All About Frequency
“Frequencies are the currency of your lives. You are offering frequencies. You are exchanging frequencies. You are surrounded by frequencies. There is no denying it. They are in fact measurable. They carry more weight and more significance than any of you know. You are able to make a frequency adjustment and to alter the reality that you experience, as well as altering yourself within the reality that you are experiencing.
Your frequency is a barometer that tells you how likely it is that something is going to happen. You can play around with your frequencies without knowing how to do it. In fact, you do this all the time without realizing it. You bump into frequencies all the time without realizing it. You take on the frequencies of others without realizing it.
But that time is over now. Now is the time that you are waking up to the frequencies that you hold, the frequencies that others hold, the frequencies that objects, rooms, entire cities hold. And when you do this, you recognize that there is so much more power in frequency than in anything that takes physical form.
There is so much to be discovered and to be explored within the realm of frequency. It is not just a tool that you use to get what you want or a way of describing how it is you feel. It is a wave of energy that contains within it the secrets of the universe, the secrets of your personality, your consciousness, your Oversoul.
You can continue to live within the realm of frequency and have a casual relationship with it. You can check in every once in a while to see what frequency you are vibrating at. Or you can paint the reality that you experience with all the colors of the frequencies that you wish to experience. You can dive right in to a frequency and feel the infinite power and size and scope of that frequency.
We ask for nothing more than that you feel the frequencies around you, that you take note of them, that you begin to define and describe the frequencies that you experience, because they are describing and defining and feeling out your essence. So you might as well return the favor. Play with them as you would your new toys on Christmas morning.”