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Connecting with, Receiving from & Channeling Your Spirit Guides ∞Mega Bundle of Recordings
This Offering is a Bundle of 14 Recordings – Light Languages, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings, Exercises & a Meditation – All Related to Your Spirit Guides. Full Value is Over $195. What Is Included in This Bundle? All of the Following…
This Offering is a Bundle of 14 Recordings – Light Languages, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings, Exercises & a Meditation – All Related to Your Spirit Guides. Full Value is Over $195. What Is Included in This Bundle? All of the Following…
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Opening Up Communication with Your Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides. They have dedicated themselves to serving our greatest and highest good in this lifetime, but most of the time we are unaware of them and their wise messages to us. It is truly rare to meet someone who can just call upon their guides for wisdom and get an audible answer (or an answer in some other way – images, strong feelings, clear knowing, etc.). That’s why I created this 10-minute gong and throat singing recording. Before I began channeling the sounds for this one, I set the intention for the throat singing and gong sounds to hold the energy, vibration, and codes for unlocking that ability for two-way communication with our spirit guides that we all want.
I know that you will feel the power of this 10-minute recording. Gong sounds are very powerful, and my throat singing is connecting me to the inner shaman/monk/medicine man that I can sometimes feel the presence of in my awareness at other times I am working. Opening up communication with your spirit guides is definitely going to change your life for the better, and I believe that this recording is just the tool you’ve been waiting a lifetime for. Joy! <3
Light Language for Receiving Gifts from Your Spirit Guides, Galactic Team & Soul Family Members
Receiving. It’s definitely a theme in my work with the Arcturian Council. If we only knew how much we could receive and how much was earmarked specifically for us as individuals to receive from our helpers, I’m sure we would sit in quiet meditation more often, breathing and opening up to the gifts they all want to bestow upon us. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language. It’s a companion to that important passive act of opening up to receive. It contains the intention, energy, vibration and galactic light codes for granting us access to those gifts that our spirit guides, galactic team, and soul family members want to give us. What do I mean by gifts? Spiritual gifts. Manifestations of abundance, romantic partners, homes, jobs, business opportunities, e.t. encounters. Basically, anything you’ve ever told them you want. Joy! <3
I recommend listening to this one while doing the following process. You can also do this process right after listening to the light language recording. Sit or lay down, comfortably, close your eyes, uncross arms and legs and relax. Focus on being a flower, opening up your petals to the sunlight and rain, and let in the gifts that are yours and yours alone for the taking. Don’t try. Allow. Relax as deeply as you can in this process. There’s no reaching involved. No struggling or striving either. You just let go of all the burdens, all the weight of responsibility you’ve been carrying around, and you open up like the flower. The gifts will come flooding in. Love <3
Light Language for Opening You Up to Receiving Guidance from Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Other Higher-Dimensional Beings
Guidance from above. We all want it, because it’s so helpful in so many areas of our lives – spiritually, financially, romantically, physically, and in regards to all of the decisions we want and need to make. The wisdom we can download from our higher selves, spirit guides, and other higher-dimensional beings of light and love is endless. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language transmission. Before I began to channel the language of light in this downloadable mp3 recording, I set the intention for the language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to receiving guidance from your spirit guides, higher self, and all the other higher-dimensional beings that are around us all the time, seeking to offer their wisdom. Love <3
The archangels, ascended masters, faeries, your star family, galactic team, and other high-vibrational e.t. beings all want to help us with whatever we need assistance with, but we have to let that help from the higher realms in. We have to open ourselves up to their guidance, and that’s what this light language is designed to do. Listen to it whenever you need that wisdom from above, and also give it a listen before going to bed so that you can dream the pearls of wisdom from our helpers, friends, and other beings in the higher-dimensional realms. Joy! <3
Light Language For Releasing All Your Blocks to Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides. We certainly can use theirhelp, and communicating with them is the first step. So why do we sometimes have trouble getting in touch with them, and why is hearing their guidance often so challenging? It could be any number of things. First off, I’ve always been told by the beings that I channel that we need to feel for the presence of our guides first. There are other blocks that we can accumulate over time…and lifetimes, however. Maybe we listened to a guide at one time (or what we thought was a guide), and the guidance turned out to be wrong, or it took us down a path with many more challenges than we wanted to face. Maybe it’s negative thoughts, beliefs, or our minds that are blocking us.
Whatever the reason, we need to release those blocks to have the kind of contact and relationship we want to have with our spirit guides. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission of 6 minutes in length. I held the intention for this light language to blast through those blocks, giving you complete access to your guides and opening the lines of communication with them. A light language breaks through blocks because of the vibration, energy, intention, and galactic light codes infused into it. Each one that I channel is unique, and I could feel the power of this one as I channeled it. It will break through your blocks to communicating with your spirit guides. Joy! <3
An Exercise for Channeling Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Faeries, ETs & Higher Dimensional Collectives
The road to becoming a verbal channel can be a long one, filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks. I’d like to make that road a lot smoother and easier to navigate for the rest of humankind. That’s why I created this recording. This downloadable mp3 file is all me…I’m not channeling The Arcturian Council, The Creators, or any of the other higher-dimensional beings I’ve connected to since the year 2010. I was teaching a private channeling lesson the other day, and this process just came to me, as if I downloaded it on the spot. I found it to be quite brilliant, and I know it will be an effective tool for you, no matter what your level of proficiency is with channeling in this present moment. I know that you will be able to use this one to access your spirit guides, higher self, angels, archangels, faeries, e.t.s, and any other higher-dimensional beings/collectives you’ve ever wanted to channel. It’s that powerful! I hope you experience as much joy in listening to it as much as I did in creating it. Love! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up to Downloads, Activations & Upgrades from Your Spirit Guides, Angels & Galactic Team
The latest upgrades, downloads, and activations. We all want them. Our spirit guides, angels, galactic team, and other helpers from the higher realms want to give them to us. So what’s standing in the way of us receiving all of them, completely, and then using them for our greatest and highest good? Sometimes, it’s hard to sort out what might be blocking us from receiving what we’ve been asking for. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language transmission. It contains the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to open you up to that assistance that the benevolent beings throughout this universe are trying to give to us all. Listening to this light language, even once, could improve your ability to receive from this point forward in your life. I could feel the power of it when I was channeling it. All that energy, all that you’ve asked for in this and every other lifetime, could be downloaded and made available to you.Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Receiving from & Connecting to Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
The Creators are the first group of beings I ever channeled, and they are 12th-dimensional teachers of love and light. They guide us through a seriesofconscious breathing exercises that put us in a relaxed, open, receptive state to feel at one with our guides. They leave us at the end of this 12 minute and 45 second recording with the opportunity to receive wisdom, visuals, and impulses from our main spirit guides, the beings who know us better than anyone else in the universe! Conscious breathing is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal for putting us into the state of being we desire. And creating our reality, connecting to higher frequency beings, and healing ourselves are all about being in that higher vibrational state of being. This series of breathing exercises is the most powerful I’ve ever channeled.Get ready to connect to and receive from your spirit guides! Love <3
Meditation for Connecting You with Your Spirit Guides ∞Yeshua
Listen to this Meditation for Connecting You with Your Spirit Guides from Yeshua. Our spirit guides. We all want to know them better, understand them more, and receive their guidance. They know us better than anyone on this earth. They love and support us unconditionally.
This 15 minute meditation, set to beautiful new age music, contains the key to getting to know our guides more intimately. I channeled Yeshua for this one, and he brings us through a guided meditation that will put you in touch with your spirit guides. Yeshua takes you through a step-by-step process of grounding and then focusing on your breath. This meditation gives you a way to experience onenesswith your guides, with your own consciousness, with your oversoul, with your higher self, and with source.
I suggest doing this meditation whenever you feel the feeling of separation from these beautiful seventh dimensional beings who know you and love you more than anyone in human form possibly could. Having that close connection with your guides could change everything for you, and this meditation could be the tool you’ve been waiting for.Love! <3
Sound Healing for Removing All Blocks from Connecting to Your Spirit Guides
Our Spirit Guides. We would all love to hear from them more often…or at all. They are beings who have dedicated themselves to watching over us, loving us, supporting us, and of course, guiding us. And yet most of us don’t know them…or don’t hear from them. Just to be able to feel them would be nice for most of us. And that’s why I created this sound healing with the help of my new crystal bowl! I infused the intention for this recording to remove your blocks to connecting with your guides into the tones I channeled, as well as the crystal bowl playing I did. Do this one any time you want to get some guidance, support, or love from your spirit guides.Love! <3
Mantras for Connecting You to & Receiving More Wisdom from Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 12 minutes, I channeledThe Creators, and they brought through a series of mantras that will connect you more fully to your spirit guides, and they also will help you to receive more love, support, guidance, and wisdom from your guides. The C’s go further than just telling you what mantras to speak…they also guide you to resonate with the mantras vibrationally. This one is for all of us who have ever wanted more connection with our guides.Love! <3
Light Language Transmission for Connecting w/Your Spirit Guides
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes. I channel a unique light language that is infused with the intention of connecting you to your spirit guides. Light languages speak to you on a subconscious level. You will understand the words that are spoken, just not consciously. The effect of listening to the light language transmission is that you will feel more connected to your spirit guides. Eventually, you may feel inspired to speak a light language of your own, perhaps after listening to this several times. Enjoy! <3
How to Receive Messages & Confirmation from Your Spirit Guides ∞The Buddha
We all want to hear from our spirit guides more often…and with more clarity. In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Buddha guides us on how to access more from our guides, and also how to foster a better relationship with them. After listening to this download, you will feel reassured that you are on the right track, plus you will have new tools and approaches for receiving those messages and confirmations that you desire from you guides. Enjoy! <3
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
Connecting with our spirit guides. It’s something we all want to do, or do more of. In this download just less than 10 minutes in length, The Creators share with you a process that will enable you to consciously connect with andreceive the wisdom, guidance, support, and love from your spirit guides. No matter where you are in relationship to your spirit guides, this recording will help bring you into a greater and more profound experience of connection. The Creators speak about our relationship to our spirit guides briefly before getting to the actual process. They are beings of pure unconditional love who are here in service to us. Our spirit guides know us better than any humans do, and they love us anyway!
And of course, whenever The Creators are involved, there are the tones and overtones that they bring through at the beginning, opening all of us up to receive their energetic transmission. This transmission contains powerful information for all who seek more guidance from their loving personal spirit guides. Joy <3
Connecting with, Receiving from & Channeling Your Spirit Guides ∞Mega Bundle of Recordings
This Offering is a Bundle of 14 Recordings – Light Languages, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings, Exercises & a Meditation – All Related to Your Spirit Guides. Full Value is Over $195. What Is Included in This Bundle? All of the Following…
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Opening Up Communication with Your Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides. They have dedicated themselves to serving our greatest and highest good in this lifetime, but most of the time we are unaware of them and their wise messages to us. It is truly rare to meet someone who can just call upon their guides for wisdom and get an audible answer (or an answer in some other way – images, strong feelings, clear knowing, etc.). That’s why I created this 10-minute gong and throat singing recording. Before I began channeling the sounds for this one, I set the intention for the throat singing and gong sounds to hold the energy, vibration, and codes for unlocking that ability for two-way communication with our spirit guides that we all want.
I know that you will feel the power of this 10-minute recording. Gong sounds are very powerful, and my throat singing is connecting me to the inner shaman/monk/medicine man that I can sometimes feel the presence of in my awareness at other times I am working. Opening up communication with your spirit guides is definitely going to change your life for the better, and I believe that this recording is just the tool you’ve been waiting a lifetime for. Joy! <3
Light Language for Receiving Gifts from Your Spirit Guides, Galactic Team & Soul Family Members
Receiving. It’s definitely a theme in my work with the Arcturian Council. If we only knew how much we could receive and how much was earmarked specifically for us as individuals to receive from our helpers, I’m sure we would sit in quiet meditation more often, breathing and opening up to the gifts they all want to bestow upon us. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language. It’s a companion to that important passive act of opening up to receive. It contains the intention, energy, vibration and galactic light codes for granting us access to those gifts that our spirit guides, galactic team, and soul family members want to give us. What do I mean by gifts? Spiritual gifts. Manifestations of abundance, romantic partners, homes, jobs, business opportunities, e.t. encounters. Basically, anything you’ve ever told them you want. Joy! <3
I recommend listening to this one while doing the following process. You can also do this process right after listening to the light language recording. Sit or lay down, comfortably, close your eyes, uncross arms and legs and relax. Focus on being a flower, opening up your petals to the sunlight and rain, and let in the gifts that are yours and yours alone for the taking. Don’t try. Allow. Relax as deeply as you can in this process. There’s no reaching involved. No struggling or striving either. You just let go of all the burdens, all the weight of responsibility you’ve been carrying around, and you open up like the flower. The gifts will come flooding in. Love <3
Light Language for Opening You Up to Receiving Guidance from Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Other Higher-Dimensional Beings
Guidance from above. We all want it, because it’s so helpful in so many areas of our lives – spiritually, financially, romantically, physically, and in regards to all of the decisions we want and need to make. The wisdom we can download from our higher selves, spirit guides, and other higher-dimensional beings of light and love is endless. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language transmission. Before I began to channel the language of light in this downloadable mp3 recording, I set the intention for the language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to receiving guidance from your spirit guides, higher self, and all the other higher-dimensional beings that are around us all the time, seeking to offer their wisdom. Love <3
The archangels, ascended masters, faeries, your star family, galactic team, and other high-vibrational e.t. beings all want to help us with whatever we need assistance with, but we have to let that help from the higher realms in. We have to open ourselves up to their guidance, and that’s what this light language is designed to do. Listen to it whenever you need that wisdom from above, and also give it a listen before going to bed so that you can dream the pearls of wisdom from our helpers, friends, and other beings in the higher-dimensional realms. Joy! <3
Light Language For Releasing All Your Blocks to Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides. We certainly can use their help, and communicating with them is the first step. So why do we sometimes have trouble getting in touch with them, and why is hearing their guidance often so challenging? It could be any number of things. First off, I’ve always been told by the beings that I channel that we need to feel for the presence of our guides first. There are other blocks that we can accumulate over time…and lifetimes, however. Maybe we listened to a guide at one time (or what we thought was a guide), and the guidance turned out to be wrong, or it took us down a path with many more challenges than we wanted to face. Maybe it’s negative thoughts, beliefs, or our minds that are blocking us.
Whatever the reason, we need to release those blocks to have the kind of contact and relationship we want to have with our spirit guides. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission of 6 minutes in length. I held the intention for this light language to blast through those blocks, giving you complete access to your guides and opening the lines of communication with them. A light language breaks through blocks because of the vibration, energy, intention, and galactic light codes infused into it. Each one that I channel is unique, and I could feel the power of this one as I channeled it. It will break through your blocks to communicating with your spirit guides. Joy! <3
An Exercise for Channeling Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Faeries, ETs & Higher Dimensional Collectives
The road to becoming a verbal channel can be a long one, filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks. I’d like to make that road a lot smoother and easier to navigate for the rest of humankind. That’s why I created this recording. This downloadable mp3 file is all me…I’m not channeling The Arcturian Council, The Creators, or any of the other higher-dimensional beings I’ve connected to since the year 2010. I was teaching a private channeling lesson the other day, and this process just came to me, as if I downloaded it on the spot. I found it to be quite brilliant, and I know it will be an effective tool for you, no matter what your level of proficiency is with channeling in this present moment. I know that you will be able to use this one to access your spirit guides, higher self, angels, archangels, faeries, e.t.s, and any other higher-dimensional beings/collectives you’ve ever wanted to channel. It’s that powerful! I hope you experience as much joy in listening to it as much as I did in creating it. Love! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up to Downloads, Activations & Upgrades from Your Spirit Guides, Angels & Galactic Team
The latest upgrades, downloads, and activations. We all want them. Our spirit guides, angels, galactic team, and other helpers from the higher realms want to give them to us. So what’s standing in the way of us receiving all of them, completely, and then using them for our greatest and highest good? Sometimes, it’s hard to sort out what might be blocking us from receiving what we’ve been asking for. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language transmission. It contains the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to open you up to that assistance that the benevolent beings throughout this universe are trying to give to us all. Listening to this light language, even once, could improve your ability to receive from this point forward in your life. I could feel the power of it when I was channeling it. All that energy, all that you’ve asked for in this and every other lifetime, could be downloaded and made available to you. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Receiving from & Connecting to Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
The Creators are the first group of beings I ever channeled, and they are 12th-dimensional teachers of love and light. They guide us through a series of conscious breathing exercises that put us in a relaxed, open, receptive state to feel at one with our guides. They leave us at the end of this 12 minute and 45 second recording with the opportunity to receive wisdom, visuals, and impulses from our main spirit guides, the beings who know us better than anyone else in the universe! Conscious breathing is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal for putting us into the state of being we desire. And creating our reality, connecting to higher frequency beings, and healing ourselves are all about being in that higher vibrational state of being. This series of breathing exercises is the most powerful I’ve ever channeled. Get ready to connect to and receive from your spirit guides! Love <3
Meditation for Connecting You with Your Spirit Guides ∞Yeshua
Listen to this Meditation for Connecting You with Your Spirit Guides from Yeshua. Our spirit guides. We all want to know them better, understand them more, and receive their guidance. They know us better than anyone on this earth. They love and support us unconditionally.
This 15 minute meditation, set to beautiful new age music, contains the key to getting to know our guides more intimately. I channeled Yeshua for this one, and he brings us through a guided meditation that will put you in touch with your spirit guides. Yeshua takes you through a step-by-step process of grounding and then focusing on your breath. This meditation gives you a way to experience oneness with your guides, with your own consciousness, with your oversoul, with your higher self, and with source.
I suggest doing this meditation whenever you feel the feeling of separation from these beautiful seventh dimensional beings who know you and love you more than anyone in human form possibly could. Having that close connection with your guides could change everything for you, and this meditation could be the tool you’ve been waiting for. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Removing All Blocks from Connecting to Your Spirit Guides
Our Spirit Guides. We would all love to hear from them more often…or at all. They are beings who have dedicated themselves to watching over us, loving us, supporting us, and of course, guiding us. And yet most of us don’t know them…or don’t hear from them. Just to be able to feel them would be nice for most of us. And that’s why I created this sound healing with the help of my new crystal bowl! I infused the intention for this recording to remove your blocks to connecting with your guides into the tones I channeled, as well as the crystal bowl playing I did. Do this one any time you want to get some guidance, support, or love from your spirit guides. Love! <3
Mantras for Connecting You to & Receiving More Wisdom from Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 12 minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of mantras that will connect you more fully to your spirit guides, and they also will help you to receive more love, support, guidance, and wisdom from your guides. The C’s go further than just telling you what mantras to speak…they also guide you to resonate with the mantras vibrationally. This one is for all of us who have ever wanted more connection with our guides. Love! <3
Light Language Transmission for Connecting w/Your Spirit Guides
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes. I channel a unique light language that is infused with the intention of connecting you to your spirit guides. Light languages speak to you on a subconscious level. You will understand the words that are spoken, just not consciously. The effect of listening to the light language transmission is that you will feel more connected to your spirit guides. Eventually, you may feel inspired to speak a light language of your own, perhaps after listening to this several times. Enjoy! <3
How to Receive Messages & Confirmation from Your Spirit Guides ∞The Buddha
We all want to hear from our spirit guides more often…and with more clarity. In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Buddha guides us on how to access more from our guides, and also how to foster a better relationship with them. After listening to this download, you will feel reassured that you are on the right track, plus you will have new tools and approaches for receiving those messages and confirmations that you desire from you guides. Enjoy! <3
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
Connecting with our spirit guides. It’s something we all want to do, or do more of. In this download just less than 10 minutes in length, The Creators share with you a process that will enable you to consciously connect with and receive the wisdom, guidance, support, and love from your spirit guides. No matter where you are in relationship to your spirit guides, this recording will help bring you into a greater and more profound experience of connection. The Creators speak about our relationship to our spirit guides briefly before getting to the actual process. They are beings of pure unconditional love who are here in service to us. Our spirit guides know us better than any humans do, and they love us anyway!
And of course, whenever The Creators are involved, there are the tones and overtones that they bring through at the beginning, opening all of us up to receive their energetic transmission. This transmission contains powerful information for all who seek more guidance from their loving personal spirit guides. Joy <3
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