In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators, The Hathors, Quan Yin, and The Arcturian Council (there may have been a few other contributors as well) transmit tones and overtones that are designed to activate our 5th dimensional DNA. You can sit back and listen to these tones and overtones or tone along. Either way, you’ll receive the benefit of your exposure to them, as they are infused with the intention to activate our 5D DNA. Drink lots of water after doing this one. You’re sure to have a lot of energy moving through you. Enjoy! <3
Tones and Overtones for Activating 5th Dimensional DNA ∞ Pay What You Want
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators, The Hathors, Quan Yin, and The Arcturian Council (there may have been a few other contributors as well) transmit tones and overtones that are designed to activate our 5th dimensional DNA. You can sit back and listen to these tones and overtones or tone along. Either way, you’ll receive the benefit of your exposure to them, as they are infused with the intention to activate our 5D DNA. Drink lots of water after doing this one. You’re sure to have a lot of energy moving through you. Enjoy! <3
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