Your Inevitable Ascension – The Hathors
“Fortunately for all of you, there is no time limit. You are not facing any sort of do or die type of situation when it comes to your ascension. You are in fact well beyond any doubt whatsoever that you have made it and are continuing to make it as a species and a planet. We are happy to give you that news. You do not have to worry about whether or not you are going to make it, and you do not have to worry about when it will occur. All of that is assured at this point.
You have evolved past any sort of demarcation line that would put the ascension process in question for all of you. So what to do now, yes? Now that you know you are ascending, what is your role? How do you proceed on with your lives?
First of all, we encourage you to celebrate. Celebrate what you have accomplished. Be happy with yourselves for having made it this far and for continuing on without any question to your fully-integrated, fifth-dimensional selves.
Next, we would recommend that you forgive yourselves. Forgive yourselves for ever having expressed something or done something that you look back upon now and think, ‘How could I have done or said that, or even felt that?’
We also encourage you to set some boundaries. What we mean by that is that you maintain a clarity with those around you who may want to share in some of your high frequency energy. We want you all to be able to assist others without feeling that you are being trapped by them. So setting boundaries will help you maintain your frequency and your sanity, as those around you recognize your light and want a piece of it for themselves.
Next, we suggest that you set your own agenda for your life. Stop looking around to others to tell you what to do, or how you should live, and stop waiting for the rest of the world to do something so that you can then begin living the way that you want to live, the fifth-dimensional way.
This is your journey. You must decide how you want to proceed. You must decide what is important to you. You must be willing to take chances, to take risks. You must be willing to be wrong, or to take a wrong turn, by your definition.
You must allow all others to do the same, and you must recognize that there is no separation between you and any other. But you will continue to be unique and different and be the creators of your own paths, your own lives, your own stories. And of course, sit back from time to time and just enjoy this ride that you are on.
We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish you a fond good day.”