In this download of 11 and a half minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven walk us through a visualization/process to connect us to the vibration of the Pleiadian Star System. This process is similar to the one I experienced myself on my journey to channeling them. The energy transmission coming through me for this one is enough to enough to get you right there. Once you feel the vibration of the Pleiades, the rest is just about letting go and letting the channeling come through. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Pleiadians ∞Pay What You Want
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven walk us through a visualization/process to connect us to the vibration of the Pleiadian Star System. This process is similar to the one I experienced myself on my journey to channeling them. The energy transmission coming through me for this one is enough to enough to get you right there. Once you feel the vibration of the Pleiades, the rest is just about letting go and letting the channeling come through. Enjoy! <3
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