Joyous Intentions – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Beginning each day with your intention for it may seem like a minor and inconsequential thing to do, but it actually has quite a bit of power over your experience. So let us say that you intend to experience joy throughout your day. That does not mean that everything that happens to you would be something you would describe as joyous.
But it does affect the way you experience those events and circumstances. You can take a joyous approach to whatever is before you. And by setting forth your intention to do so, you are more likely to remember that you have that option. There is joy woven in to every experience, waiting to be plucked from its essence by you.
What you bring to every circumstance in your lives will be what you get out of it. So continue to seek out joyous experiences, and continue to create the reality that you prefer to experience. But also, set forth your intentions for how you want to experience your life. That is true power, and that is power that is available to you all day, every day.
Believe in your ability to hold your intention in the face of any circumstance that comes your way. Believe in your ability to do so, and you will manifest that ability. It is easier than you think, and you are ready to step into this level of mastery. You are ready to know yourselves as the masters who are capable of maintaining that joyous intention, no matter what.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”