The Actions of Others
“The behavior of others does not need to have the effect on you that it sometimes does. It is not as though you must react to the actions of another, and in some ways, what they are doing is none of your business. We give this to you because we notice that many of you are involving yourselves in the business of others without taking into consideration your part in creating it.
You are never victims. You are always co-creators. It is a universe of inclusion. It is a world of reflections. There is nothing that is outside of you, and nothing that someone else does can be considered an act of betrayal. What we want you to focus on when you see someone doing something that you do not like is the immediate reaction that you have to it. And then we want you to own that reaction as your own, for no two people will never see the same incident in exactly the same way.
And so your reaction to the action is yours and yours alone. It will benefit you to feel the emotion that comes up for you and to let go of any need that you may find to change something. So when you are able to get the emotional charge from a situation, from a behavior that you are witnessing, and then you are able to understand your part in co-creating the event, and then you are able to let go of the need to change what the other person is doing, you put yourselves in a position of power.
Now we know that what you perceive of as power typically involves some sort of action, some sort of declaration – passing a law or breaking a law – whatever you see power as typically is not a frequency, a vibration. But we want you to know how powerful you are in non-action. We want you to give yourselves the experience of acceptance, compassion, and unconditional love.
When you realize that everyone who is acting out in some way is hurting, you become the fifth dimensional version of yourself and you have the perspective that serves everyone involved.
We truly want all of you to act from a place of joy and a place of love and a place of respect, but knowing where you are and knowing what you all need to go through in order to ascend, we recognize that that will not always be the case. And so we want you, those of you who are aware and awake, to be leaders in a movement that demonstrates power in a different way.
And when you have that experience of yourselves, you allow others to awaken as well.”