More Awesomeness to Come
“Somewhere there is a portion of your consciousness that is delighting in everything that you experience here on the physical plane. That aspect of yourself has no hidden agenda. It is not trying to make something happen with its unbridled enjoyment and enthusiasm for your lives and your experiences. It simply revels in everything that you touch, see, smell, hear, taste and experience. We like to call that aspect of your consciousness ‘you.’
We think that there is no separation between that you and the version of yourselves that you think of as you. We want to invite you to find where that aspect exists and to connect with it, to meld with it, to harmonize with it, so that you can share in some of the fun. We want you to realize that from a certain perspective, this journey that you are on is a gift and is highly sought out.
We want you to realize that you are a gift and that you have given yourselves a chance, by taking this journey, to enjoy every aspect of the physical. It is merely a suggestion on our part that you seek within that version of yourself that is still excited about the journey, enjoying the ride, and extremely interested in the nuances of your world and of the experiences that you are having.
We know that this can be difficult to hear when you are in the midst of some drama or some pain, but we want to give you the keys to the kingdom, and we want you to know that you already have them, that you already are that version of yourself that is enjoying this immensely and that part of your awakening is the recognizing of how beautiful and wonderful this unique experience of life is.
We invite you to become that version of yourselves and to breathe in some of the awesomeness of this experience and of all of your experiences, while welcoming in more awesomeness to come.”