This is a Master Course for Raising Your Vibration & Ascending to the 5th Dimension
Included in this Master Course are 22 individual recordings, totalling over9 hours of listening time. My two 3-hour courses – Ascending to the 5th Dimension & High Vibration Master Class: How to Raise Your Vibration – are included, along with 16 other meditations, light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, a course I taught with my lovely wife, and other recorded exercises. You can listen to these recordings in any order you like, and you can listen to the ones you LOVE over and over again. Ascending to the 5th Dimension and Raising Your Vibration go hand-in-hand. They are the keys to living the life of your dreams, and all the tools you need to live in a higher vibrational state and shift your consciousness to 5D are included in this master course.Enjoy! <3
Recordings from – High Vibration Master Class: How to Raise Your Vibration ∞A 3-Week Course
In the three hour-long recordings from three-week course I taught the class with the help of the beings I channel. I’ve learned a LOT of tricks on how to find, hold, and raise vibrations over the 10.5 years that I’ve been eavesdropping while channeling my guides. In addition to telling you about how I’ve applied the teachings I’ve channeled, I also channeled a different collective at the end of class each week. The Creators, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven all offered their insights and support on this very important topic of living in a higher vibrational state of being and offering that higher vibration out to the universe.
Throughout the course of the 3 hours in these recordings, I teach you all I’ve learned and applied to my life, including: how to find a vibration in your body, how to hold it, expand it out, and create your reality with it. We’ll utilize tools like breathing, toning, and visualizing to get our vibrations up and up for good! Raising one’s vibration is the key to creating one’s version of an ideal reality, and it’s also so very important if you want to become a verbal channeler as well. Being in a higher-vibrational state of being will bring you better-feeling thoughts, higher-vibrational emotions, and will help you live in a state of inner peace. It helps with your romantic relationships, your health and well-being, basically everything you could ever want it to help you with. Joy! <3
Recordings from – Ascending to the 5th Dimension ∞A 3-Week Course
The three hours of recordings from my 3-Week Course on Ascension is a journey into the fifth dimension. In this Master Course, I teach the essentials that you need to know about shifting to the fifth dimension. I’ll take you through processes, meditations, exercises, and provide you with an array of other personal practices of my own that will help you to feel more confident about your ascension journey. These recordings covered ascension symptoms, accessing your 5th dimensional gifts and abilities, and how to take your active role in helping humanity to ascend to 5D. Joy!
I also channeled The Creators, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven on the topic of navigating through the fourth dimension, on the way to 5D. As higher-dimensional beings, these collectives offered their unique perspectives on ascension that we cannot see from our 4D realm. Collectively, they’ve already brought thousands of messages through me, and those messages indicate that they’ve been leading us and aiding us on this collective journey that we’re all on, and so they are the perfect guides to elevate our consciousness and help us access our light bodies and higher selves. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy & Other High Vibrational States of Being
Sound is such a powerful tool for putting us in a higher vibrational state of being, but unless we are listening to a song that we really love, we often don’t tune in to the tones, sounds, and overtones that are all around us and have the power to uplift us with such ease. That’s why I created this recording of 10 minutes and 10 seconds of me playing a crystal bowl, while channeling tones and overtones that carry the intention of raising the vibration of the listener to new heights. I’ve noticed that toning is one of the easiest and fastest ways for me to raise my vibration, and that’s why I’m so happy to offer this recording to all of you. If you want to tone along with me, or come up with your own tones and sounds to accompany the recording, that will also help to raise your vibration into a state of joy, bliss, or ecstasy as well. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs of Not Being Good Enough
The feeling of not being good enough can get started at a very young age. For me, it began with being raised Catholic and always fearing that I was not be good enough to get into Heaven. And then there’s not feeling good enough to receive love, not feeling good enough to receive your full value monetarily. I’m sure there are lots of awakened individuals who are also feeling not good enough to ascend, or to access their spiritual gifts. This feeling of not being good enough is perpetuated by a society that is extremely judgmental. And that’s why I created this light language transmission. I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it will activate your vibration of feeling that you’re more than enough, just as you are. The light language is also infused with galactic light codes that will elevate your consciousness so that you can allow in all that you have asked for and deserve. Love! <3
Meditation for Releasing Over-Thinking & Activating Bliss ∞Archangel Michael
Over-thinking. Sometimes it seems like our thoughts are completely out of our realm of control. Thoughts seem to have a seductive quality as well, as if we can think our way into a solution to every problem we’ve ever created with our lower-frequency vibration. We think, and we think, and then we remember that we create our reality, and we worry about the thoughts we’ve been thinking creating a reality we definitely don’t want to experience. It’s a vicious cycle. This 15-minute, guided meditation from Archangel Michael will get you to break that cycle. Michael leads us through a process that’s incredibly easy to follow, and the Archangel doesn’t just help us with the releasing of those unwanted thoughts. There’s also an activation of the feeling of bliss that will leave you feeling like you’re on cloud nine, with Michael sitting right beside you. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Raising Your Vibration
In this 10-minute sound healing, I channeledtones and overtones infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to raise your overall vibration. I also played one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sounds created by the bowl to have that same vibration-raising effect on the listener. We hear about raising our vibration all the time, but it can be a bit of a daunting task, especially on those really tough days. The power of sound to shift our vibration is not talked about in mainstream society nearly enough, and yet we all know from experience that hearing a certain song can bring us back to a very happy memory, shifting our vibration immediately. Listen to this one first thing in the morning or whenever you need a boost to your core vibration. Love! <3
Light Language for Raising Your Vibration
Raising your vibration. Sometimes it feels like an impossible task. We all know how important it is, but consciously doing it can be one of life’s bigger challenges. That’s exactly why I channeled this light language with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes infused into it to raise your vibration effortlessly. This one is all about raising your vibration from wherever you are. It doesn’t matter what state of being you’re in when you start listening…your vibration will be in a higher frequency state after you’ve listened to it. Listen to it in very different states of being and see which one it has the biggest effect on. Sound is one of the easiest, quickest, and most effective ways to raise your vibration, and with this recording, all you have to do is lie back andEnjoy! <3
Accessing the Power of Higher Vibrations ∞Audio Recording
The audio recording of this onlineevent I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton and The Creators is a little over an hour and a half in length. On the recording, you’ll receive a guided meditation from Maricris, as well as a channeled transmission from The Creators on the topic at hand. Also, Maricris offered a list of 8 ways to raise your vibration. Next, The Creators took questions from the attendees, and they offered their unparalleled wisdom in the responses. And finally, Maricris took questions from the attendees, and she used her gifts as a Psychic Priestess and Shamanic Soul Activator to answer them. There’s a lot packed into this 90 minute recording. Enjoy! <3
Raise Your Vibration Meditation ∞The Creators
In this meditation of about 15 and a half minutes, The Creators guide us to raise our vibration easily and effortlessly. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it is filled with the high frequency vibration that The Creators infused it with. You can use this meditation every day to raise your vibration to higher and higher levels! Enjoy <3
Breathing Exercises to Raise Your Vibration – The Founders
Breathing. We all do it. You could say it is the only real necessity for human life, at least on a physical level. Yet how much of our attention do we really give it? I’ve been meaning to have a conscious breathing practice for almost two decades. So I sought out some help from my friends, and The Founders delivered! Three breathing exercises, all designed to raise your vibration. All super-easy. 11 minute and 11 second download. Breathe it in!
Light Language for Releasing All Blocks to Your Ascension & for Putting You on a Path of Ease to 5D
Ascension. I speak with a lot of people who are wondering whether they can ascend to the fifth dimension in this lifetime. I also look around at the current state of affairs on Earth and wonder myself if we’re even close to being able to raise our vibration collectively to the 5D level of frequency required for us to shift. So we all have our doubts, or at least many of us do. And that’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language. I intended for the light language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes that would release those blocks from our being-ness, whether the blocks are mental, emotional, or energetic. After listening to this light language, you will feel more confident that you are ascending, no matter what anyone else is saying or doing that might make it seem impossible for this to occur in our current lifetime. The light language is also infused with the intention to put you on a path to the 5th dimension that is filled with ease, joy, and excitement. Love <3
Light Language For Releasing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Ascension symptoms. Not only have I suffered from them myself, but I’ve also heard countless others talk about theirs in private sessions. Whether you experience ascension symptoms chronically, or just have bouts with acute symptoms from time to time, they are never fun and are always debilitating. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language recording. I have grown tired of my own ascension symptoms, and I’m sure many or most of you feel the same way, if not worse, about yours. When I channel a light language for a specific intention, I hold that intention, wait for a moment, and then I let the language of light flow through me while continuing to focus on the intention for it. I know that the light languages in this universe have a unique healing quality, because they often come through me spontaneously when I’m performing a healing on someone (or on myself). These light languages are powerful transmissions because they hold the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to put you in an energetic state that will open you up heal, release, or create whatever you’ve been asking the universe for.Joy! <3
Light Language with 5D Galactic Light Codes for Ascension
Ascension. We’ve been hearing about it for years. It’s been referred to as “The Shift,” “The Event,” and people talk about a solar flash or solar sneeze that will initiate this monumental shift in consciousness. A light language is a higher-dimensional form of expression that activates you in your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies. These languages of light carry within them sacred geometrical shapes and galactic light codes. I channeled this light language, and when I did, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and 5D galactic light codes to activate the experience of ascension within you. These 5D galactic light codes are lying dormant within each and every one of us, and we don’t need to wait for a solar flash, flare, sneeze, or any cosmic event to activate them so that we can exist in a fifth dimensional state. We can be in 5D now, while we remain physically present in the fourth dimension, inviting others to join us in the state of being of our Higher Selves.Joy! <3
Light Language for Accessing the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid
I channeled this light languageactivation and infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes necessary to put you into vibrational resonance with the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid. To access the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid Means you are accessing the energies coming in that are grounded by you and all the other lightworkers around the world to co-create this 5th dimensional grid system. You contribute to it, and you benefit from it at the same time, and this light language helps you to tune into it.
Light Language for Aligning You with the Fastest Timeline to Ascension
Ascension. When is it gonna happen already?? Well, I keep hearing 2028 in private sessions, but I also hear the guides saying that it could happen sooner if we jump timelines. That’s what this light language transmission is all about…getting you in the right frequency to jump timelines to the one where ascension will occur sooner than later. I channeled this light language and could feel the infusion of the energy of ascension. This is a HIGHfrequencytransmission of intention, vibration, and galactic light codes. Do this one once a day until you feel that you’ve jumped timelines and that ascension is right around the corner. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing, Releasing & Clearing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this sound healing of just over 10 minutes, my lovely wife Maricris does the shamanic drumming while I channel tones and overtones, and the result is: a healing for your ascension symptoms. Listen to this one whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pain, fatigue, and discomfort that we all sometimes experience in our physical bodies as a result of being on this ascension journey. Having had ascension symptoms for 25 years, I can relate to how debilitating they are. Having this sound healing ready to go is like having a beautiful elixir, always at the ready. Some ascension symptoms are emotional, and of course, they can also be alleviated by listening to this sound healing.Well-Being! <3
Ascension Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds,Yeshua walks us through an ascension experience. He assures us that ascension is ours for the taking, that there’s no need to earn it,and that the only requirement is a willingness to feel the love that we are. He gives us an attunement, filled with his Love and Light that will resonate with that which is Divine and eternal in all of us. This one can be done any time you need a reminder of the truth of who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with the New Earth
The New Earth. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? I know I have. It’s the Earth we are ascending to. What is the New Earth like, you might wonder? Well, it’s a paradise. It’s a garden of Eden. Heaven on Earth would be a good way of describing the New Earth. No pollution. No crime. No cataclysmic changes, or so-called ‘natural disasters.’ There will be nothing on the New Earth that is not wanted and everything you have decided (in the living of your lifetimes here) that you do want to experience. And while you’re experiencing the New Earth, you will still be creating and deciding what could be better about it. Joy! <3
Raise Your Vibration & Ascend to the 5th Dimension ∞Master Course
This is a Master Course for Raising Your Vibration & Ascending to the 5th Dimension
Included in this Master Course are 22 individual recordings, totalling over 9 hours of listening time. My two 3-hour courses – Ascending to the 5th Dimension & High Vibration Master Class: How to Raise Your Vibration – are included, along with 16 other meditations, light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, a course I taught with my lovely wife, and other recorded exercises. You can listen to these recordings in any order you like, and you can listen to the ones you LOVE over and over again. Ascending to the 5th Dimension and Raising Your Vibration go hand-in-hand. They are the keys to living the life of your dreams, and all the tools you need to live in a higher vibrational state and shift your consciousness to 5D are included in this master course. Enjoy! <3
Recordings from – High Vibration Master Class: How to Raise Your Vibration ∞A 3-Week Course
In the three hour-long recordings from three-week course I taught the class with the help of the beings I channel. I’ve learned a LOT of tricks on how to find, hold, and raise vibrations over the 10.5 years that I’ve been eavesdropping while channeling my guides. In addition to telling you about how I’ve applied the teachings I’ve channeled, I also channeled a different collective at the end of class each week. The Creators, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven all offered their insights and support on this very important topic of living in a higher vibrational state of being and offering that higher vibration out to the universe.
Throughout the course of the 3 hours in these recordings, I teach you all I’ve learned and applied to my life, including: how to find a vibration in your body, how to hold it, expand it out, and create your reality with it. We’ll utilize tools like breathing, toning, and visualizing to get our vibrations up and up for good! Raising one’s vibration is the key to creating one’s version of an ideal reality, and it’s also so very important if you want to become a verbal channeler as well. Being in a higher-vibrational state of being will bring you better-feeling thoughts, higher-vibrational emotions, and will help you live in a state of inner peace. It helps with your romantic relationships, your health and well-being, basically everything you could ever want it to help you with. Joy! <3
Recordings from – Ascending to the 5th Dimension ∞A 3-Week Course
The three hours of recordings from my 3-Week Course on Ascension is a journey into the fifth dimension. In this Master Course, I teach the essentials that you need to know about shifting to the fifth dimension. I’ll take you through processes, meditations, exercises, and provide you with an array of other personal practices of my own that will help you to feel more confident about your ascension journey. These recordings covered ascension symptoms, accessing your 5th dimensional gifts and abilities, and how to take your active role in helping humanity to ascend to 5D. Joy!
I also channeled The Creators, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven on the topic of navigating through the fourth dimension, on the way to 5D. As higher-dimensional beings, these collectives offered their unique perspectives on ascension that we cannot see from our 4D realm. Collectively, they’ve already brought thousands of messages through me, and those messages indicate that they’ve been leading us and aiding us on this collective journey that we’re all on, and so they are the perfect guides to elevate our consciousness and help us access our light bodies and higher selves. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy & Other High Vibrational States of Being
Sound is such a powerful tool for putting us in a higher vibrational state of being, but unless we are listening to a song that we really love, we often don’t tune in to the tones, sounds, and overtones that are all around us and have the power to uplift us with such ease. That’s why I created this recording of 10 minutes and 10 seconds of me playing a crystal bowl, while channeling tones and overtones that carry the intention of raising the vibration of the listener to new heights. I’ve noticed that toning is one of the easiest and fastest ways for me to raise my vibration, and that’s why I’m so happy to offer this recording to all of you. If you want to tone along with me, or come up with your own tones and sounds to accompany the recording, that will also help to raise your vibration into a state of joy, bliss, or ecstasy as well. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs of Not Being Good Enough
The feeling of not being good enough can get started at a very young age. For me, it began with being raised Catholic and always fearing that I was not be good enough to get into Heaven. And then there’s not feeling good enough to receive love, not feeling good enough to receive your full value monetarily. I’m sure there are lots of awakened individuals who are also feeling not good enough to ascend, or to access their spiritual gifts. This feeling of not being good enough is perpetuated by a society that is extremely judgmental. And that’s why I created this light language transmission. I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it will activate your vibration of feeling that you’re more than enough, just as you are. The light language is also infused with galactic light codes that will elevate your consciousness so that you can allow in all that you have asked for and deserve. Love! <3
Meditation for Releasing Over-Thinking & Activating Bliss ∞Archangel Michael
Over-thinking. Sometimes it seems like our thoughts are completely out of our realm of control. Thoughts seem to have a seductive quality as well, as if we can think our way into a solution to every problem we’ve ever created with our lower-frequency vibration. We think, and we think, and then we remember that we create our reality, and we worry about the thoughts we’ve been thinking creating a reality we definitely don’t want to experience. It’s a vicious cycle. This 15-minute, guided meditation from Archangel Michael will get you to break that cycle. Michael leads us through a process that’s incredibly easy to follow, and the Archangel doesn’t just help us with the releasing of those unwanted thoughts. There’s also an activation of the feeling of bliss that will leave you feeling like you’re on cloud nine, with Michael sitting right beside you. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Raising Your Vibration
In this 10-minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to raise your overall vibration. I also played one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sounds created by the bowl to have that same vibration-raising effect on the listener. We hear about raising our vibration all the time, but it can be a bit of a daunting task, especially on those really tough days. The power of sound to shift our vibration is not talked about in mainstream society nearly enough, and yet we all know from experience that hearing a certain song can bring us back to a very happy memory, shifting our vibration immediately. Listen to this one first thing in the morning or whenever you need a boost to your core vibration. Love! <3
Light Language for Raising Your Vibration
Raising your vibration. Sometimes it feels like an impossible task. We all know how important it is, but consciously doing it can be one of life’s bigger challenges. That’s exactly why I channeled this light language with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes infused into it to raise your vibration effortlessly. This one is all about raising your vibration from wherever you are. It doesn’t matter what state of being you’re in when you start listening…your vibration will be in a higher frequency state after you’ve listened to it. Listen to it in very different states of being and see which one it has the biggest effect on. Sound is one of the easiest, quickest, and most effective ways to raise your vibration, and with this recording, all you have to do is lie back and Enjoy! <3
Accessing the Power of Higher Vibrations ∞Audio Recording
The audio recording of this online event I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton and The Creators is a little over an hour and a half in length. On the recording, you’ll receive a guided meditation from Maricris, as well as a channeled transmission from The Creators on the topic at hand. Also, Maricris offered a list of 8 ways to raise your vibration. Next, The Creators took questions from the attendees, and they offered their unparalleled wisdom in the responses. And finally, Maricris took questions from the attendees, and she used her gifts as a Psychic Priestess and Shamanic Soul Activator to answer them. There’s a lot packed into this 90 minute recording. Enjoy! <3
Raise Your Vibration Meditation ∞The Creators
In this meditation of about 15 and a half minutes, The Creators guide us to raise our vibration easily and effortlessly. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it is filled with the high frequency vibration that The Creators infused it with. You can use this meditation every day to raise your vibration to higher and higher levels! Enjoy <3
Breathing Exercises to Raise Your Vibration – The Founders
Breathing. We all do it. You could say it is the only real necessity for human life, at least on a physical level. Yet how much of our attention do we really give it? I’ve been meaning to have a conscious breathing practice for almost two decades. So I sought out some help from my friends, and The Founders delivered! Three breathing exercises, all designed to raise your vibration. All super-easy. 11 minute and 11 second download. Breathe it in!
Light Language for Releasing All Blocks to Your Ascension & for Putting You on a Path of Ease to 5D
Ascension. I speak with a lot of people who are wondering whether they can ascend to the fifth dimension in this lifetime. I also look around at the current state of affairs on Earth and wonder myself if we’re even close to being able to raise our vibration collectively to the 5D level of frequency required for us to shift. So we all have our doubts, or at least many of us do. And that’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language. I intended for the light language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes that would release those blocks from our being-ness, whether the blocks are mental, emotional, or energetic. After listening to this light language, you will feel more confident that you are ascending, no matter what anyone else is saying or doing that might make it seem impossible for this to occur in our current lifetime. The light language is also infused with the intention to put you on a path to the 5th dimension that is filled with ease, joy, and excitement. Love <3
Light Language For Releasing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Ascension symptoms. Not only have I suffered from them myself, but I’ve also heard countless others talk about theirs in private sessions. Whether you experience ascension symptoms chronically, or just have bouts with acute symptoms from time to time, they are never fun and are always debilitating. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language recording. I have grown tired of my own ascension symptoms, and I’m sure many or most of you feel the same way, if not worse, about yours. When I channel a light language for a specific intention, I hold that intention, wait for a moment, and then I let the language of light flow through me while continuing to focus on the intention for it. I know that the light languages in this universe have a unique healing quality, because they often come through me spontaneously when I’m performing a healing on someone (or on myself). These light languages are powerful transmissions because they hold the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to put you in an energetic state that will open you up heal, release, or create whatever you’ve been asking the universe for. Joy! <3
Light Language with 5D Galactic Light Codes for Ascension
Ascension. We’ve been hearing about it for years. It’s been referred to as “The Shift,” “The Event,” and people talk about a solar flash or solar sneeze that will initiate this monumental shift in consciousness. A light language is a higher-dimensional form of expression that activates you in your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies. These languages of light carry within them sacred geometrical shapes and galactic light codes. I channeled this light language, and when I did, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and 5D galactic light codes to activate the experience of ascension within you. These 5D galactic light codes are lying dormant within each and every one of us, and we don’t need to wait for a solar flash, flare, sneeze, or any cosmic event to activate them so that we can exist in a fifth dimensional state. We can be in 5D now, while we remain physically present in the fourth dimension, inviting others to join us in the state of being of our Higher Selves. Joy! <3
Light Language for Accessing the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid
I channeled this light language activation and infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes necessary to put you into vibrational resonance with the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid. To access the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid Means you are accessing the energies coming in that are grounded by you and all the other lightworkers around the world to co-create this 5th dimensional grid system. You contribute to it, and you benefit from it at the same time, and this light language helps you to tune into it.
Light Language for Aligning You with the Fastest Timeline to Ascension
Ascension. When is it gonna happen already?? Well, I keep hearing 2028 in private sessions, but I also hear the guides saying that it could happen sooner if we jump timelines. That’s what this light language transmission is all about…getting you in the right frequency to jump timelines to the one where ascension will occur sooner than later. I channeled this light language and could feel the infusion of the energy of ascension. This is a HIGH frequency transmission of intention, vibration, and galactic light codes. Do this one once a day until you feel that you’ve jumped timelines and that ascension is right around the corner. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing, Releasing & Clearing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this sound healing of just over 10 minutes, my lovely wife Maricris does the shamanic drumming while I channel tones and overtones, and the result is: a healing for your ascension symptoms. Listen to this one whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pain, fatigue, and discomfort that we all sometimes experience in our physical bodies as a result of being on this ascension journey. Having had ascension symptoms for 25 years, I can relate to how debilitating they are. Having this sound healing ready to go is like having a beautiful elixir, always at the ready. Some ascension symptoms are emotional, and of course, they can also be alleviated by listening to this sound healing. Well-Being! <3
Ascension Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through an ascension experience. He assures us that ascension is ours for the taking, that there’s no need to earn it, and that the only requirement is a willingness to feel the love that we are. He gives us an attunement, filled with his Love and Light that will resonate with that which is Divine and eternal in all of us. This one can be done any time you need a reminder of the truth of who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with the New Earth
The New Earth. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? I know I have. It’s the Earth we are ascending to. What is the New Earth like, you might wonder? Well, it’s a paradise. It’s a garden of Eden. Heaven on Earth would be a good way of describing the New Earth. No pollution. No crime. No cataclysmic changes, or so-called ‘natural disasters.’ There will be nothing on the New Earth that is not wanted and everything you have decided (in the living of your lifetimes here) that you do want to experience. And while you’re experiencing the New Earth, you will still be creating and deciding what could be better about it. Joy! <3
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