Intentions and Beliefs – The Hathors
“So you begin each day with an intention. Sometimes your intention is just to get through the day. Sometimes your intention is to have a particularly fun time doing something. Sometimes your intention is to get certain things accomplished.
But no matter what your intention is for a given day, a particular day, you are living out that energetic stream when you put forth the intention. You are riding a wave that begins very early on and that you will continue to be on unless you make some sort of adjustment to your frequency and to your intentions.
You are living out a self-fulfilling prophecy, in a sense. You have very many beliefs that you cling to, or that you bow down to, or that you are simply not even aware of. And these beliefs are in large part responsible for the intentions themselves.
For if you believe that you must work and do certain things in order to be compensated financially, then you will intend to have a certain kind of day that revolves around certain activities that you will then believe that it is possible for you to be compensated for.
If you believe that a certain activity is more likely to be fun for you and is more likely to put you into alignment with who and what it is you really are, then certainly you will want to do that activity as often as you can possibly stand it.
We just want you to be aware of everything that you are putting forth, that you are putting out there, before you engage with it, before you decide this thing here is worthy of my attention, is worthy of my activity. And this thing over here is to be avoided at all costs.
We are not telling you that there is something wrong with having a preference or a desire. By all means, it is necessary that you have those. But what we are saying is that in order for you to really embrace life, you must be willing to take on a different perspective than the one that you have been force fed, or than the one you have simply assimilated to.
It is very easy for you to take on all of the beliefs, the ideas, the truths, of your government, your society, your parents, religion, or your heritage within any group that you are a member of. Until you are aware of what it is you are believing in and bowing down to, you will not be able to adequately address it. You will not be able to take a stance. You will not be able to put forth a new intention for yourself, for your day, for your world.
That is really what we want you all to do. We want you to become aware of the clay you are using to mold your reality. Because if you realize that you have access to more clay, to different types of clay, then you can have a fuller experience, and a truer experience, of your reality and of yourselves.
We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish a fond good day.”