A Reason to Exist – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
From the beginning, there has always been a reason to exist for every single one of us. That reason has been expanded upon, but the reason itself has not changed. The reason for existence is to feel. Now, when we say ‘feel,’ we mean everything.
We are referring to your emotions, but we are also referring to frequencies, sensations, and the physical experience of feeling as well. To the extent that it is possible, we suggest that you dive deeply into every feeling, every sensation, and that you take a moment to check in more frequently.
Check in to see what frequency you are holding. The key in all of this is to feel without judgment, to feel without fear, fear that what you are feeling is inappropriate, wrong, or that it will get you some unwanted manifestation. Trust your feelings. Give in to your feelings. And most of all, feel your feelings.
See if you can do so without questioning where they originated from. See if you can have a pure experience of a feeling, as though you were an explorer, as though you were Source Energy getting to know itself in the most appropriate way possible.
And as you feel, become aware of every part of you and how every part of you is experiencing that feeling. We invite you to expand your consciousness beyond that of an ego while you experience a feeling so that you can know that no matter what the feeling is, there are many different ways to perceive it. And you, as the feeler of the feeling, are much more significant than it is.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”