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Thymus Toning for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Pay What You Want
I called upon the collective of ascended masters known as Thymus to do some toning to activate those spiritual gifts that still lie dormant in the listener. The result is this 6-minute recording that you can use at any time to access a new gift that’s been eluding you.
Our spiritual gifts are something (or multiple things) that we are accessing more and more of all the time. When we seek to access a spiritual gift that has seemed just out of reach for quite some time, it’s easy to feel frustration. We might wonder why someone else has this gift and why we don’t. We might look to the past (including past lives) for the answer or just assume that we are blocked in some way to accessing this elusive gift or gifts. That’s why I called upon the collective of ascended masters known as Thymus to do some toning to activate those spiritual gifts that still lie dormant in the listener. The result is this 6-minute recording that you can use at any time to access a new gift that’s been eluding you. Joy!
It’s best to use this recording when you’re feeling like you just want to give up. It’s also a great idea to use it before you start tuning in to a new or yet-to-be-discovered gift. Either way, you can utilize the tones I channeled here over and over again to access new gifts or just bolster the ones you already have.Love <3
Thymus Toning for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Pay What You Want
I called upon the collective of ascended masters known as Thymus to do some toning to activate those spiritual gifts that still lie dormant in the listener. The result is this 6-minute recording that you can use at any time to access a new gift that’s been eluding you.
Thymus Toning for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts
Our spiritual gifts are something (or multiple things) that we are accessing more and more of all the time. When we seek to access a spiritual gift that has seemed just out of reach for quite some time, it’s easy to feel frustration. We might wonder why someone else has this gift and why we don’t. We might look to the past (including past lives) for the answer or just assume that we are blocked in some way to accessing this elusive gift or gifts. That’s why I called upon the collective of ascended masters known as Thymus to do some toning to activate those spiritual gifts that still lie dormant in the listener. The result is this 6-minute recording that you can use at any time to access a new gift that’s been eluding you. Joy!
It’s best to use this recording when you’re feeling like you just want to give up. It’s also a great idea to use it before you start tuning in to a new or yet-to-be-discovered gift. Either way, you can utilize the tones I channeled here over and over again to access new gifts or just bolster the ones you already have. Love <3
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