The Importance of Being You ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
It is enough to be exactly who you are. It is always enough of a contribution. But of course, you can contribute more by allowing yourself to be exactly who you are and to express that which you are in any way that you desire.
You bring so much to this world with your willingness to be here and to go through all of the clearings, all of the integrations, and all of the removals of the layers that you are shedding at this time. But the lives that you are living in the precise ways that you are living them are not simply to be of service to the shift and the rest of the collective. The lives that you are living are about giving you an opportunity to experience a unique expression of Source Energy.
This is why guides such as myself are always encouraging you to be who you are and to follow your bliss. In the full acceptance of who you are, of your desires, and in the following of your impulses, you are allowing a very unique experience to be expressed.
So you actually give more to the whole of humanity when you are willing to listen to the gentle nudgings that you are getting from within, because you are a gift to the human collective. And therefore the more of you that you are, the more authentic that you are, the more you are giving.
And you are allowing Source Energy to have a very unique experience through you. You represent the only opportunity that Source has to have that very unique experience. So it is of the utmost importance that you live your lives according to your own will and that you allow all others to do the same. Doing so creates a harmonious symphony of experience that will raise the frequency of planet Earth and all who inhabit it.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”