Feelings – Archangel Michael
“Underneath anyone’s intentions is a desire. But what they desire may not have any place in their lives. Beneath all desires are feelings, and those feelings are seeking expression. You can give your feelings expression in many ways, but there is only way to feel a feeling.
So we are going to suggest to you that you give your feelings priority. They will find their way to the surface. They will be given their day in the sun. No amount of suppression will ever hold them at bay. We ask that you set aside the need for anything in your life to be different from what it is.
And instead, explore those feelings that have given birth to your desires. Even a feeling of joy or excitement has the ability to be felt more powerfully than you are often willing. And it is through the urgency that you feel that you often miss opportunities to become one with an emotional state and to let it vibrate you.
By keeping yourselves from these experiences, you only create an unquenchable thirst that the world of form was never meant to satisfy. It never will. And you will simply miss out on the best of what your reality has to offer. It all awaits you within and beckons you with an eagerness that you share in your search for all that you desire.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”