Focus – Archangel Michael
“Giving portions of your consciousness to one task while also giving portions of your consciousness to another activity puts you at odds with yourself. Taking steps to prevent something from occurring takes you further into that which you attempt to avoid. Putting your conscious awareness on anything is increasing its power, and you are always sending your consciousness and your energy towards something.
You are always creating. Therefore, we suggest that you pay attention to what you are giving your attention to. Scattered energy leads to scattered results. Putting your attention on something you don’t want in order to prevent it is drawing that which you don’t want closer to you.
Deciding that you want to engage with something and then giving more of your attention to what it is you wish to engage with is the ultimate force of attraction and manifestation. By allowing yourselves more conscious awareness, you give yourselves more power. The more that you hold back from your life and the less you participate consciously in it, the more you are saying to others that you would like them to decide for you.
We know that you want to be the conscious creators of your lives. But if you reserve conscious creation for only those times when you are actually paying attention to what you are focusing on, then you are only allowing yourselves a fraction of your power and your influence. Therefore, we suggest that you give more of your attention to whatever it is you are doing. Be focused. Practice putting your focus on anything so that when you decide that you want to engage with something, you have exercised those muscles.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”