Challenging Relationships – Archangel Gabriel
“Separating yourselves from another is not as effective as you might think. Putting distance, physically, between yourselves and another person will not eliminate the bond that you have. And though it may be necessary at times for you to put some distance between yourselves and another, the distance is not always felt on the emotional and energetic levels.
You notice this with those that you want to have close to you. You may not see another for several years because of physical distance, but the individual still feels very close to you. So why do you put distance between yourselves and another being? Unless it is for reasons of physical safety, the distance will not take care of the energetic, karmic relationship.
Now, we are not telling you that you must spend all of your time with those whom you have the most challenging relationships. We just want you to know that putting distance between yourselves and another is not a solution for that which the two of you are working out. It may seem like a solution. It may even be necessary, temporarily, because of that illusion that space can give you.
Here is what we recommend when faced with a challenging relationship with another. Focus all of your attention on your hearts, and allow the other person to be exactly as they are while you remain focused on your hearts and the love that you are. And as you stay focused on your hearts while allowing the other to be as they are, you are not allowing your minds to get involved.
You are not allowing yourselves to think about past conversations or actions. You are not allowing yourselves to analyze the other or to make up stories about what he or she is going to do or say next. And as you stay focused on your hearts, and also focused on the other, you will feel an expansion of who you are. Because as you allow another to be exactly as they are, you allow yourselves the same. And as you do that, you become more of who you are.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”