Raising Your Vibration ∞Archangel Gabriel
“By listening to your own words, you can discover what vibration you are holding. Every action that you take is also a clue. Every emotion that you feel gives you an indication of your current vibration. And of course, the thoughts that you think resonate with your vibrational offering. The vibration that you offer is like the magic wand. When you wave the magic wand, everything in its path changes.
So how do you change your vibration? How do you wave the magic wand so that everything you experience becomes of that vibration? You can start by surrounding yourselves with that which is of a high vibration.
Putting yourselves in nature is the easiest way. Listening to music that resonates the vibration you want to hold is another very easy method. Wearing clothes that feel good on your body, spending time with your pets, taking a bubble bath – there are a myriad of ways that you can easily affect your vibration.
And once you find yourselves in a place where you feel that you have a firm grip on the magic wand, let yourselves feel the vibration that you want to offer. Let the vibration run up and down your chakras. Become the vibration that you want to see reflected back to you, that you want to feel in your emotions, that you want to speak, think, and act.
The easiest way for you to adjust your vibration is to pay attention to the vibration you’re offering and to simply intend that you raise your frequency. It is that simple.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”