Comfort and Discomfort ∞Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Comfort is something that most of you seek in your lives. We are not just talking about physical comfort here. There are many ways for you to experience comfort, and there are many ways for you to experience discomfort.
You can experience either end of the spectrum physically, emotionally, energetically, and even with your thoughts. You are not ever supposed to experience just one end of any spectrum. That would not only give you a diminished experience of life, but it would also deny you that which a little discomfort can bring.
As soon as you are in any sort of discomfort, you have the opportunity to soothe yourself, and you offer others the opportunity to soothe you, to offer aid and assistance. Being in a state of comfort is naturally enjoyable. But what you find is that eventually you feel bored, you have less energy moving through you because there is nothing to summon it.
What we are attempting to sell you on here is that discomfort can be a great service to you, that it is not to be eliminated right away. As you learn to look within the discomfort for the opportunity for expansion and growth, you can see its value. And when you see the value in something, it automatically begins to serve you.
The way you respond to your discomfort determines whether or not you will benefit from it. We ask that you give yourselves the pure experience of discomfort while holding curiosity in your consciousness about how it could serve you, about how you can work with it, and about how it can help to bring you to a higher level.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”