The Energetic Journey ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
If you really want to be a fifth-dimensional being, then give yourselves precisely what it is that you are seeking energetically. Many of you are seeking something in the physical that you do not yet have or that you have not yet achieved. And so, you take steps to manifest that which you desire. And when you have it, or when you have achieved what you are seeking to experience, then you give yourselves the essence of it.
But in order to truly know yourselves as whole beings, recognize that you already have the essence of that which you seek. It already exists within you, and you are simply activating something that you already are. Once you activate it, you become it and it becomes you. And then when it shows up in your experience, physically, you recognize it immediately.
So take whatever steps you want to take to bring yourselves in alignment with the experiences you want to have, but remember that the energetic journey is available to you even if the action steps are not. The energetic journey simply requires you to tap in to the energy that you already have within you. Allow your desires to activate that which is within you and feel the lack of separation as you do.
That knowing that you already are that which you seek is true power. And your inevitable expansion includes all of those experiences that you desire. Give yourselves the shortest route possible. It is your destiny, and you might as well enjoy the journey to it.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”