The Wisdom of Source – Archangel Michael
“The wisdom that you acquire in the course of your lifetime pales in comparison to what you have access to in any moment in time. The wisdom of the ages does not hold a candle to the wisdom of Source. You are unable to really comprehend just how much is available to you. And the reason you are unable to comprehend it is because so few of you are willing to access Source’s wisdom.
You do not need a special code or abilities that are only available to a select few. All you need is that willingness, and that willingness requires you to let go. We are referring to the way that many of you cling to the wisdom you have acquired. It is a source of pride for many of you when you tell others what you know. You hold your heads up high and you speak from a sense of authority.
It is easy to understand why you wouldn’t want to give that up, for why would you have the experiences that you have if you were not to take away a sense of becoming more knowledgeable about your world, about yourselves, and about how to relate to all beings? There is also a sense of shame, a sense of being smaller than or less than that you experience when you compare yourselves to your Source.
But look at the criteria by which you compare. Just because Source holds more of that wisdom does not make you inferior. You do not need to let go of your sense of self and self-worth in order to recognize that Source is able to perceive so much more than you are.
So do yourselves a favor and open up to the wisdom of Source, to that which may contradict something you have always believed and clung to. Be willing to embrace the change that is already occurring and that happens too quickly for your historians to note. Wisdom is now-based. Everything else is just an account of what has occurred.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”