past, present and future. Think of them as trails on a hike. Some trails came from the parking lot and lead to a waterfall. Others start in a field and lead to caves. Same nature preserve, different trails. We change our timelines often, and we usually don’t realize it. We change our past and our future (and of course our present) in the NOW. That’s what this sound healing is all about. By listening to it in the now, you’ll shift your vibration to harmonize, or synch, you up with your ideal timeline. You may think you can use your mind to visualize your way to that ideal timeline, but your mind is limited in what it can even conceive of. That’s why it’s best to use vibration to synch ourselves up. This sound healing I created with one of my crystal bowls and the tones I channeled will put you on your ideal timeline. Joy! <3
Light Language for Maximizing Your Body’s Ability to Receive High Frequency Energies
Our bodies. We know that they’re often falling a bit behind the evolution of our consciousness. And when those high frequency energies come pouring in from the higher realms, we can get a bit worn out. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission. I want to be able to handle the higher frequency energies, and I’ll do anything I can to help my body do so. This light language transmission contains the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to help your body assimilate those higher frequency energies that are coming at us from all angles. Listen to this one and then open yourself up to receive all that’s coming from the higher realms, including the Earth’s core and the sun. Feel the difference. Joy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with the Fastest Timeline to Ascension
Ascension. When is it gonna happen already?? Well, I keep hearing 2028 in private sessions, but I also hear the guides saying that it could happen sooner if we jump timelines. That’s what this light language transmission is all about…getting you in the right frequency to jump timelines to the one where ascension will occur sooner than later. I channeled this light language and could feel the infusion of the energy of ascension. This is a HIGH frequency transmission of intention, vibration, and galactic light codes. Do this one once a day until you feel that you’ve jumped timelines and that ascension is right around the corner. Joy! <3
Light Language for Putting You in the Fifth Dimensional Frequency State
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that holds the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to take you to the fifth dimensional frequency state. As fourth dimensional beings, we have access to the fifth dimensional frequency state, and once we achieve that state, it’s up to us to hold it. If you need to listen to this one a few times in a row to really get the momentum doing, absolutely do so. And then hold the frequency of 5D for as long as you can while doing the things you normally do in a day. See how long you can hold it for, and then see if you can hold it for longer the following day. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Insomnia & Embracing Sleep
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 48 seconds, I channeled a light language that will release your insomnia and get you to embrace the sleep you so desire. Listening to this recording right before bed, focusing on it, and letting the light language and galactic light codes work on you is the best prescription for a restful night’s sleep. The light language is encoded with the vibration and intention to bring about the best sleep you could possibly experience. If you don’t fall asleep upon the first listen, play it on a loop (at low volume) until you do…or at least until you are sleepy enough to fall asleep on your own. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating the Joy Vibration
In this transmission of just over 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration of joy. This light language will activate the joy vibration within you, putting that vibration in your field, and aligning you with joyous experiences throughout your day. This is a good one to listen to before you start your day, and you can also use it to pick yourself up when you’re feeling down. It’s definitely going to put a smile on your face 🙂. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Ideal Timeline
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, energy, and vibration to bring help you harmonize with your ideal timeline. This is one that you can listen to again and again, as we are constantly shifting timelines at this stage of our evolution. You may even get inspired to speak a light language of your own after listening a few times. Or just sit back, listen, and let the codes and light language do all the work. Enjoy! <3
How to Maintain a High Vibration & Be of Service to Those Offering a Low Vibration
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a process for helping us hold a higher vibration while those around us are not. When we have no choice but to be around people who are always looking at the negative, worrying, or fearing the worst, this process can be a lifesaver. Ultimately there are people who we do love and want to spend time with (like family members), but who are at a point in their lives where they can only offer a low vibration. And we can help, while also maintaining a higher vibration. Love <3
Light Language for Clearing Your Energy Field & Making Room for Higher Frequency Energies
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I brought through a light language that is infused with the energy, codes, and intention to clear your energy field, making room for higher frequency energies to take their place. The language will also fill your field with the vibration that will attract those higher frequency energies. After listening a few times, you might get inspired to speak a light language of your own. It doesn’t have to be the same, or even similar, to the language I brought through in order to be effective. Love! <3
Mantras for Embodying More of Source Energy ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 and a half minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they offered a series of mantras that, when spoken and aligned with, will allow you to embody more of Source Energy in your daily life. The Creators make sure that you resonate with each mantra before moving on to the next one. Each mantra was chosen carefully by The C’s. The result is that you will shift your vibration significantly enough to become more of the You that you have always intended to be. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing All That No Longer Serves You
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I bring through a light language that is infused with the vibration that will release anything you have been holding onto that no longer serves you. Any energies, traumas, thought forms, emotions, beliefs, and attachments that you have will be released from your field, your chakras, your cells and your mind when you listen to this recording. Listen as often as you feel you need to, and eventually, you may even create your own light language to release what no longer serves you. Replace it with Love! <3
Accessing the Power of Higher Vibrations ∞Audio Recording
The audio recording of this online event I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton and The Creators is a little over an hour and a half in length. On the recording, you’ll receive a guided meditation from Maricris, as well as a channeled transmission from The Creators on the topic at hand. Also, Maricris offered a list of 8 ways to raise your vibration.
Next, The Creators took questions from the attendees, and they offered their unparalleled wisdom in the responses. And finally, Maricris took questions from the attendees, and she used her gifts as a Psychic Priestess and Shamanic Soul Activator to answer them. There’s a lot packed into this 90 minute recording. Enjoy! <3
Vibrational Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes from Yeshua, he takes us through a process of upgrading and up-leveling our vibrations. He connects us to a field that represents our daily vibrational offering, and he helps us merge that with the highest vibrational offering coming from our heart centers. He also offers a transmission to surround us and support us through the process. After listening to this download, you will feel re-charged, re-energized, and recommitted to holding a higher vibration throughout your day. Enjoy! <3
Joy Activation ∞The Buddha
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Buddha walks us through a process to access, activate, and utilize the joy vibration to create and filter our reality. This is a process you can do to start each and every day in order to set the tone and intention for everything you experience throughout the day. You can also do this process with the intention of activating any of the higher frequency vibrations you want to create with and use to filter your reality. All you have to do is replace joy with that other high frequency vibration. Enjoy! <3
Joy Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this 18-minute Joy Meditation, Archangel Michael helps us identify the frequency of Joy within us, and then they spread that joy around our entire physical bodies. Set to beautiful new age music, this meditation is sure to shift your vibration. Michael’s soothing energy will stay with you, filling you with that angelic magic throughout your day. You’ll be feeling the JOY! <3
Raise Your Vibration Meditation ∞The Creators
In this meditation of about 15 and a half minutes, The Creators guide us to raise our vibration easily and effortlessly. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it is filled with the high frequency vibration that The Creators infused it with. You can use this meditation every day to raise your vibration to higher and higher levels! Enjoy <3
Holding a Fifth Dimensional Frequency Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this 15 and a half minute meditation, Archangel Michael walks us through several processes to aid and assist us in holding a fifth dimensional frequency. Set to beautiful new age music, this one is sure to put your vibration in the higher echelons of yumminess! Enjoy <3
Breathing Exercises to Raise Your Vibration ∞The Founders
In this download of just under 12 minutes, Archangel Michael describes what energy, vibration, and frequency are in relationship to each other, and they take us through a process to find and hold the frequency we desire to experience in our reality. And, of course, we get that angelic transmission to hold space as we do the process. Enjoy!
Seven Steps to Raising Your Vibration ∞The Creators
Raising your vibration. Our vibration is the frequency at which our energy is moving. It determines everything that comes to us and doesn’t come to us. It is responsible for our emotions, our thoughts, our finances, our health, the relationships and other people we experience, the opportunities that come our way, our access to our spiritual gifts. Again, it really is everything. That’s why this recording from The Creators with the seven steps to raising your vibration is particularly powerful. The C’s give you the steps in easy-to-follow instructions. You’ll notice that there is background music playing along with the channeling of The Creators and the detailed steps they outline in the exercise.
If you’ve bought many recordings from me in the past, and this is the first time you’ve encountered this type of background music playing, I apologize. It was one of the first recordings ever made for my website, and at the time, it seemed like a good idea. If I had the raw file to send you without the background music, I would, but this was made in 2013. So wherever that raw recording is, I certainly do not know. But I hope you find the music accompanying the channeling to be quite uplifting and even soothing as you listen to the Creators. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with the New Earth
The New Earth. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? I know I have. It’s the Earth we are ascending to. What is the New Earth like, you might wonder? Well, it’s a paradise. It’s a garden of Eden. Heaven on Earth would be a good way of describing the New Earth. No pollution. No crime. No cataclysmic changes, or so-called ‘natural disasters.’ There will be nothing on the New Earth that is not wanted and everything you have decided (in the living of your lifetimes here) that you do want to experience. And while you’re experiencing the New Earth, you will still be creating and deciding what could be better about it. Joy! <3
I channeled this 6-minute language of light with the intention that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to align you with the New Earth as soon as humanly possible! I do believe that we can live in a fifth-dimensional frequency state NOW, regardless of what the rest of humanity is doing, and therefore, I know that you can access the New Earth and your fifth-dimensional self in this moment, rather than just waiting for a solar flash, event, e.t.s to come and take us all away on spaceships, etc. There is no time like the present, and there is no Earth like the New Earth. So sit back, put your feet up, and listen to this light language as it whisks you away to the New Fifth-Dimensional Earth plane of existence. Love <3
Meditation for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive All Higher Frequency Energies, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞Yeshua
Higher Frequency Energy, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive all that you’ve summoned? An open crown chakra will certainly allow you to do so, and in this 15-minute guided meditation from Yeshua, the ascended master leads us through a simple and easy-to-follow process for opening up and receiving through that amazing chakra that sits at the top of our heads. The crown chakra can and will receive more than you can possibly imagine. Yeshua is the perfect guide to take us through this process, as he certainly accessed so much higher frequency energy, as well as so many downloads, upgrades, and activations in his lifetime here on Earth. This soothing yet powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music, created specifically and exclusively for me and the meditations I channel by the talented musician that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for many years, Anneda Char. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing All Blocks & Putting You in the Flow of High Frequency Energies
Blocks. We know we have them, and even if we can pinpoint what they are and where they are, it can still be challenging to remove them. This light language transmission I channeled will release those blockages and put you in the flow of the higher frequency energies. Being in the flow is so important at this time, as the energies tend to have their way with us if we don’t flow with them. Listen to this one whenever you feel that you’re out of that flow or when you are feeling the effects of the blockages on your energetic, physical, mental, and/or emotional bodies. Feel good! <3
5D Frequency Upgrade & Higher Self Alignment ∞The PHCo7
In this download of just under 13 minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer up a Fifth Dimensional Frequency Upgrade and an alignment with our Higher Selves. According to the P’s, we are now ready to start receiving the 5D energy that’s all around us and to actualize our Higher Selves in order to live the lives of our dreams. You will probably want to drink a lot of water before and after this one, and prepare yourself for a powerful download of energy. Enjoy! <3
Energy Receptor Clearing for High-Frequency Downloads ∞The PHCo7
This download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, brought to you by The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, will help you clear away the gunk that’s in your cell’s energy receptors so that you can fully receive the high-frequency downloads that are coming from the higher realms, the sun, and the photon belt. The P’s lead us through a meditation that not only clears the receptors, but they also guide us through a process for bringing the energies from those downloads in through our fields, chakras, and ultimately, our cells. Enjoy! <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of over 12 minutes, Archangel Michael offers a clearing of the energy, trauma, emotions, and attachments from our energetic field (also known as the auric field). After assisting us in clearing out the old, Michael offers a frequency upgrade for our fields so that we can receive the downloads we already have waiting for us. This upgrade will also help us hold more of that Fifth-Dimensional Love and Light in our fields. Enjoy <3
Frequency Upgrade ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
When I woke up the morning after the full moon in May of 2016, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven told me that they were going to give me a much needed frequency upgrade. So I laid back and accepted it. And then I thought, “This must be this week’s download!” And so it is. It’s 11 and a half minutes of the PHCo7 facilitating some scheduled maintenance for our bodies and energy fields. All you have to do is lay back and enjoy the process as they do what they do so well! <3.
How to Find & Hold a Frequency ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of just under 12 minutes, Archangel Michael describes what energy, vibration, and frequency are in relationship to each other, and they take us through a process to find and hold the frequency we desire to experience in our reality. And, of course, we get that angelic transmission to hold space as we do the process. Enjoy!
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