Detecting Change – Archangel Michael
“Over the course of several years, you notice change. It is easier to detect when you can see large changes in a person’s appearance, in the development of a technology, or in the further industrialization of a city or town or country. These changes occur gradually and are not usually noticeable from one moment to the next.
Therefore, you could adopt the theory that change happens at a snail’s pace, because from the perspective of your eyes and their ability to perceive, that would be the case. However, there are changes happening on a massive scale that are undetected by most humans. These changes are not entirely physical, and yet, they have a bigger impact than any physical change ever could.
These less noticeable and more subtle changes are happening whether you realize it or not. Opening your eyes to see their effects is not the most effective way of perceiving them. Feeling into a massive, global change is many more times perceivable by you.
We notice that all of you are measuring progress by what you can see in the outside world and your hopes are raised and smashed by one event, or two. This method of perceiving change and pinning your hopes on something outside of you will only serve to keep you longer in what appears to be the same reality. If you, instead, decide that before you open your eyes to take stock you open your heart and feel for the collective consciousness and its current frequency, you will notice huge changes are happening all the time.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are love.”