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The Yeshua Collection ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle Contains 51 Recordings, with a Total Full Value of over $800, and it’s Chock Full of Offerings from Yeshua, aka Jesus Christ, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. This Bundle of Recordings Contains Meditations, Light Languages, Sound Healings
This Yeshua Collection ∞AMega Bundle Contains 51 Recordings, with a Total Full Value of over $800, and it’s Chock Full of Offerings from Yeshua, aka Jesus Christ, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. This Bundle of Recordings Contains Meditations, Light Languages, Sound Healings, Breathing Exercises, Processes, Attunements & Activations. Listen to Each of These Offerings as Often as You Like, and in Any Order, with any Frequency. Love <3
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing to Activate the Christ Consciousness within You
Christ Consciousness. It’s available to all of us. Yeshua ben Yosef‘s actual name wasn’t Jesus Christ. The Christ part is more of a title than a last name! Lots of beings throughout history on planet Earth have attained the Christ Consciousness, but Yeshua is just the most well-known of them. Well, it might be a tie between Yeshua and the Buddha. And activating the Christ Consciousness within each one of us can be a lifelong goal, a challenge that takes a lot of hard spiritual work and focus. But anything that’s hard can also be made easy, and that’s where I come in with my gifts. I‘ve channeled this recording of my gong playing, along with my throat singing with the intention that the sounds and tones created will activate the Christ Consciousness within you. Love <3
Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset
In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset.Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your day. Joy! <3
People often ask me when and how often to listen to the recordings offered on my site. With this one, it’s certainly most beneficial to do at the beginning of the day, but if you find that you don’t have the time to devote to it, you could just as easily benefit from listening at the end of your long day to help you release what no longer serves you and enter into a more peaceful state before drifting off to sleep. Love <3
Meditation for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive All Higher Frequency Energies, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞Yeshua
Higher Frequency Energy, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive all that you’ve summoned? An open crown chakra will certainly allow you to do so, and in this 15-minute guided meditation from Yeshua, the ascended master leads us through a simple and easy-to-follow process for opening up and receiving through that amazing chakra that sits at the top of our heads. The crown chakra can and will receive more than you can possibly imagine. Yeshua is the perfect guide to take us through this process, as he certainly accessed so much higher frequency energy, as well as so many downloads, upgrades, and activations in his lifetime here on Earth. This soothing yet powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music, created specifically and exclusively for me and the meditations I channel by the talented musician that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for many years, Anneda Char. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercise to Release Lack of Self-Worth & Activate Self-Love ∞Yeshua
Lack of self-worth. We all feel it to some extent. It’s what makes us feel small, limited, and keeps us from knowing our true selves, our higher selves. Self-love can also be so elusive, often conditional, and hard to access when the heart is surrounded by those unwanted thoughts, beliefs, and negative emotions that come with the vibration of lack of self-worth. That’s why I channeled Yeshua to guide us through this beautiful, powerful breathing exercise.Once we feel self-love, the world opens up for us, giving us access to love from others and the ability to create our reality. Joy! <3
Yeshua leads us through this 14-minute breathing exercise to release our feelings of lack of self-worth and activate that innate feeling self-love. The 12-dimensional ascended master does so by guiding us through a series of inhales and exhales, getting us to feel what we need to release first…and then activating that eternal and infinite self-love we have in our hearts. Yeshua’s powerful transmission of energy can be felt throughout the breathing exercise. He knows exactly how to guide us through the breaths, and you will feel better after following along. Love! <3
Sacral Chakra Clearing, Opening & Activating Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our Sacral Chakras. They’re powerful when clear, open, and activated, according to Yeshua. This 15-Minute, guided meditation is infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to give us complete access to our sexual power and creativity. We have often been led to feel ashamed of ourselves, our creations, and our status as sensual, sexual, and creator beings in our physical bodies. Sometimes this has been done in an effort to protect us, and other times (as in the case of religions), it’s been used as a means of disconnecting us from Source so that we would need an intermediary. Now that we’ve awakened our consciousness, we can see the need and the possibility to have full access to these beautiful chakras. That’s what this meditation is all about.Joy! <3
Meditation for Clearing, Releasing & Processing Fear ∞Yeshua
Fear. It can be so, so crippling. I’ve felt it myself, more than any other negative emotion in this lifetime, and I’ve seen it affect those around me throughout the course of this lifetime. That’s why I created this guided meditation with the help of Yeshua (also know as Jesus Christ). Yeshua guides us through a process of releasing that fear within us, and he also helps us to gain access to the Love that we want to replace that fear with. This 15-minute meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will also help you to access the state of being you need to be in so that you can let go of this heavy negative emotion that no longer serves you. Release your fear and step into Love <3
Meditation for Connecting You with Your Spirit Guides ∞Yeshua
Our spirit guides. We all want to know them better, understand them more, and receive their guidance. They know us better than anyone on this earth. They love and support us unconditionally. This 15 minute meditation, set to beautiful new age music, contains the key to getting to know our guides more intimately. I channeled Yeshua for this one, and he brings us through a guided meditation that will put you in touch with your spirit guides. Yeshua takes you through a step-by-step process of grounding and then focusing on your breath. This meditation gives you a way to experience onenesswith your guides, with your own consciousness, with your oversoul, with your higher self, and with source.
I suggest doing this meditation whenever you feel the feeling of separation from these beautiful seventh dimensional beings who know you and love you more than anyone in human form possibly could. Having that close connection with your guides could change everything for you, and this meditation could be the tool you’ve been waiting for.Love! <3
Breathing Exercise for Cleansing & Detoxifying Your Cells and Organs ∞Yeshua
Maybe you are planning to do a 30-day detox. Maybe you are preparing for a shift in your diet and lifestyle. Or maybe you just want a little energetic support for your cells in our increasingly unnatural lifestyles. If so, you can use this breathing exercise for cleansing and detoxifying your cells and organs.
Our world has gotten more industrialized over the past few centuries, and with all of the technologies and the ways life has gotten easier on us, we’ve also created these unnatural, chemical toxins and waste that our bodies then take in. What happens to our cells and organs is that the toxins get stuck, preventing nutrients, minerals, and all the good stuff our bodies need from getting into those cells and organs and doing the good work we want them to do. That’s why I created this recording while channeling Yeshua.
Yeshua reminds us that we are always surrounded by energy, and we can set the intention that with every breath we inhale the highest frequency energy around us. He leads us through a breathing exercise and visualization to detox and cleanse those cells and organs we rely so heavily on for our good health and well-being.
How to Receive Divine Grace & Release Shame, Guilt & Judgment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua takes us through an exercise for receiving Divine Grace. And first, Yeshua explains what his mission was on Earth as Jesus Christ, how the message he taught was misinterpreted, and how easy it now is to receive something that we already are. The exercise he takes us through is easy and involves releasing shame, guilt, and judgment as well. In releasing that which is of a lower frequency and no longer serves us, we make room for that Divine grace and everything else that is of a higher frequency. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Christ Consciousness Within You ∞Yeshua
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 48 seconds, I channeledYeshua, and Yeshua brought through a light language that will activate the Christ Consciousness within you. This light language is like no other I’ve ever channeled. You can feel the energy of Yeshua throughout the entire transmission, and you can activate your Christ Consciousness in just one listen. However, you may feel inspired to listen to this one again and again in order to feel your connection with Yeshua and to feel the essence of the ascended master inside of you.Love! <3
Attunement for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, I channeledYeshua, and the ascended master brought through an attunement to help you access your spiritual gifts. We have all led so many lifetimes as different life forms and in higher dimensions all across the galaxy. So it stands to reason that we have achieved spiritual mastery and have attained spiritual gifts in those past lives. Yeshua helps us connect to those other versions of ourselves and download the gifts from those lifetimes. Yeshua’s energy alone is enough to activate those gifts within us. This is a strong and powerful download that can be effective after just one listen! The ascended master also helps us to access new gifts that will only be accessible in this lifetime.Love! <3
Accessing the Creativity of Source and Activation of Sacral Chakra ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators take us through a process for accessing the creativity of Source Energy, and they give us an activation of our sacral chakra. Additionally, The C’s give us great advice for approaching all of our creative endeavors. Whether you already have a creative outlet for your energy or not, you can and will benefit from this one. We can all use a bit more of the creative juices flowing in our lives. Love! <3
Releasing Sexual Shame & Body Confidence Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 12 minutes, Yeshua takes us through where judgments around sex and sexuality come from. He then takes us through a process of healing those parts of ourselves that have felt ashamed, guilty, or any discomfort whatsoever around sex and sexuality. At the end of the transmission, Yeshua also helps us to embrace our physical bodies as they are and love ourselves unconditionally. We are all carrying some form of sexual shame, and this download will help. Love <3
How to Make Healthy Food Choices ∞Yeshua
In this download of 12 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council take us through the steps necessary to make the healthiest food choices for our bodies in any given moment. This download is filled with practical insights that you can start using right away to ensure you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to operate at maximum efficiency and hold the highest possible vibration. The Arcturians provide you with a roadmap for putting yourself in the best possible position for making the healthiest food choices as well. Bon Apetit! <3
For Empaths: How to Release Other People’s Energy & Emotions ∞Yeshua
This download from Yeshua is 11 minutes and 11 seconds in length. Yeshua provides detailed information on why awakened individuals are so sensitive to other people’s energy, what to do about it, and how to return our focus to what WE are feeling in the moment. The process given in this download is an effective strategy for all of us who feel overwhelmed by the energy and emotions of other people. You will definitely benefit, as an awakened person and an empath, from receiving Yeshua’s perspective and processes. Enjoy <3
High Heart Chakra Activation ∞Yeshua
This activation from Yeshua will put you in touch with the not-so-often discussed high heart chakra, which is the 8th chakra (also known as the thymic chakra). Yeshua walks you through a process of feeling for this chakra, as he cleanses it with love and light. Yeshua is assisted by your guides, Quan Yin, the Archangels, and many other helpers during this process. You will feel more connected to humanity, the universe, and Source after completing this one. Enjoy! <3
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Body Alignment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. This is a good process to do before getting out of bed in the morning, as being in alignment at the start of our day will help to ensure that we stay in alignment. Yeshua’s guidance through this process is loving and nurturing, as only Yeshua can be. Aligning these bodies is a big part of the ascension experience, as important as integrating our past life selves. Enjoy! <3
Accessing Your Oversoul Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua, you will be taken on a journey back to your Oversoul. He will also guide you back to the moment of your birth in this lifetime so that you can feel what it was like to emerge into your current physical incarnation with more of that Oversoul energy flowing through you. Yeshua will also leave you feeling your Oversoul inside of you and all around you in your energy field. At the end of this meditation, you will be able to express yourself as your Oversoul in a physical body. Enjoy! <3
Light Body Activation Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation, Yeshua guides us through a process that will activate our light bodies, giving us full access to the body we will inhabit in the fifth dimension. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it’s very powerful. You will feel the difference in your body after completing this meditation, and it will certainly benefit you to do it over and over again…as the inhabiting of our light bodies is a gradual process. Enjoy! <3
Processing & Releasing Fear and Anxiety ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through a process to release our fear and anxiety. This process is one that you can do over and over, as we are processing so much fear and anxiety in this one lifetime. At the end of the process, you will also have the opportunity to fill yourself with love and light, feeling free of the fear and anxiety that once weighed you down. Be gentle with yourselves during and after doing this, and drink plenty of water to help move all of that energy through you. Enjoy! <3
Releasing Your Ego’s Perspective & Choosing To Be Your Higher Self ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua describes the differences between the egoic perspective and the perspective of our higher self. He then walks us through several questions to ask ourselves to determine whether the choice we are making in the moment is coming from the egoic perspective or whether we are choosing to be our higher selves. Use this download whenever you need to make an important decision, but also know that every little decision is either supporting the perspective of the ego or higher self. As always, you can feel the love and presence of Yeshua throughout this download. Enjoy! <3
Quieting Your Inner Critic ∞Yeshua
In this download from Yeshua of 11 and a half minutes, he walks us through a process of silencing that inner critic that lives in all of us. He also explains where the critic comes from and what the best course is to take with that little voice. Next, he invites us to replace the inner critic with someone who will always offer us praise and unconditional love. He also indicates that the choice to praise oneself may be harder at first because of social conditioning, but it is a choice that we can all make. Enjoy! <3
In this 16 minute meditation from Yeshua, he guides us through the activating and downloading of our Higher Self. This meditation will align you with the energies and the consciousness of your Higher Self, giving you full access to your fifth dimensional self. You will feel renewed and rejuvenated after doing this meditation, and it is a guided meditation that you can do daily to remind you of who you really are and to get your day started on the right foot. Enjoy! <3
Love Vibration Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 13 minutes, Yeshua takes us through an exercise to get us to feel and vibrate the Love vibration that exists within us at all times. This process will get you vibrating in harmony with your true self, your Source Energy self, and you’ll feel more in harmony with all beings after completing it. The love vibration will be easier for you to access, whenever you want to feel it, no matter whom you are with, and that’s truly what life is all about. Enjoy in love <3
Confidence Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua guides us through a process to activate the confidence that can only come from with us. He will leave you feeling full of confidence, Source Energy, and ready to move forward boldly in whatever you want to do, say, create, or express in your life. This is a powerful transmission, and it will remind you/reunite you with your eternal, infinite, and truest self as well. Enjoy with confidence <3
A Healing for Sexual Trauma ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through processes to heal known and unknown sexual traumas from this lifetime and all past lives. We all carry sexual trauma in our cells, second chakras, and energy fields, but with the help of Yeshua we can clear and heal it all. This is a powerful integration, as well as a healing, so please drink plenty of water after doing it to give your bodies what they need to process the energy. <3
How to Channel Your Fifth Dimensional Self ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through the process of connecting with our 5th dimensional selves. He then encourages us to receive the information our 5D self has about ascension, how to enjoy it, and what to do in order to get there. By the end of the download, you will receive images, insights, and will be channeling verbally for your 5D self. Trust it! And enjoy 🙂 <3
How to Heal Relationships with Loved Ones ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua takes us through a series of steps that we can use to heal all relationships with others – family members, spouses, co-workers, friends, and any others we have a relationship of any kind with. No matter what the nature of the relationship is, the other is a loved one on some level. Yeshua guides us to see these relationships as reflections of our relationship to self, and he notes that the foundation of all of these relationships is Love. Enjoy <3
Vibrational Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes from Yeshua, he takes us through a process of upgrading and up-leveling our vibrations. He connects us to a field that represents our daily vibrational offering, and he helps us merge that with the highest vibrational offering coming from our heart centers. He also offers a transmission to surround us and support us through the process. After listening to this download, you will feel re-charged, re-energized, and recommitted to holding a higher vibration throughout your day. Enjoy! <3
Cleansing & Clearing Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation, led by Yeshua, he takes us through a cleansing and clearing out of all that no longer serves us and is of a lower frequency. He guides us through the cleansing of our chakras, cells, and energy field, and he does so with the high frequency energy that you would expect from an ascended master. Set to beautiful new age music, this meditation is one that will leave you feeling lighter, clearer, and ready to absorb more of the high frequency energy of the fifth dimension.Enjoy! <3
Ascension Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds,Yeshua walks us through an ascension experience. He assures us that ascension is ours for the taking, that there’s no need to earn it,and that the only requirement is a willingness to feel the love that we are. He gives us an attunement, filled with his Love and Light that will resonate with that which is Divine and eternal in all of us. This one can be done any time you need a reminder of the truth of who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Hands on Healing Attunement ∞Yeshua
This download/attunement of just over 11 and a half minutes gives us a brand new healing modality, combining the energy of Yeshua with the love in our hearts. The energy from this attunement from Yeshua can be used to heal ourselves, other people in our lives, and the entire collective. You will feel the energy in the palms of your hands after receiving this attunement, and you can use it to get yourself and others back in the flow of the healing energy that is available to us all…always! Enjoy 🙂
How to Receive & Listen to Your Own Guidance ∞Yeshua
In this 12 minute download from Yeshua, he takes us through processes to help us receive and discern our own guidance from social programming. He also helps us gain confidence in our abilities to feel the truth of that guidance and use it to follow through in making decisions that will affect our lives. Yeshua also offers his assistance in supporting us through the process of feeling into the right decisions for us. This is a process you’ll use over and over again… Enjoy! <3
Inner Child Healing & Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes, Yeshua walks us through a process of connecting with our inner child, giving him or her what the inner child needs, and then bringing the younger version of ourselves into our hearts. Yeshua also emphasizes that this integration of the inner child is actually an activation of all that was once innocent within us. The childlike wonder, enthusiasm, and playfulness will be activated with the full integration of this child into our Whole Selves. Enjoy! <3
Chakra Realignment & Clearing ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 13 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through an alignment of our seven main chakras. He then offers a transmission of white light to clear and cleanse all of the lower frequency energies from them. Finally, he invites us to feel the effects of the chakra realignment and clearing. Your chakras will be freer to express the higher frequency energies and information they hold after completing this download. Enjoy! <3
Heart Blockage Removal & Unconditional Love Download ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 12 minutes, Yeshua walks us through a process of melting away the blockages around our hearts that were formed each time our love was not received or reciprocated. He then offers us a download of unconditional love from the Yeshua collective, and that love will create new opportunities to BE the love that we seek…and to receive it back as well. Enjoy! <3
Trauma Release from Current & Past Lives ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua guides us through a process that will help us clear and release all traumas from this lifetime. These traumas affect us in all areas of our lives, whether we are aware of them or not. Yeshua then offers a transmission of love and light that will clear all past life traumas from our energy fields, chakras, and cells. This is a process you can do each time a trauma from this lifetime gets reactivated, but there’s also the possibility that you’ll only need to do it once. Enjoy! <3
Religious De-Programming & Free Will Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua conveys the truth that we’ve all been exposed to religious programming in several of our lifetimes. He then takes us back to the moment of our birth, where our free will was in its purest state. He leads us through exercises to activate that free will and release the religious programming from our current lifetime, past lives, and the collective consciousness. He also grants us permission to follow our own guidance and to know ourselves as Source. Enjoy!
A Process for Channeling Mother Mary ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through a process to get us channeling the being who incarnated as the mother of Jesus Christ, known to most of us as Mother Mary. First, Yeshua connects us to that which is in us and also in Mary, who is now an ascended master. Next, he gets us to feel her energy and tone for it. Finally, he asks us to verbally speak a message from Mary. Whether or not you channel her directly via voice and/or tone as a result of this process, you will feel her presence and receive her unconditional love and compassion. Enjoy!
Activation of Divinity in Your DNA, Mind & Cells ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us on a journey to wipe clean any information from our bodies that says we are anything less than Divine. He then takes us through processes to download the truth of our Divine Nature into our cells, DNA, and physical minds. This is a powerful download and transmission. Enjoy! <3
How to Perform Miracles ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a simple process for performing miracles in our lives, right here and right now. Yeshua explains what a miracle really is and how we can access the miraculous within ourselves at any time. It’s time for us all to recognize the miracles that we are and use that energy to perform miracles in the physical reality. Enjoy! <3
Putting Yourself in the Flow of Source Energy Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua (Jesus Christ), he guides us into the meditative state and helps us connect to a portal that delivers more of Source Energy to us. Yeshua soothes us into the flow of energy, guiding us gently to the full realization that we are Source Energy and that everything we desire is contained within that which we really are. This guided meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will soothe and relax you as you listen. Yeshua guides us to project out the Source Energy that we access in the meditation. This is probably my favorite meditation ever. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Releasing Soul Contracts ∞Yeshua
In this download of 10 and a half minutes,Yeshua explains what sacred soul contracts are, why we use them, and how to release the ones that no longer serve us. He then guides us through a visualization that will free us from all bonds that we have with any other beings that we no longer wish to continue to adhere to. Finally, Yeshua has us write a new contract with ourselves. It’s really a beautiful process. Enjoy <3
How to Receive All That You’ve Been Asking For ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes from Yeshua, he takes us on a journey to the vibration, and therefore manifestation, of everything we’ve asked for in this lifetime. With the gentle guidance of Yeshua, the ascended master, we can vibrate in harmony with that which we’ve created and that which exists vibrationally, out there, somewhere, waiting for us to claim it. This download is one that we can do over and over, whenever that doubt creeps in, whenever those beliefs come to the surface that say we can’t or won’t become one with our desires. Enjoy! <3
Emotional Body Healing & Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, Yeshua helps us to tune in to our emotional bodies, offers us a healing, and then facilitates an upgrade. This transmission is designed to fill in the gaps and holes in our emotional bodies, release the blockages and numbness, and after receiving it, you’ll be able to feel the energies of the fifth dimension. Yeshua works with our Oversouls to bring this powerful healing and upgrade through, and he also encourages us to celebrate our progress and readiness for this transmission. Enjoy! <3
Healing Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our physical health and well-being. It’s so important, and yet, we hardly think about it unless we’re already sick. That can all change, of course, as we pay more attention to our energy and emotions, which are the places where health and well-being really begin. In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ), he takes us through a process of healing ourselves that will leave you with a brand new body and a brand new energy field. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music and can be done any time you’re feeling ascension symptoms, have an illness, pain, or even just discomfort in your physical body. The energy transmission is strong in this one. Yeshua always brings such a gigantic energetic force with his presence. Enjoy! <3
5th Dimensional Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 20 seconds, Yeshua guides us through a process to connect with the aspect of ourselves that is already 5th dimensional. He then invites us to hold the 5th dimensional frequency for as long as we can. He reveals the truth of who we really are and how to return to that state any time we choose to be in it. This is a powerful attunement. Make sure to drink plenty of water after listening. And enjoy! <3
How to Live as a Master ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua provides us with a roadmap for living as masters on Earth. First, he talks about the choice to incarnate at this time and why we would make that choice. Then he outlines exactly how we can move to the being-ness of the master by engaging in very simple and easy-to-enact practices in our daily lives. This is wisdom from one of the great masters to have walked the Earth. Yeshua. Enjoy! <3
Light & Love Transmission from Jesus Christ & the Yeshua Collective ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds,Yeshua brings us a transmission of Love & Light from the entire Yeshua Collective. First, Yeshua readies us for the transmission by opening us up energetically and physically to receive the powerful energy transmission from the 12th dimension. Finally, Yeshua helps us ground and integrate the energy we’ve received and invites us to continue the process even after the recording has completed. Enjoy! <3
How to Channel Jesus Christ & the Yeshua Collective ∞Yeshua
This download is almost 16 minutes in length, and in it, Yeshua describes the relationship between the Yeshua collective and the one known as Jesus Christ who once walked this Earth. Next. you’ll be taken through a meditation/process to get you into the channeling state, and by the end Yeshua will have you toning and speaking for their energy. This is a powerful process and a wonderful tool for getting you to channel verbally. Enjoy! <3
Christ Consciousness Activation ∞Yeshua
In this, my first ever channeling of Yeshua, I was able to get a Christ Consciousness Activation in an 11 minute and 11 second download. Yeshua (known to most of us as Jesus Christ) offered this Christ Consciousness Activation, as well as plenty of information about the Yeshua Consciousness and our connection to it. This one is powerful and heart-opening. Expand your consciousness deliberately with this download. Enjoy! <3
The Yeshua Collection ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle Contains 51 Recordings, with a Total Full Value of over $800, and it’s Chock Full of Offerings from Yeshua, aka Jesus Christ, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. This Bundle of Recordings Contains Meditations, Light Languages, Sound Healings
This Yeshua Collection ∞A Mega Bundle Contains 51 Recordings, with a Total Full Value of over $800, and it’s Chock Full of Offerings from Yeshua, aka Jesus Christ, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. This Bundle of Recordings Contains Meditations, Light Languages, Sound Healings, Breathing Exercises, Processes, Attunements & Activations. Listen to Each of These Offerings as Often as You Like, and in Any Order, with any Frequency. Love <3
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing to Activate the Christ Consciousness within You
Christ Consciousness. It’s available to all of us. Yeshua ben Yosef‘s actual name wasn’t Jesus Christ. The Christ part is more of a title than a last name! Lots of beings throughout history on planet Earth have attained the Christ Consciousness, but Yeshua is just the most well-known of them. Well, it might be a tie between Yeshua and the Buddha. And activating the Christ Consciousness within each one of us can be a lifelong goal, a challenge that takes a lot of hard spiritual work and focus. But anything that’s hard can also be made easy, and that’s where I come in with my gifts. I‘ve channeled this recording of my gong playing, along with my throat singing with the intention that the sounds and tones created will activate the Christ Consciousness within you. Love <3
Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset
In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset. Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your day. Joy! <3
People often ask me when and how often to listen to the recordings offered on my site. With this one, it’s certainly most beneficial to do at the beginning of the day, but if you find that you don’t have the time to devote to it, you could just as easily benefit from listening at the end of your long day to help you release what no longer serves you and enter into a more peaceful state before drifting off to sleep. Love <3
Meditation for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive All Higher Frequency Energies, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞Yeshua
Higher Frequency Energy, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive all that you’ve summoned? An open crown chakra will certainly allow you to do so, and in this 15-minute guided meditation from Yeshua, the ascended master leads us through a simple and easy-to-follow process for opening up and receiving through that amazing chakra that sits at the top of our heads. The crown chakra can and will receive more than you can possibly imagine. Yeshua is the perfect guide to take us through this process, as he certainly accessed so much higher frequency energy, as well as so many downloads, upgrades, and activations in his lifetime here on Earth. This soothing yet powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music, created specifically and exclusively for me and the meditations I channel by the talented musician that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for many years, Anneda Char. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercise to Release Lack of Self-Worth & Activate Self-Love ∞Yeshua
Lack of self-worth. We all feel it to some extent. It’s what makes us feel small, limited, and keeps us from knowing our true selves, our higher selves. Self-love can also be so elusive, often conditional, and hard to access when the heart is surrounded by those unwanted thoughts, beliefs, and negative emotions that come with the vibration of lack of self-worth. That’s why I channeled Yeshua to guide us through this beautiful, powerful breathing exercise. Once we feel self-love, the world opens up for us, giving us access to love from others and the ability to create our reality. Joy! <3
Yeshua leads us through this 14-minute breathing exercise to release our feelings of lack of self-worth and activate that innate feeling self-love. The 12-dimensional ascended master does so by guiding us through a series of inhales and exhales, getting us to feel what we need to release first…and then activating that eternal and infinite self-love we have in our hearts. Yeshua’s powerful transmission of energy can be felt throughout the breathing exercise. He knows exactly how to guide us through the breaths, and you will feel better after following along. Love! <3
Sacral Chakra Clearing, Opening & Activating Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our Sacral Chakras. They’re powerful when clear, open, and activated, according to Yeshua. This 15-Minute, guided meditation is infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to give us complete access to our sexual power and creativity. We have often been led to feel ashamed of ourselves, our creations, and our status as sensual, sexual, and creator beings in our physical bodies. Sometimes this has been done in an effort to protect us, and other times (as in the case of religions), it’s been used as a means of disconnecting us from Source so that we would need an intermediary. Now that we’ve awakened our consciousness, we can see the need and the possibility to have full access to these beautiful chakras. That’s what this meditation is all about. Joy! <3
Meditation for Clearing, Releasing & Processing Fear ∞Yeshua
Fear. It can be so, so crippling. I’ve felt it myself, more than any other negative emotion in this lifetime, and I’ve seen it affect those around me throughout the course of this lifetime. That’s why I created this guided meditation with the help of Yeshua (also know as Jesus Christ). Yeshua guides us through a process of releasing that fear within us, and he also helps us to gain access to the Love that we want to replace that fear with. This 15-minute meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will also help you to access the state of being you need to be in so that you can let go of this heavy negative emotion that no longer serves you. Release your fear and step into Love <3
Meditation for Connecting You with Your Spirit Guides ∞Yeshua
Our spirit guides. We all want to know them better, understand them more, and receive their guidance. They know us better than anyone on this earth. They love and support us unconditionally. This 15 minute meditation, set to beautiful new age music, contains the key to getting to know our guides more intimately. I channeled Yeshua for this one, and he brings us through a guided meditation that will put you in touch with your spirit guides. Yeshua takes you through a step-by-step process of grounding and then focusing on your breath. This meditation gives you a way to experience oneness with your guides, with your own consciousness, with your oversoul, with your higher self, and with source.
I suggest doing this meditation whenever you feel the feeling of separation from these beautiful seventh dimensional beings who know you and love you more than anyone in human form possibly could. Having that close connection with your guides could change everything for you, and this meditation could be the tool you’ve been waiting for. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise for Cleansing & Detoxifying Your Cells and Organs ∞Yeshua
Maybe you are planning to do a 30-day detox. Maybe you are preparing for a shift in your diet and lifestyle. Or maybe you just want a little energetic support for your cells in our increasingly unnatural lifestyles. If so, you can use this breathing exercise for cleansing and detoxifying your cells and organs.
Our world has gotten more industrialized over the past few centuries, and with all of the technologies and the ways life has gotten easier on us, we’ve also created these unnatural, chemical toxins and waste that our bodies then take in. What happens to our cells and organs is that the toxins get stuck, preventing nutrients, minerals, and all the good stuff our bodies need from getting into those cells and organs and doing the good work we want them to do. That’s why I created this recording while channeling Yeshua.
Yeshua reminds us that we are always surrounded by energy, and we can set the intention that with every breath we inhale the highest frequency energy around us. He leads us through a breathing exercise and visualization to detox and cleanse those cells and organs we rely so heavily on for our good health and well-being.
How to Receive Divine Grace & Release Shame, Guilt & Judgment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua takes us through an exercise for receiving Divine Grace. And first, Yeshua explains what his mission was on Earth as Jesus Christ, how the message he taught was misinterpreted, and how easy it now is to receive something that we already are. The exercise he takes us through is easy and involves releasing shame, guilt, and judgment as well. In releasing that which is of a lower frequency and no longer serves us, we make room for that Divine grace and everything else that is of a higher frequency. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Christ Consciousness Within You ∞Yeshua
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 48 seconds, I channeled Yeshua, and Yeshua brought through a light language that will activate the Christ Consciousness within you. This light language is like no other I’ve ever channeled. You can feel the energy of Yeshua throughout the entire transmission, and you can activate your Christ Consciousness in just one listen. However, you may feel inspired to listen to this one again and again in order to feel your connection with Yeshua and to feel the essence of the ascended master inside of you. Love! <3
Attunement for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, I channeled Yeshua, and the ascended master brought through an attunement to help you access your spiritual gifts. We have all led so many lifetimes as different life forms and in higher dimensions all across the galaxy. So it stands to reason that we have achieved spiritual mastery and have attained spiritual gifts in those past lives. Yeshua helps us connect to those other versions of ourselves and download the gifts from those lifetimes. Yeshua’s energy alone is enough to activate those gifts within us. This is a strong and powerful download that can be effective after just one listen! The ascended master also helps us to access new gifts that will only be accessible in this lifetime. Love! <3
Accessing the Creativity of Source and Activation of Sacral Chakra ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators take us through a process for accessing the creativity of Source Energy, and they give us an activation of our sacral chakra. Additionally, The C’s give us great advice for approaching all of our creative endeavors. Whether you already have a creative outlet for your energy or not, you can and will benefit from this one. We can all use a bit more of the creative juices flowing in our lives. Love! <3
Releasing Sexual Shame & Body Confidence Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 12 minutes, Yeshua takes us through where judgments around sex and sexuality come from. He then takes us through a process of healing those parts of ourselves that have felt ashamed, guilty, or any discomfort whatsoever around sex and sexuality. At the end of the transmission, Yeshua also helps us to embrace our physical bodies as they are and love ourselves unconditionally. We are all carrying some form of sexual shame, and this download will help. Love <3
How to Make Healthy Food Choices ∞Yeshua
In this download of 12 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council take us through the steps necessary to make the healthiest food choices for our bodies in any given moment. This download is filled with practical insights that you can start using right away to ensure you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to operate at maximum efficiency and hold the highest possible vibration. The Arcturians provide you with a roadmap for putting yourself in the best possible position for making the healthiest food choices as well. Bon Apetit! <3
For Empaths: How to Release Other People’s Energy & Emotions ∞Yeshua
This download from Yeshua is 11 minutes and 11 seconds in length. Yeshua provides detailed information on why awakened individuals are so sensitive to other people’s energy, what to do about it, and how to return our focus to what WE are feeling in the moment. The process given in this download is an effective strategy for all of us who feel overwhelmed by the energy and emotions of other people. You will definitely benefit, as an awakened person and an empath, from receiving Yeshua’s perspective and processes. Enjoy <3
High Heart Chakra Activation ∞Yeshua
This activation from Yeshua will put you in touch with the not-so-often discussed high heart chakra, which is the 8th chakra (also known as the thymic chakra). Yeshua walks you through a process of feeling for this chakra, as he cleanses it with love and light. Yeshua is assisted by your guides, Quan Yin, the Archangels, and many other helpers during this process. You will feel more connected to humanity, the universe, and Source after completing this one. Enjoy! <3
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Body Alignment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. This is a good process to do before getting out of bed in the morning, as being in alignment at the start of our day will help to ensure that we stay in alignment. Yeshua’s guidance through this process is loving and nurturing, as only Yeshua can be. Aligning these bodies is a big part of the ascension experience, as important as integrating our past life selves. Enjoy! <3
Accessing Your Oversoul Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua, you will be taken on a journey back to your Oversoul. He will also guide you back to the moment of your birth in this lifetime so that you can feel what it was like to emerge into your current physical incarnation with more of that Oversoul energy flowing through you. Yeshua will also leave you feeling your Oversoul inside of you and all around you in your energy field. At the end of this meditation, you will be able to express yourself as your Oversoul in a physical body. Enjoy! <3
Light Body Activation Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation, Yeshua guides us through a process that will activate our light bodies, giving us full access to the body we will inhabit in the fifth dimension. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it’s very powerful. You will feel the difference in your body after completing this meditation, and it will certainly benefit you to do it over and over again…as the inhabiting of our light bodies is a gradual process. Enjoy! <3
Processing & Releasing Fear and Anxiety ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through a process to release our fear and anxiety. This process is one that you can do over and over, as we are processing so much fear and anxiety in this one lifetime. At the end of the process, you will also have the opportunity to fill yourself with love and light, feeling free of the fear and anxiety that once weighed you down. Be gentle with yourselves during and after doing this, and drink plenty of water to help move all of that energy through you. Enjoy! <3
Releasing Your Ego’s Perspective & Choosing To Be Your Higher Self ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua describes the differences between the egoic perspective and the perspective of our higher self. He then walks us through several questions to ask ourselves to determine whether the choice we are making in the moment is coming from the egoic perspective or whether we are choosing to be our higher selves. Use this download whenever you need to make an important decision, but also know that every little decision is either supporting the perspective of the ego or higher self. As always, you can feel the love and presence of Yeshua throughout this download. Enjoy! <3
Quieting Your Inner Critic ∞Yeshua
In this download from Yeshua of 11 and a half minutes, he walks us through a process of silencing that inner critic that lives in all of us. He also explains where the critic comes from and what the best course is to take with that little voice. Next, he invites us to replace the inner critic with someone who will always offer us praise and unconditional love. He also indicates that the choice to praise oneself may be harder at first because of social conditioning, but it is a choice that we can all make. Enjoy! <3
Higher Self Download & Activation Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 16 minute meditation from Yeshua, he guides us through the activating and downloading of our Higher Self. This meditation will align you with the energies and the consciousness of your Higher Self, giving you full access to your fifth dimensional self. You will feel renewed and rejuvenated after doing this meditation, and it is a guided meditation that you can do daily to remind you of who you really are and to get your day started on the right foot. Enjoy! <3
Love Vibration Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 13 minutes, Yeshua takes us through an exercise to get us to feel and vibrate the Love vibration that exists within us at all times. This process will get you vibrating in harmony with your true self, your Source Energy self, and you’ll feel more in harmony with all beings after completing it. The love vibration will be easier for you to access, whenever you want to feel it, no matter whom you are with, and that’s truly what life is all about. Enjoy in love <3
Confidence Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua guides us through a process to activate the confidence that can only come from with us. He will leave you feeling full of confidence, Source Energy, and ready to move forward boldly in whatever you want to do, say, create, or express in your life. This is a powerful transmission, and it will remind you/reunite you with your eternal, infinite, and truest self as well. Enjoy with confidence <3
A Healing for Sexual Trauma ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through processes to heal known and unknown sexual traumas from this lifetime and all past lives. We all carry sexual trauma in our cells, second chakras, and energy fields, but with the help of Yeshua we can clear and heal it all. This is a powerful integration, as well as a healing, so please drink plenty of water after doing it to give your bodies what they need to process the energy. <3
How to Channel Your Fifth Dimensional Self ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through the process of connecting with our 5th dimensional selves. He then encourages us to receive the information our 5D self has about ascension, how to enjoy it, and what to do in order to get there. By the end of the download, you will receive images, insights, and will be channeling verbally for your 5D self. Trust it! And enjoy 🙂 <3
How to Heal Relationships with Loved Ones ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua takes us through a series of steps that we can use to heal all relationships with others – family members, spouses, co-workers, friends, and any others we have a relationship of any kind with. No matter what the nature of the relationship is, the other is a loved one on some level. Yeshua guides us to see these relationships as reflections of our relationship to self, and he notes that the foundation of all of these relationships is Love. Enjoy <3
Vibrational Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes from Yeshua, he takes us through a process of upgrading and up-leveling our vibrations. He connects us to a field that represents our daily vibrational offering, and he helps us merge that with the highest vibrational offering coming from our heart centers. He also offers a transmission to surround us and support us through the process. After listening to this download, you will feel re-charged, re-energized, and recommitted to holding a higher vibration throughout your day. Enjoy! <3
Cleansing & Clearing Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation, led by Yeshua, he takes us through a cleansing and clearing out of all that no longer serves us and is of a lower frequency. He guides us through the cleansing of our chakras, cells, and energy field, and he does so with the high frequency energy that you would expect from an ascended master. Set to beautiful new age music, this meditation is one that will leave you feeling lighter, clearer, and ready to absorb more of the high frequency energy of the fifth dimension. Enjoy! <3
Ascension Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through an ascension experience. He assures us that ascension is ours for the taking, that there’s no need to earn it, and that the only requirement is a willingness to feel the love that we are. He gives us an attunement, filled with his Love and Light that will resonate with that which is Divine and eternal in all of us. This one can be done any time you need a reminder of the truth of who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Hands on Healing Attunement ∞Yeshua
This download/attunement of just over 11 and a half minutes gives us a brand new healing modality, combining the energy of Yeshua with the love in our hearts. The energy from this attunement from Yeshua can be used to heal ourselves, other people in our lives, and the entire collective. You will feel the energy in the palms of your hands after receiving this attunement, and you can use it to get yourself and others back in the flow of the healing energy that is available to us all…always! Enjoy 🙂
How to Receive & Listen to Your Own Guidance ∞Yeshua
In this 12 minute download from Yeshua, he takes us through processes to help us receive and discern our own guidance from social programming. He also helps us gain confidence in our abilities to feel the truth of that guidance and use it to follow through in making decisions that will affect our lives. Yeshua also offers his assistance in supporting us through the process of feeling into the right decisions for us. This is a process you’ll use over and over again… Enjoy! <3
Inner Child Healing & Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes, Yeshua walks us through a process of connecting with our inner child, giving him or her what the inner child needs, and then bringing the younger version of ourselves into our hearts. Yeshua also emphasizes that this integration of the inner child is actually an activation of all that was once innocent within us. The childlike wonder, enthusiasm, and playfulness will be activated with the full integration of this child into our Whole Selves. Enjoy! <3
Chakra Realignment & Clearing ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 13 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through an alignment of our seven main chakras. He then offers a transmission of white light to clear and cleanse all of the lower frequency energies from them. Finally, he invites us to feel the effects of the chakra realignment and clearing. Your chakras will be freer to express the higher frequency energies and information they hold after completing this download. Enjoy! <3
Heart Blockage Removal & Unconditional Love Download ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 12 minutes, Yeshua walks us through a process of melting away the blockages around our hearts that were formed each time our love was not received or reciprocated. He then offers us a download of unconditional love from the Yeshua collective, and that love will create new opportunities to BE the love that we seek…and to receive it back as well. Enjoy! <3
Trauma Release from Current & Past Lives ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua guides us through a process that will help us clear and release all traumas from this lifetime. These traumas affect us in all areas of our lives, whether we are aware of them or not. Yeshua then offers a transmission of love and light that will clear all past life traumas from our energy fields, chakras, and cells. This is a process you can do each time a trauma from this lifetime gets reactivated, but there’s also the possibility that you’ll only need to do it once. Enjoy! <3
Religious De-Programming & Free Will Activation ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua conveys the truth that we’ve all been exposed to religious programming in several of our lifetimes. He then takes us back to the moment of our birth, where our free will was in its purest state. He leads us through exercises to activate that free will and release the religious programming from our current lifetime, past lives, and the collective consciousness. He also grants us permission to follow our own guidance and to know ourselves as Source. Enjoy!
A Process for Channeling Mother Mary ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through a process to get us channeling the being who incarnated as the mother of Jesus Christ, known to most of us as Mother Mary. First, Yeshua connects us to that which is in us and also in Mary, who is now an ascended master. Next, he gets us to feel her energy and tone for it. Finally, he asks us to verbally speak a message from Mary. Whether or not you channel her directly via voice and/or tone as a result of this process, you will feel her presence and receive her unconditional love and compassion. Enjoy!
Activation of Divinity in Your DNA, Mind & Cells ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us on a journey to wipe clean any information from our bodies that says we are anything less than Divine. He then takes us through processes to download the truth of our Divine Nature into our cells, DNA, and physical minds. This is a powerful download and transmission. Enjoy! <3
How to Perform Miracles ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a simple process for performing miracles in our lives, right here and right now. Yeshua explains what a miracle really is and how we can access the miraculous within ourselves at any time. It’s time for us all to recognize the miracles that we are and use that energy to perform miracles in the physical reality. Enjoy! <3
Putting Yourself in the Flow of Source Energy Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua (Jesus Christ), he guides us into the meditative state and helps us connect to a portal that delivers more of Source Energy to us. Yeshua soothes us into the flow of energy, guiding us gently to the full realization that we are Source Energy and that everything we desire is contained within that which we really are. This guided meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will soothe and relax you as you listen. Yeshua guides us to project out the Source Energy that we access in the meditation. This is probably my favorite meditation ever. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Releasing Soul Contracts ∞Yeshua
In this download of 10 and a half minutes, Yeshua explains what sacred soul contracts are, why we use them, and how to release the ones that no longer serve us. He then guides us through a visualization that will free us from all bonds that we have with any other beings that we no longer wish to continue to adhere to. Finally, Yeshua has us write a new contract with ourselves. It’s really a beautiful process. Enjoy <3
How to Receive All That You’ve Been Asking For ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes from Yeshua, he takes us on a journey to the vibration, and therefore manifestation, of everything we’ve asked for in this lifetime. With the gentle guidance of Yeshua, the ascended master, we can vibrate in harmony with that which we’ve created and that which exists vibrationally, out there, somewhere, waiting for us to claim it. This download is one that we can do over and over, whenever that doubt creeps in, whenever those beliefs come to the surface that say we can’t or won’t become one with our desires. Enjoy! <3
Emotional Body Healing & Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, Yeshua helps us to tune in to our emotional bodies, offers us a healing, and then facilitates an upgrade. This transmission is designed to fill in the gaps and holes in our emotional bodies, release the blockages and numbness, and after receiving it, you’ll be able to feel the energies of the fifth dimension. Yeshua works with our Oversouls to bring this powerful healing and upgrade through, and he also encourages us to celebrate our progress and readiness for this transmission. Enjoy! <3
Healing Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our physical health and well-being. It’s so important, and yet, we hardly think about it unless we’re already sick. That can all change, of course, as we pay more attention to our energy and emotions, which are the places where health and well-being really begin. In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ), he takes us through a process of healing ourselves that will leave you with a brand new body and a brand new energy field. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music and can be done any time you’re feeling ascension symptoms, have an illness, pain, or even just discomfort in your physical body. The energy transmission is strong in this one. Yeshua always brings such a gigantic energetic force with his presence. Enjoy! <3
5th Dimensional Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 20 seconds, Yeshua guides us through a process to connect with the aspect of ourselves that is already 5th dimensional. He then invites us to hold the 5th dimensional frequency for as long as we can. He reveals the truth of who we really are and how to return to that state any time we choose to be in it. This is a powerful attunement. Make sure to drink plenty of water after listening. And enjoy! <3
How to Live as a Master ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua provides us with a roadmap for living as masters on Earth. First, he talks about the choice to incarnate at this time and why we would make that choice. Then he outlines exactly how we can move to the being-ness of the master by engaging in very simple and easy-to-enact practices in our daily lives. This is wisdom from one of the great masters to have walked the Earth. Yeshua. Enjoy! <3
Light & Love Transmission from Jesus Christ & the Yeshua Collective ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds, Yeshua brings us a transmission of Love & Light from the entire Yeshua Collective. First, Yeshua readies us for the transmission by opening us up energetically and physically to receive the powerful energy transmission from the 12th dimension. Finally, Yeshua helps us ground and integrate the energy we’ve received and invites us to continue the process even after the recording has completed. Enjoy! <3
How to Channel Jesus Christ & the Yeshua Collective ∞Yeshua
This download is almost 16 minutes in length, and in it, Yeshua describes the relationship between the Yeshua collective and the one known as Jesus Christ who once walked this Earth. Next. you’ll be taken through a meditation/process to get you into the channeling state, and by the end Yeshua will have you toning and speaking for their energy. This is a powerful process and a wonderful tool for getting you to channel verbally. Enjoy! <3
Christ Consciousness Activation ∞Yeshua
In this, my first ever channeling of Yeshua, I was able to get a Christ Consciousness Activation in an 11 minute and 11 second download. Yeshua (known to most of us as Jesus Christ) offered this Christ Consciousness Activation, as well as plenty of information about the Yeshua Consciousness and our connection to it. This one is powerful and heart-opening. Expand your consciousness deliberately with this download. Enjoy! <3
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