Big News Stories – The Zeta Reticuli
“Sometimes it is to your benefit to ignore something that is happening, and while you are ignoring it, you can explore how you feel about it. So, let us say that there is a situation in your world involving an abuse of power. Now, you can get yourself all wrapped up in the details of what is happening and who is saying what about it. But those details are never as important as your emotional response to it.
So when you first hear about something that is all over the news, you do have an immediate emotional response. And like anything, you then get to choose how you respond to the response. Gathering more information about the situation is not going to help you, even though you think it might.
What will help you is recognizing that the emotion that you feel is personal, even if what is happening has occurred thousands of miles away. Perhaps the story triggers a response in you because of something you have experienced in this lifetime, or perhaps it is igniting something within you that is buried and is related to another lifetime.
Even those details are far less significant than your emotional response and what you do with it. We buried our emotions, and we enhanced our logical, thinking minds to the point where it threatened our very existence. So we know how important it is to honor your emotions and to let them have their day in the sun.
And when you are experiencing challenging emotional states, you also get to decide how you treat yourself. You can see yourself as weak, or flawed, or even broken, or you can love yourself through it, giving yourself everything that you need and celebrating your willingness to feel.
We are the Zetas, and we are your brothers and sisters.”