The Hybrids and You – The Zeta Reticuli
“Primary to the process of evolution is the creation of something new. Evolution is not just about changing that which already exists. It is about creating something that has never been before.
Your evolution is intertwined with ours, and it is very appropriate that we have created new species together. We have taken polarities and merged them, and the result has been a beautiful flowering of energy.
You have what you call the hybrid species, and they are a combination of the best of what we are and the best of what you are. And as you explore who and what they are, you become aware of your own strengths. They are a part of your story, because they are meant to stimulate within you that which they represent.
They are activating some of your DNA with their mere presence. They are stimulating your consciousness to recognize what is possible within you and to realize it in this lifetime.
You will be seeing more of the hybrids in your dreams, in your imaginations, and in ships off in the distance. And what they will trigger within you will have a domino effect.
You will evolve right along with them. You will find your place in this story, and you will notice how brilliant and beautiful you are because it will be so clear in what you see in the hybrids.
We are the Zetas, and we are your brothers and sisters.”