Full Immersion – The Hathors
“Losing yourselves in a moment in time is one of the most delicious experiences you can all have. It is a matter of complete release into an experience, where you are so unconcerned with what the experience will bring you, and where you will go from the experience, and what anyone else will think about your participation in the experience, that you in a sense become the experience you are having.
This is possible no matter what it is you are doing. It is an immersion of your frequency into another, a coming together, a coalescing of the self with the experience. When you really want to have an experience, we suggest that you make this type of immersion into it your goal and for that to be the ultimate outcome for you.
There are many times when you are all seeking out an experience so that you can have another experience that you believe will follow logically from one to the next. We want to encourage you to forget everything that you think you know about cause and effect, about the ends and the means, because we want you all to become buried within a frequency so that you can fully engage and fully discover what that experience is really all about.
You will discover more about yourself as a result of your full participation in an experience that you are having. You will benefit so much from the simple act of being present with what you are doing that you may in fact become addicted to the experience you are having. But the thing about full immersion in an experience is that the experience itself will release you when it is complete, when you have had the full knowing of that experience.
You can do this with your so-called ‘negative’ experiences as well, because the full immersion in that experience will again release you from it so that you will then become more fine-tuned in your creation abilities. You will know fully how something feels. And when you know fully how something feels, you can easily summon that feeling once again. You can choose to create the reality you prefer, but you cannot do that until you fully engage with the moment you are in to discover what it has to offer you.
We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish you a fond good day.”