Meeting Points – Ophelia the Faerie
“I am here. I am with you.
There is a wave of energy that you emit in every moment of your existence. This wave contains not only your current vibrational offering, but also all of the data that you have accumulated, all of the experiences, and everything that you are and that you have become. All of it is transmitted in this wave that has a unique vibrational signature. That signature is understood and is met by others like it. This is how you come into contact with those who are of like mind and frequency.
The waves meet and a point is formed. That point draws both of you to it, and maybe more than just two of you will be drawn to this point. And you will have your interaction and you may recognize that you are of the same frequency. This happens all day, every day and is more responsible for getting you together than all the text messages, all the emails, all the phone calls, all the Facebook posts, and all the other clever apps that you have.
This is your original Internet, your original cell phone tower. And you are noticing and recognizing the frequency matches more and more because you are awakening more and more to that which you are and to that which others are as well. I invite you to feel your way to these points of harmony, these points of coming together, to let yourselves be drawn to that which is a like vibration.
I also want to inform you that these coming together moments are not always pleasant. Sometimes they contain for you what you need to hear or see or feel or experience. Those moments are equally valid and have as much to give you as the pleasant ones. But you also must recognize the energy that brought you together for those meetings. The more you are aware, the more you are able to decide what type of meeting you will have with whomever you come in contact with.
I suggest that you make more of your appointments energetically and you let the universe surprise with the wonderful meetings that lay in store.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”