The Shadow Emotions
“For this moment in time, it is quite understandable that you would feel many different emotions boiling to the surface of your awareness. You came here to be of service to the other beings that you are sharing your space with and also to those aspects of yourselves that did not have such an easy time of it in this universe, and on this planet in particular. That is why you are feeling so many different, shall we say, shadow emotions inside of you. It is why you cannot make it through the day without having something come up for you to process, and it is why many of you are wondering, ‘When are we just going to be done with this game?’
In this moment, the only thing that matters is that you allow yourselves full access to these shadow emotions. There is no moment in time that is more important than this moment. So even though we are telling you that there are other portions of your consciousness out there having experiences that you are helping to clear, there is no need for you to explore those lifetimes, those experiences, in any sort of depth in order to get to the bottom of things. You are doing it right now. This is how you get to the bottom of things, by living your lives, by feeling what comes up for you, and by expressing what you are feeling.
Do not think that because you are where you are, you are doing something wrong. Do not feel that there is somewhere else that you should be other than where you are. Because those types of thoughts just keep you firmly planted in those shadow emotional states.
We offer you our frequency of love and support during these tough times, and we ask that you maintain your awareness of the light that you are while at the same time being willing to delve down into the dark aspects of your being-ness, in an effort to serve and with the knowing that you will be moving through all of this in due time. Make the choice to feel what you want to feel when you can, and allow yourselves the freedom to feel what you are feeling in any given moment.”