The E.T.s are Evolving with You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

The E.T.s are Evolving with You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to investigate the different agendas that exist in the current moment amongst the extra-terrestrials who are keeping a close eye on humanity. We know that most of you are aware that there are well-intentioned e.t.s and there are malevolent ones, and we also want you to recognize that as you evolve, so do they.
They are not the same e.t.s that they once were, no matter whom we are referring to with that statement. Therefore, it is time for humanity to start looking at your own fears and prejudices when it comes to your brothers and sisters from other parts of the galaxy. You will need to come to terms with experiences that you have had in this lifetime and in past lives as you awaken those memories.
The memories we are referring to here are the ones involving e.t.s who have either knowingly done you harm or unintentionally have created trauma within you. Remember of course that everything is happening by co-creation and that you would only create an experience that would trigger fear within you because you needed to have that experience.
So it is time for letting go, and it is time for tuning in to those emotions that come up when you consider being abducted, experimented on, or invaded by extra-terrestrial races. All of these things have happened at some point in your history as a being who has incarnated all across the galaxy. It’s time to make peace with that, and it’s time to consider that others can evolve, just like you.
Now you are still going to need to use your discernment, but that discernment needs to come from your feelings and not from the facts that you have compiled. So prepare yourselves for much more contact, and do it now, before the ships start landing and you have to face those fears all at once. This method that we are proposing is going to make everything easier on you as you shift and ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here