This is a 7-Minute Recording of St. Germain’s Violet Flame Cleansing of Your Inner Child Wound
The inner child. I remember when the phrase ‘the inner child’ became popularized, and I’m really glad that it did because it encapsulates so much of what we’ve experienced in our childhood. When you take simultaneous time into consideration, the inner child becomes even more relevant to us right now. That’s because he/she still exists right now, and the changes we make in our lives right now can and will affect the little person that still lives out there, somewhere in time. That’s why I channeled St. Germain’s Violet Flame Cleansing of Your Inner Child Wound for all of you. Love <3
In this 7-minute recording, the ascended master (and member of Thymus) takes us through the process of using the violet flame to cleanse the wounds our inner child still feels, and he also gives us the opportunity to integrate that inner child into our current selves, making this an even more powerful offering. Use it as often as you need to until you feel that those traumatic childhood events are cleared, and give yourself plenty of time to feel the effects of the cleansing. This one has the potential to change everything for you, as once we release our traumas, we can operate as the Christ Consciousness beings we were always meant to be in this life. Joy!

St. Germain’s Violet Flame Cleansing of Your Inner Child Wound ∞Pay What You Want
Changes we make in our lives right now can and will affect the little person that still lives out there, somewhere in time. That’s why I channeled St. Germain’s Violet Flame Cleansing of Your Inner Child Wound for all of you.
This is a 7-Minute Recording of St. Germain’s Violet Flame Cleansing of Your Inner Child Wound
The inner child. I remember when the phrase ‘the inner child’ became popularized, and I’m really glad that it did because it encapsulates so much of what we’ve experienced in our childhood. When you take simultaneous time into consideration, the inner child becomes even more relevant to us right now. That’s because he/she still exists right now, and the changes we make in our lives right now can and will affect the little person that still lives out there, somewhere in time. That’s why I channeled St. Germain’s Violet Flame Cleansing of Your Inner Child Wound for all of you. Love <3
In this 7-minute recording, the ascended master (and member of Thymus) takes us through the process of using the violet flame to cleanse the wounds our inner child still feels, and he also gives us the opportunity to integrate that inner child into our current selves, making this an even more powerful offering. Use it as often as you need to until you feel that those traumatic childhood events are cleared, and give yourself plenty of time to feel the effects of the cleansing. This one has the potential to change everything for you, as once we release our traumas, we can operate as the Christ Consciousness beings we were always meant to be in this life. Joy!
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