Opening to a New Perspective – The Zeta Reticuli
“Before you accept that your reality is what it is, give yourselves ample opportunity to explore other possibilities. When you evaluate reality, have the presence of mind to examine it from many different angles. Do not settle on one perspective and maintain it as the only valid one, because if you do, you are forfeiting all other perspectives. You are deciding what is true, and you are setting that truth in stone.
In actuality your reality is never set in stone, and so neither are your truths. You may decide that something is true, and then that decision precludes you from seeing the other possibilities, the other angles, the other perspectives. So we suggest that you be open. And in your openness, receive.
Receive another perspective, because we can assure you that other perspectives are there just waiting for you to be open to them. How you do this is by simply taking the time to stop. And when you take the time to stop, open yourselves to a world that is waiting to reveal itself to you.
You don’t have to decide which perspective you want to see. You don’t have to pretend that something is true when you really don’t believe that it is. All you have to do is stop, close your eyes, and ask to be shown another perspective, one that will be more to your liking.
There is a whole universe that is waiting to be asked for assistance. It is your universe, and because it is your universe it wants to reveal itself in as many ways as possible to you.
We are the Zetas, and we are your brothers and sisters.”