Channeling Ophelia – The Universal Shift in Consciousness
“I am here. I am with you. We are in this together. This journey is a collective experience. We are all part of a larger collective, a universal collective and we are shifting together.
It is lovely to have companions on a journey. And we can support each other, since we are traveling together. I can give you my perspective, and you can demonstrate to all of us how it is possible to move from a very dense dimension to one that is comprised of much more light and a much higher frequency.
You are all making the biggest shift in the collective, and that is why there is so much attention on you and on your world. You give us all a tremendous gift by doing what you are doing, by facing what you are facing, and by releasing so much stored trauma and judgment. We are all in awe of you, not just for what you have done, but for what you are willing to do.
Sometimes you think that you are the lowest on the totem pole because of what you are carrying and because of the wars, and the hatred, and the bigotry, and all the other aspects of your current vibrational framework. But we see it differently from our perspective. We see that those who are in your world and on your world are there because of their strength, because of their willingness to face the darkest of the dark and to hold steady their light.
I want to give you all my appreciation for you, just as so many of you have given me yours. When we acknowledge each other, we acknowledge ourselves, for we are all mirrors for one another. You cannot see something in me that is not also in you, and I cannot see something in you that is not also within me. And therefore, I suggest that you see every being that you encounter as a gift. They give you the gift of more awareness.
When you are aware, then you are able to address, and when you are willing to address, then you can move forward, then you will receive more light. There is so much love that is being sent to your planet at this time, and there is so much light that is coming off of all of you who are working on yourselves. I wish you could see it. I wish you could behold your beauty, your luminosity, and your love.
I am Ophelia, and I see your love.”