Be Present With Your Emotions
“Understand that there is no point in wallowing over something that has happened in the past. There is no point in replaying events in your mind that would only be for the purpose of figuring out what could have gone differently, what could have been said, what could have been done. None of that serves you in any way. It is only in focusing on what it is you are feeling in the now moment that will give you the gift of that circumstance, that event, that disagreement that you had. Only in your willingness to explore the current moment and what it is you are feeling do you ever make any progress in your evolution.
We do not recommend going back and looking for things and analyzing things and wanting to understand things, because you are beings who exist in the now, and in order for you to benefit from anything, you must be willing to be in the now. Much of what you are attempting to do in those moments is an attempt to escape, to get away from those icky feelings. And you are quite good at this. But whatever has given you an opportunity to feel an emotion is a gift, and you can simply thank it for giving you the opportunity to have your emotional experience and be done with it.
What we are saying to you is that everything that you experience is for the purpose of getting you in touch with those emotions. It is about having the experience of them, and it is about letting yourself have the emotional experience, no matter how uncomfortable. Because that is what you are all here to do. You are here to create circumstances that will get you to feel emotions. And those emotional states are of service to you and to others. Just by being in them, you are helping, you are guiding, you are teaching. And there are many who are witnessing and observing and getting in touch with their own emotions as a result of that work that you all do.
So embrace your emotions and the situations that you create to give yourselves the opportunity to feel them, and release any judgment you have about emotions and which ones you are supposed to feel and which ones you are not supposed to feel, because they are all equal and they are all equally of service to you. And by all means choose which emotions you prefer. Choose to exist as much as you want in those high frequency emotions without getting too attached, of course.
You are beings of light and love. You are more frequency beings than emotional beings. So have fun with your emotions as you still can and will be able to access them, for soon enough you will be accessing frequency. And that will be a whole new ball game.”