Choose Your Timeline for Ascension ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
For the continuation of your journey, all that is required of you is that you breathe and that you continue to wake up in the morning. There is nothing that you need to do in order to assure the continuation of your journey of ascension. There is, however, the possibility that you will prolong the experience for yourselves. You see, time has become quite plastic. Time is not what you think it is. Time is an experience.
Just because you have days, and months, and years, hours, minutes, and seconds, does not mean that time is a constant. It is flexible, and you get to decide how you experience time. And you most certainly get to decide which timeline you find yourself on. So when it comes to your ascension, and the ascension of planet Earth, and the entire human collective, there are of course a number of possibilities that you can experience.
Now what you want to experience may vary slightly from what it serves you best to experience, and that becomes the tricky part. Because on the one hand, most of you are excited to begin experiencing all that you have heard about when your ascension is complete. And on the other hand, you realize that ascension is more than just accessing new abilities.
It is about the expansion of consciousness. That is an experience that you all want to have, whether you realize it or not. Why do you want to have the experience of the expansion of your consciousness? Well, it is quite simple. In the experience of the expansion of your consciousness, you recognize that you are so much more than you have ever dreamt yourselves to be previously.
And in that recognition, there is great freedom, there is great liberation, and there is great relief. There is no need to fear death. There is no need to fear anything. And so we suggest that you take the path – the timeline – that allows you the richest and fullest experience of the expansion of your consciousness. That is truly what ascension is all about, and there is no stopping it. There is only conscious or unconscious participation.`
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”
Photo by: Karin Miller
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