Everything is Changing ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
Once you decide that something is either good or bad, do you allow it to be different? Do you ever consider the possibility that something that you have labeled or judged is actually in its own state of evolution?
Rather than seeing something as either good or bad, I recommend taking in to consideration whether you are resonating with it or not and being open to the idea that you may resonate with it later. Or if you are resonating with it now, recognize that you may not resonate with it the next time you encounter it.
This goes for everything, not just things in your world, physical objects, but also people, music, activities, ideas, and concepts, even this philosophy that I am putting forth in this moment. It may resonate with you now but not later or later but not now. When you leave yourself open to the possibility that you may resonate with something at a later date, you are widening the array of possibilities that are before you.
You don’t have to make decisions that will be set in stone. In fact, even when you do, you often change. But I am inviting you to change more easily and more readily. I am inviting you to change more frequently so that you can see every single thing from a multitude of angles.
Know that you are always changing from moment to moment. And as such, not only will your preferences change, but so will your perceptions of that which you prefer and that which you do not. And that leads to a richer and more bountiful experience of life.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”