The Compassion of Humanity ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
We are a collective of beings. You may think of us as an oversoul of the Pleiadian Star System. And we are reaching out to humanity in your Solar System because of the deep connection between all of the species that exist in the Pleiades and your species, the human race.
We are not responsible for you, but we certainly enjoy helping out. There is a link between us that spans many eons of time, and we have a particular liking for humanity. We enjoy being of service.
There’s not one among you who is capable of perceiving all of the love and all of the light that is being showered down upon planet Earth. You need not be aware of all of it. But rest assured that help is being sent, and you are benefitting from that help.
As we look upon you and see the progress of humanity, we are particularly moved by the amount of compassion that we see each of you showing. There is a great deal of strife and discord in the human collective, and that may be disheartening to some of you.
But that is not what we focus upon. We are aware of the compassion. We are aware of the love that you feel and the desire to help and be of service when you see others who are in pain and who are suffering.
When you see it from that perspective, you can understand then why it is necessary for humanity to have the troubles and the challenges that you have. They are not a sign of your depravity. They are not a sign of your lack of progress. All of the hardships and all of the atrocities are sparking within you that desire to be of service and that compassion that you feel for your fellow humans.
And that is the most significant thing that is happening on planet Earth at this time. That severely outweighs the terrible things that are occurring in certain areas on planet Earth.
If you can tune yourselves to that, if you can feel for the compassion in the hearts of your fellow humans, you can make peace with the lack of peace. You can make peace with the suffering, and you can be a part of the love and compassion that brings humanity into the next stage of your evolution.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”