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Thymus Toning for Releasing All of Your Karma ∞Pay What You Want
Before I sat to channel the collective of ascended masters, I set the intention that the tones and overtones would contain the unique vibrationnecessary to give the listener a full cleansing and release of that karma that’s accumulated in all lifetimes
This is a 6- Minute Recording of Thymus Toning for Releasing All of Your Karma
The toning of Thymus is powerful. I can feel it, and I have received feedback from others that they can feel it as well. Karma is a big topic as we shift our consciousness. We aren’t going to bring any of our karma with it to the fifth dimension, and therefore, it’s gotta go, and it’s gotta go soon. Burning off all of that karma can be painful, and that’s why I channeled Thymus for this 6-minute recording of tones and overtones for releasing all of your karma. Before I sat to channel the collective of ascended masters, I set the intention that the tones and overtones would contain the unique vibrationnecessary to give the listener a full cleansing and release of that karma that’s accumulated in all lifetimes put together. Love <3
How Often Do You Need to Listen to this Recording to Receive the Full Benefit from It?
The answer to this question depends on how much karma you have. If you set the intention before listening to it to strip away as much karma as you can in a six-minute time span, I’m sure that your karma can be cleared after ten listens. As we continue to accumulate more in this life, however, it’s good to keep this one in your back pocket, because that moment of ascension gets closer to us in every moment of every day. Joy!
Thymus Toning for Releasing All of Your Karma ∞Pay What You Want
Before I sat to channel the collective of ascended masters, I set the intention that the tones and overtones would contain the unique vibration necessary to give the listener a full cleansing and release of that karma that’s accumulated in all lifetimes
This is a 6- Minute Recording of Thymus Toning for Releasing All of Your Karma
The toning of Thymus is powerful. I can feel it, and I have received feedback from others that they can feel it as well. Karma is a big topic as we shift our consciousness. We aren’t going to bring any of our karma with it to the fifth dimension, and therefore, it’s gotta go, and it’s gotta go soon. Burning off all of that karma can be painful, and that’s why I channeled Thymus for this 6-minute recording of tones and overtones for releasing all of your karma. Before I sat to channel the collective of ascended masters, I set the intention that the tones and overtones would contain the unique vibration necessary to give the listener a full cleansing and release of that karma that’s accumulated in all lifetimes put together. Love <3
How Often Do You Need to Listen to this Recording to Receive the Full Benefit from It?
The answer to this question depends on how much karma you have. If you set the intention before listening to it to strip away as much karma as you can in a six-minute time span, I’m sure that your karma can be cleared after ten listens. As we continue to accumulate more in this life, however, it’s good to keep this one in your back pocket, because that moment of ascension gets closer to us in every moment of every day. Joy!
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