Discover Your Truth – Archangel Gabriel
“Telling yourself the truth means giving yourself the ability to discern what is true for you. You are not here to discover THE truth. You are here to decide what is true for you and to live that truth.
Many of you are searching for the truth. You want to know why this or that happened and why this or that did not. And that is because you believe in cause and effect. You believe that there must be a single reason for why something occurs or does not occur.
And we want you to recognize that you get to decide what the reason is, and you get to decide what will create the next occurrence or nonoccurrence for you and for your world. It is all in your hands, so to speak. The power to create and the power to create truth and meaning – they all lie within each and every one of you.
And so, you are here discovering the truth that works for you, the truth that resonates with you. And you are here harmonizing with that frequency. And if you recognize that all meaning that you give your lives is the meaning that you infuse into them, then you can find truth anywhere and you can live a meaningful life.
Perhaps there are some of you who wonder whether or not there is even one truth that is incontrovertible. And perhaps that one truth is that you get to decide what is true for you.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”