Safety is an Illusion – Ophelia the Faerie
“I am here. I am with you.
Safety is an illusion because danger is also an illusion. You are never in harm’s way. You are never at risk. Nothing is ever happening to you. Therefore, safety is unnecessary. It is a concept – a concept that, in order to exist, must also necessitate that the opposite exists. And therefore, you are creating the need to feel safe as you are creating the idea that there is danger lurking out there somewhere, in the shadows.
When I say to you that you are everything, then you understand how nothing outside of you could ever come and get you, or get your things, or your loved ones. You are the creators of the reality you experience, and you choose how you create and what you create with. But it is all you. You are doing the creating. You are the medium for the creating. And you are the creation.
Therefore, ask yourselves what type of world you want to create today. You can continue to play out this polarized idea of danger and safety and good and bad, or you can bring it all in, take it all inside of you, and then choose. Choose from the buffet of experiences that you have. And notice where your choices originate from. Notice if you are choosing abundance because you are feeling fear of lack and notice if you are choosing to be in a romantic partnership because you are feeling lonely.
And then ask yourselves whether you want to feel the essence instead. So what is the essence of safety and security? I feel the essence exists in oneness and in that full knowing of self as the creator. As you hold this in your awareness and as you hold that frequency, you recognize that there is no need to create anything that is unwanted. Continue to choose, not exactly what you want to experience, but the essence, the feeling, the vibration. That will take you out of the polarized game and into the wholeness and oneness of creation.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”