Ask Before You Act
“What is the main objective of what it is that you are doing? That is the question that we would ask ourselves whenever we would be engaged in some physical activity. What would be the ideal outcome? That is another question we would pose to ourselves. Who is this endeavor going to benefit? That would be a third question we would pose. And when you look at your activities in this way, you will certainly stay on the right track for your stated objectives.
When you realize the desire that is behind everything that you do, you live your lives more consciously and with a more pointed intention. It serves you very well to consider these questions before embarking on any small activity that you will perform and before setting out for something that would be longer in duration.
The vibration that you bring to everything that you do is far more important than the actual activity itself. And, in a sense, the activity is more of a symbol than many of you realize. Because you look at your world as physical, as solid, and you see activities as being real, as having real impact on that physical, solid world that you live in, you tend to think that the action is the thing. But it is no more significant than a thought. It is not more powerful than intention.
When you realize this you will be able to get much more done in a shorter period of time because you will see action for what it is. And when you realize that you have so much more power than the action does, you will have more enjoyment and the actions that you take will come from a place of knowing that there is nothing that you need to do, there is only that which is an extension of your vibration, your intention, your desire for living you life joyously, freely, and in harmony with all others in creation.”