Self-Love is Service ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
Since you have a place in this universe, understand that you have value that goes beyond what you can do. What you can contribute to this universe is your unique vibration. That is how you give. That is how you serve.
Anything other than that is simply a bonus. When you reach beyond yourself and you look to serve your fellow humans, or the animals, or the plants, you send out more of that signal of who you are. You amplify your presence.
It is not necessary for you to do this, but it is always satisfying. When you discover who you really are, you then look for ways to express that energy. And the most accurate representation of the energy of who and what you really are is an act of service.
An act of service is an expression of who and what you really are. It is not necessary in order to prove to anyone that you are unconditional Love incarnate. If you need to prove that to yourself, then we recommend that you feel it. Feel who you really are. Feel the vibration of you. You will still be sending out that signal, because any time that you are who you really are, you are most certainly being of service.
How you would like to express the unconditional Love that you are is and always will be up to you. Your actions do not speak louder than your words, and your words are not more important than your presence. You do not need to justify anything to anyone or prove anything to anyone by demonstrating just how good you are.
Many of you need to prove this to yourselves, however. And it can be the motivating factor behind wanting to do something good. As you listen to your heart and to the guidance that you have within you, you can feel the goodness of who you are. You can send out that signal.
And since you are a collective, and since that is an unconditional act of self-love, you are also helping others in that moment to recognize the goodness that they are. And that is an act of service. Self-love is service, and since you are Love, it is also very appropriate.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”