In this download of over 15 minutes in length, The Buddha takes us through a cleansing, clearing, and reactivation of our auras/energy fields and seven main chakras. You will feel the light and love from The Buddha pouring through you, surrounding you, and helping to put you back in the present moment, releasing traumas, thought forms, and beliefs from the past (including past lives) that might be holding you back from living fully in this lifetime. Enjoy! <3
Chakra & Auric Field Cleansing, Clearing, and Reactivation ∞The Buddha
In this download of over 15 minutes in length, The Buddha takes us through a cleansing, clearing, and reactivation of our auras/energy fields and seven main chakras. You will feel the light and love from The Buddha pouring through you, surrounding you, and helping to put you back in the present moment, releasing traumas, thought forms, and beliefs from the past (including past lives) that might be holding you back from living fully in this lifetime. Enjoy! <3
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