Attention – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Placing your attention on something activates it, gives it more life, more energy. Giving your attention is like spending your money. It is putting energy towards something, and hopefully, for your sake, it is something you want to experience more of. You are capable of altering any situation with your attention to it.
But there is more to it than just your attention, because you can put your attention on something and resist it, or you can put your attention on something and celebrate it, love it, and adore it. So whichever you choose will determine the outcome of the attention that you are placing in a certain direction.
Because you are multidimensional beings, you do have the ability to put your attention on more than one thing at once and to look at it from a variety of perspectives. Whenever you are giving something your attention, decide which part of yourself you want to be observing it from. And when you make that choice, you automatically shift your perspective.
When challenging situations arise, ask to view it from the highest possible perspective. And whatever you do, allow yourselves to give your attention to that which you feel drawn to. You are being drawn to have a certain experience, and all experience is serving you in some way. So you don’t have to worry about putting your attention on something that may be of a lower frequency, because again, it ultimately matters most how you are giving your attention to it.
You can send it love, or you can despise it. You can resist it, or you can allow it. You and only you get to decide where you put your attention and which aspect of yourself you view the situation, the person, or the object from. And that decision defines your relationship to it. There’s not a right way to view something, and there’s not a right relationship to have with something, but we suggest you go with the perspective that feels the best.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”