You Are the Creation ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
From the beginning of your existence, you have sought to know yourselves as more. You have sought to expand, to become, and to create. The greatest creation you will ever experience is the creation of yourselves.
The creation of yourselves is a process that takes you into the depths of who you once were as well. You cannot deny any part of yourself, because all of the parts of yourself are the building blocks you use to create the new you.
Therefore, when you think back to an earlier version of you in this lifetime, and that version of you is almost unrecognizable to the you of today, be sure to embrace whoever you were in that moment. Give yourself all of the credit that you deserve for having come as far as you have without shunning where you came from.
Everyone needs to experience themselves as everything in order to continue on that journey of expansion. And so, if you see an earlier version of you being reflected back to you in the persona of another, recognize that he or she is coming into your awareness to be embraced, loved, accepted, and sometimes even forgiven.
You create it all, and you need all of the parts in order to complete the creation, in order to be the fullest, most expanded version of yourselves. Be the creators and the creation, and love every little last bit of what you are using as your building blocks.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”