This download I got from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven today was about receiving more data and information. This is something that is naturally occurring, as we shift the way we perceive reality. But we can also do something to get our minds on board for those new perceptions. That is precisely what the Pleidians do in this Upgrade for the Mind download. It’s over 14 minutes. You’ll feel expanded and more open to new ideas and information after this one. Enjoy! <3
Upgrade for the Mind ∞Pay What You Want
This download I got from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven today was about receiving more data and information. This is something that is naturally occurring, as we shift the way we perceive reality. But we can also do something to get our minds on board for those new perceptions. That is precisely what the Pleidians do in this Upgrade for the Mind download. It’s over 14 minutes. You’ll feel expanded and more open to new ideas and information after this one. Enjoy! <3
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