Prayer – Archangel Michael
“We always appreciate your prayers. Your prayers are coming from your most heartfelt desires, and we appreciate that you take your time to reach out. We understand that all of you are looking for help and are looking for answers.
We are anticipating that which you are asking for, before you even decide to relay the prayer. We are giving you an opportunity to hear yourselves as you say your prayers and as you make your requests. We are already giving you the answers to your prayers in the moment that your desire is created.
However, you may still want to ask. You may still want to give voice to your desires, for they are a part of you. They are coming from a deep place within you. Your feeling is what is transmitted in the prayer. The words are not part of our expression. We are not verbal and we do not have language.
But we feel you, and we know the essence of what you are asking for, and that is always what you are being given. You are the answerers of your own prayers. You are giving yourselves an opportunity to experience what it is like to move from having a desire to having the desire fulfilled. That is one of the reasons why you exist where you do and how you do.
We are holding your frequency here in the angelic, and we are watching like proud parents as you catch up, as you make your journeys, and as you know yourselves as the answerers of your own prayers.
We are the Archangel Michael. We are infinite. We are love.”