Agreements – The Zeta Reticuli
“Fortunately, there is no possible way that you could let yourselves be taken advantage of by another species. You cannot experience anything without an agreement. So the agreements are made, whether you realize it or not on a conscious level, to give you a particular experience that you want to have.
And once you have the experience, it is up to you how you would like to respond to it. You make choices every day, and those choices are what fuel the next agreement that you make for an experience. So even though you may not be making the agreements consciously, you do have the ability to make your choices consciously. You get to decide how you want to respond to the experience you are having.
This is where you get to be expressive and creative. This is where you decide which path you are on, and your ability to choose consciously is not to be underestimated or dismissed. Because, you see, the choices that you make and the responses that you have are just as important as the agreements that you make for the experience.
This is why you are never victims, and that is worth noting. Now, one possible way for you to respond to an experience is as a victim. And another possible way for you to respond to an experience is as the co-creator of that experience and as one who understands the purpose of the experience.
The purpose of all experience is to get you to feel, and the choices that you make can be fueled by your knee-jerk reaction. Or, you can allow yourselves to feel what the experience has prompted you to feel and wait a bit before choosing how you would like to respond and what path you would like to be on next.
We are the Zetas, and we are your brothers and sisters.”