Diving Deeper
“The ability to comprehend what it is that you are experiencing is something that you might wish to consider a bit more relevant to your life. It is much more far-reaching than what appears on the surface, and your ability to detect the deeper meaning, the more esoteric meaning is part of your growth and expansion process. When we talk about this subject, we are talking about how you are affected by the circumstances of your life.
We are not as interested in cause and effect as many of you are. But instead, we would ask you to notice the effect of the situation you are in and to let go of any need that you may feel to alter your environment, to change the players, to reach for the solution. Instead, we want you to get as deeply and intensely emotional about whatever it is that is occurring as you possibly can.
We want you to sense the vibration that is around the situation that you find yourselves in. We want you to feel the frequencies of all of the players who are involved. We want you to allow yourselves to access any other information that is relevant to the situation that may be coming to you.
We want you to know, without a doubt, that what is happening on the surface is the proverbial tip of the iceberg. And that if you were willing to dive deeper into what it is that you feel, how it is that you are reacting, and why it is that you feel and react the way that you do, you will have a much more beneficial perspective on the situation. You will notice that there is no right and no wrong and that there is only the experience in the moment and what it means to you.
And then you can decide what you want it to mean, and then you can make your assessments that would involve where to go from here. And then you can begin to access the frequencies that you wish to create your next now moment with. But allow yourselves first the experience of the gifts of your current situations, of your current conditions, of the circumstances that seem to be outside of your control and may or may not be of your liking.
When you do this you will feel such a sense of freedom and such a love for everyone and everything that is involved, because you will have gotten to the core. And everything at its core is love.”