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DNA Upgrades, Healings & Activations ∞Mega Bundle
Use These Recordings to Activate, Heal & Upgrade Your DNA, Which Will Help You Shift Your Consciousness to a Higher-Frequency State & Complete Your Ascension to the Fifth Dimension
This Mega Bundle of 33 Recordings of Sound Healings, Light Languages, Activations, a Breathing Exercise & a Meditation is for Giving Us All We Need for Improving All Aspects of Our DNA. Valued at over $480 at Full Price. I’m Offering the Bundle for $222.27 & You Can Listen to Them in Any Order You Prefer. Here is the Full List of the 33 Recordings Included in this Mega Bundle…
Light Language for Releasing Your Blocks to DNA Upgrades & Activations
DNA activations and upgrades. We hear about them often, and we sometimes hear that we are receiving them or should be receiving them soon, but what if we’re not ready or blocked in some way from receiving those wonderful and necessary activations and upgrades? Maybe we have a subconscious block, or maybe the block is past-life related, and we have no idea it even exists. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light for releasing those blocks to receiving all the upgrades and activations to your DNA that you have coming to you. Before I channeled this one, I held the intention that it would contain all the energies, vibrations, and galactic light codes for un-blocking you from receiving those DNA activations and upgrades you need and deserve. And the result is a very powerfullightlanguage that will allow you to revel in all the benefits of having your DNA upgraded and activated. Better healing of the physical body, more access to our spiritual gifts and abilities, and greater awareness of the energies around us are just a few of the benefits of having one’s DNA fully activated. Joy!
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Activating All Twelve Strands of Your DNA
Our DNA. I’m definitely becoming more and more aware all the time of its significance in our spiritual evolution as human beings. Of course there is a lot of talk in the new age circles these days about what could potentially harm or even alter our DNA. One of the ways to take back our power around the topic of DNA is to activate and reattach all 12 of the original strands. Anyone who does that will not be susceptible to outside influences, whether they be chemical, psychic, or other harmful interference strategies. This 6-minute light language that I channeled is designed to release all of our blocks to being able to be 12-strand-DNA beings once again. Blocks that currently exist are: feeling like a victim of government agendas, negative e.t. agendas, the negativity of other humans on the planet and how that affects us, the chemicals and GMOs in our food and water, etc. I intended for the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes embedded into this light language to free us all from these blocks so that we can activate and reattach all of our DNA. Joy! <3
Archangel Michael’s Light Language for Activating the Divinity Codes In Your DNA & Cells
Divinity Codes. Maybe they’re something you’ve heard of before, and maybe you haven’t heard of them. They’re relatively new to me and my knowledge base. This is what I’ve channeled about them from The 9D Arcturian Council, “There are Divinity codes that exist inside each and every one of you, and they are waiting to be activated so that you may understand fully and embrace fully your Divine nature, your Divineorigins, and the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. Once you begin to feel that and live it, your Divinity will be undeniable. You will not be able to ignore the Divinity within you. You will not be able to suppress it. And to the contrary, you will embrace yourselves as Divine Beings.”Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Crystalline Energy in Your DNA
Crystalline Energy & DNA. They’re a match made in Heaven…literally. I’ve recently discovered this truth about our DNA, the truth that there is crystalline energy present in it, but also, that the crystalline energy can lie dormant within us until activated. That’s what inspired me to create this 6-minute light language recording. Crystalline energy is what our light bodies will be comprised of when we fully ascend into the fifth dimension. But as many of you already know, we can access 5D right now, as we wait for the remainder of humanity to ready itself for the shift in consciousness. Having the crystalline energyactivated in our DNA will not only raise our consciousness, it will also enable us to access more of our light bodies right now. Before channeling this light language, I held the intention that the language of light would be infused with the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to stimulate the crystalline energy that’s already present in our DNA. You will feel the effects of this one immediately. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Repairing Your Cells & DNA
Our cells and DNA. They all have been negatively affected by past life traumas, toxins, EMFs, e.t. manipulation, and so many other factors that interfere with their normal function. All humans once had 12 strands of DNA, and now we are down to just two, but this sound healing will help reconnect those disconnected strands as well. It seems like our physical bodies are under attack, and the only way for us to rise up and be sovereign beings is to take better care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. This downloadable mp3 recording is a sound healing to aid in that self-care that is so necessary at this time of GMOs, myriad pesticides, plastic in everything (and everyone), and that’s just me naming a few of the physical toxins out there in the world today.
The toxins in the energetic, non-physical, and thought form realms are also affecting us in ways that we cannot see in our bodies, but we can certainly feel them in our tiredness, aches, pains, and inexplicable illnesses. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. The tones, overtones, and crystal bowl sounds I channeled to create this download are all infused with the vibration and intention to heal your damaged cells and DNA. Listen to this one whenever you feel that sluggishness that comes with living in our industrialized society, or when you feel some crazy ascension symptoms happening in your body. Each and every listen will bring you closer to full sovereignty over your physical body!Joy <3
Light Language for Keeping Your DNA Safe, Secure & Sovereign from Outside Influence
Our DNA. It’s been talked about a lot lately, especially in the new age/spiritual communities. At first, we all got excited about DNA activations, getting more strands of DNA, and our ET DNA coming online and helping us access more of our spiritual gifts and abilities. And then the fear crept in amongst the awakened collective. Could ‘they’ being doing something to alter our DNA? Could there be something in these Covid-19 vaccines that will affect my DNA in a negative way? That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language.
We can use all the help we can get to keep ourselves as the sole creators of our DNA, and I know that this light language will keep you in the vibration of a sovereign being…creating every last aspect of your reality, which of course includes your DNA. How is this accomplished with a light language?Light languages contain galactic light codes, a vibration, and an intention, and the ones included in this light language transmission are all for protecting your DNA from outside influence.
The vibration we offer is everything. We create our reality with it, we feel our feelings because of it, and we even attract our thoughts and the information we see online because of it. So if you’re seeing a lot of doom and gloom posts and videos about your DNA being taken over by a mandatory Covid-19 vaccine, then this light language will definitely help you to stay out of that vibration and that unwanted timeline. You can take your power back and this light language will help. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternaltruths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field. We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Your E.T. DNA
Our E.T. DNA. It holds the secret to unlocking our most prized spiritual gifts and abilities, because we have already existed in physical form in other parts of the galaxy…as e.t.s ourselves! And since those lifetimes were spent in higher dimensions, those abilities we seek so fervently in this lifetime are a part of our collective past. Our DNA contains all of the information, all of the past life memories, and all of the memories of our spiritual gifts and abilities attained in those lifetimes.
Having our e.t. DNA activated will also help us light up to the e.t.s that are visiting our atmosphere in their ships. And as such, the e.t.s in those ships will be more likely to communicate with us if we have all of our E.T. DNA activated. That’s why I created this mp3 recording of me channeling tones and overtones while simultaneously playing one of my crystal bowls. I knew that I could generate sounds, along with the bowl, that would result in the listener’s e.t. DNA becoming activated. Just listen once and feel the difference way down in your body’s cells. Once that e.t. DNA is activated in the listener, the sky will be the limit for what we can do in this lifetime. Love! <3
Tones, Overtones & Sounds for Accessing E.T.s, DNA & Memories from Sirius
Sirius. The binary star system is of crucial importance to us, as we struggle as a human collective to find meaning in our lives and new, significant ways to be of service. The Sirius star system is all about service to others, and the representatives from Sirius – dolphins, whales, and canines – help inspire us to become our better selves and remind us of who we have been. This recording of 10 minutes in length is filled with the tones, overtones, and crystal bowl playing I channeled when I created it, and all of those sounds were infused with the intention of granting you access to extra-terrestrials from Sirius (star family/soul family members), your Sirian DNA, and the memories you have embedded deep in your cells of the lifetimes you spent in the Sirius star system, incarnating in humanoid, canine, and aquatic form. This recording will activate that which is Sirian inside of you, as well as sending out the right vibrational signal to attract e.t.s from Sirius to come visit you and give you even more of that high-frequencyenergy from their beautiful star system. Joy! <3
Meditation for a Complete DNA Activation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
I channeledThe 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council for this 15-minute meditation, and the Arcturians brought through a series of easy-to-follow steps to activate each and every piece of DNA in your physical body. They enlisted the help of your spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, faeries, ascended masters, archangels, and a host of other higher dimensional beings to bring about the full activation of your DNA. This guided meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and the Arcturians bring through an energetic transmission that is both activating and soothing and relaxing. They create the perfect energetic environment for you to raise your vibration and receive the activations that are yours and yours alone to claim. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for a Total DNA Upgrade & Activation
This channeled sound healing is for a DNA activation and upgrade. Our DNA has been upgraded, downgraded, manipulated, and torn apart throughout history. We’ve been a great experiment for other e.t. beings, and all of that is coming to an end now. It’s time to take ownership of our own evolution, and the best way to do that is to access all of our power, gifts, memories, abilities, and connections to higher frequency beings in other realms. Full access to our upgraded, activated DNA is the path. That’s what this 10-minute sound healing I channeled is designed to do. It’s filled with the intention and energy to upgrade and activate all human and e.t. DNA that we have inside of us, re-attaching strands of DNA that have been disassembled over the millions of years we’ve been on this planet. We are coming into our own as a powerful force in the galaxy, and taking steps to become more of who we really are through the accessing of all that is encoded in our DNA is a statement to the rest of our galactic family.Love! <3
Light Language for Accessing Your Dragon DNA, Lifetimes & Current Connections
This light language transmission of just under 6 minutes was channeled by me, and I channeled the universal light through the energy of the Dragon Collective, which is a very misunderstood group of higher-dimensional beings. This light language is infused with the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring you into contact with the Dragon Collective. We all have dragon DNA within us, and it can be activated by listening to light languages and other techniques. One of the reasons why we have dragon DNA inside of us is that we’ve all had past lives as dragons. And some of us have guides that are dragons. We definitely have dragons in our soul families.
Light Language for Transcending the Limitations of Your Genes & DNA
Use this recording for transcending the limitations of your genes & DNA. Our genes and DNA that we were born with contain so much that helps us know ourselves, our family history, and our entire genetic line, but they do not have to limit us.
In every incarnation and especially in this lifetime, we really do want to go beyond where our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were able to go in terms of our abilities to create, heal, and love unconditionally. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission.
This almost six minute light language is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to move you beyond where your genes and DNA were designed to take you in this lifetime.
Breathing Exercise for Activating Your E.T. DNA ∞The Arcturian Council
I encourage you to use this breathing exercise for activating your E.T. DNA Our Extra-Terrestrial DNA. For most of our lives, we’ve been unaware that such DNA even existed within us. Now, thanks to all the contact we’ve had with higher-dimensional beings, we know we are made up of more than just earthly human DNA…we are all part E.T.
Now is also a time when it’s becoming easier and easier to activate that DNA within us. Just breathing with intention can do so much. That’s exactly what this download is all about. In this recording, the Arcturian Council reminds us that we are always surrounded by E.T. energy from around the galaxy. They give us a simple exercise to clear any fearsof extra-terrestrials we may be carrying from this or other lifetimes, including those from other planets and star systems, and then welcome in that energy to activate our own E.T. DNA.
The Arcturian Council leads us through an exercise that will activate our E.T. DNA, giving us more access to our abilities, connections with E.T.s, and memories of our past lives AS E.T.s.
This is a very simple breathing exercise that we can do over and over again to activate more and more of our E.T. DNA. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Arcturian DNA, Past Life Memories & Current Connections
Arcturus. It sure does seem like home to a lot of us. That’s because our Arcturian lifetimes were so blissful. Arcturus is all about the spiritual evolution of the individual and the collective. And we carry those memories and that Arcturian DNA within us. We also have Arcturian Soul Family Members who are currently living in the Arcturian Star System and who reach out to us in a variety of ways. That’s why I created this sound healing. I channeledtones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the tones and sounds with the intention of unlocking and activating your Arcturian DNA, giving you more access to your past life memories in Arcturus, and you will also be able to reach out to your Arcturian Soul Family and better receive their messages to you. Fun! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Pleiadian DNA & Past Lives
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones while also utilizing one of my crystal bowls to create sounds infused with the intention to bring your Pleiadian DNA online. This sound healing was also designed to activate memories from your Pleiadian past lives. In your Pleiadian past lives, you have definitely been a healer and a teacher. Those are the focal points of the Pleiadians, and the Pleiadian star system was created to explore those aspects of existence. So when you listen to this sound healing, you’re also integrating those past life aspects of yourselves, and your healing and leadership/teaching abilities will also get activated.Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Andromedan DNA, Lifetimes & Current Connections
The Andromedan Star System. It’s right on the edge of the Milky Way, bordering the Andromedan Galaxy. And most of us have been there, incarnating a whole bunch of times. And the experiences from those lifetimes are inside of us, waiting to be activated. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language will activate that Andromedan DNA, bring forth memories of your Andromedan lifetimes, and give you more access to your current connections in the Andromedan system. Yes, we have soul family members spread all throughout the galaxy, and when we awaken to those connections, we feel more whole. Listen to this one before going to sleep at night, and you’ll increase the likelihood of having a dream about your Andromedan lifetimes. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for a DNA Upgrade
Our DNA. It’s kind of a mystery, but we do know this about it…we used to have 12 strands and now we only have two! We also have an inkling about how some of our DNA has origins from other parts of the galaxy. And bringing these knowings and inklings together to create something bigger is what this download is all about. I channeled a light language transmission that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that will give you the DNA upgrade you’ve always wanted. We can get those additional strands back, and we can activate that ET DNA. We can and we will…in this lifetime! Do this DNA upgrade several times and feel the difference in your bones after each one. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Extra-Terrestrial DNA
In this transmission of 6 minutes in length, I channeled a light language that will activate the extra-terrestrial DNA that you have in your physical body. The light language holds the vibration necessary to activate the DNA that has been lying dormant in your body since your birth. The time for us to know ourselves as more than just human has come, and therefore, we are ready for activations like this one. Once the alien DNA is activated within you, you can expect to receive memories and abilities from past lives you’ve led in other parts of the galaxy.Enjoy! <3
Activation of Your Andromedan DNA ∞Andromedan Council of Light
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds, The Andromedan Council of Light bring through a transmission that will activate your Andromedan DNA, lifetime memories, and current connections to beings from their star system. This is a powerful transmission, and The Andromedan experience is very different from any other star family I’ve ever encountered. You will feel their power and the power they activate within you after doing this one. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Lyran DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channeled a light language, with tones, and at times sounding much like a song. At times it seemed like I was giving an oral history of the Lyran race, as humans did ages ago while sitting around a campfire. The intention and vibration of this transmission will activate your Lyran (Feline/Humanoid) DNA. The Lyrans have a long history with humanity and planet Earth and were very active in Lemuria. The transmission will also help you remember your Lyran lifetimes and any current connections you have to the Lyrans. Love <3
Faerie DNA Activation, Lifetime Memories & Light Body Activation ∞Ophelia the Faerie
In this download of just over 11 minutes from Ophelia the Faerie, she takes us through a process of remembering our faerie lifetimes, and she also activates the faerie DNA within us. Finally, she helps activate our light bodies. After doing these processes, you will realize that you have been a faerie, that you still are connected to the faerie realm, and that in many ways, as we ascend, we are becoming faerie beings once again. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Sirius DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Sirian DNA, bring you more memories from your lifetimes in the Sirius Star System, and enhance your current connections to beings in Sirius. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and listen to the light language (which is also infused with some tones), and the galactic light codes will do all the work. You may feel inspired to speak your own light language that will further enhance the process however, and if you do, I recommend tuning yourself to the frequency of the dolphins and whales (both are from Sirius). Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Arcturian DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Arcturian DNA, memories of past lives you’ve lived in the Arcturian Star System, and will connect you more purely to the Arcturians that are present and available to you in this lifetime. This language is encoded with tones and those tones hold an intention to give you the experiences with Arcturians that you want to have. You’ll also gain access to the DNA within you that is Arcturian and the past life memories that contain information that will be useful to you in this lifetime. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Pleiadian DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this light language transmission of just under 5 and a half minutes, I channel Pleiadian energy and light through me, translating it into words and sounds that are meant to activate and stimulate your connections to the Pleiadian Star System. After listening to this light language transmission once, your Pleiadian DNA will be activated, and you will be more likely to remember your Pleiadian lifetimes. You’ll also have a more conscious connection to the Pleiadians who are currently reaching out to you. Do it once or several times. Speak your own light language when you get inspired to. And enjoy! <3
DNA Cleansing & Multiple Strand Activation ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators take us through a process to cleanse our DNA. Next, they offer a white light transmission to help us bring more strands of our dormant (what scientists call “junk”) DNA back online. This activation will affect you on a physical level, so be sure to drink lots of water before and after you receive it. And then rest up and enjoy the new physical vehicle you’ll be operating with! <3
Activation of Divinity in Your DNA, Mind & Cells ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us on a journey to wipe clean any information from our bodies that says we are anything less than Divine. He then takes us through processes to download the truth of our Divine Nature into our cells, DNA, and physical minds. This is a powerful download and transmission. Enjoy! <3
Tones and Overtones for Activating 5th Dimensional DNA ∞The Creators & Hathors
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators, The Hathors, Quan Yin, and The Arcturian Council (there may have been a few other contributors as well) transmit tones and overtones that are designed to activate our 5th dimensional DNA. You can sit back and listen to these tones and overtones or tone along. Either way, you’ll receive the benefit of your exposure to them, as they are infused with the intention to activate our 5D DNA. Drink lots of water after doing this one. You’re sure to have a lot of energy moving through you. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian DNA Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council take us through processes to activate that dormant DNA that exists within all of us and comes from the Arcturian Star System. Listen to this one once or as many times as you want. The codes, tones, and light transmissions are strong, however, so make sure you drink lots of water before and after the activation. The Arcturians say we will feel closer to them after doing this one, and we’ll be more of our whole selves as well. The original human had 12 strands of DNA, and we are getting closer and closer to that fully functional body and energy all the time. Enjoy! <3
Pleiadian DNA Activation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer an activation of your Pleiadian DNA. The DNA from the Pleiades contains unique abilities and skills that will come online after you give them permission to perform the activation and relax to receive it. This is a powerful procedure, so you would be served well to rest and hydrate after receiving it. The P’s use tones, sounds, codes, and light language to deliver this life-altering activation to our DNA. Enjoy! <3
Extra-Terrestrial DNA Activation ∞The Mantis Beings
This is my first time connecting with the Mantis Beings! I knew that I wanted someone besides my usual guides to do this one, but honestly, I had no idea it would be them. The Mantis Beings explain why they are showing up now, a little about our inter-galactic history and evolution, and then they walk us through an activation of that E.T. DNA that exists within all of us. They also explain what we can expect to experience as a result of the activation as well (and don’t worry…it’s all good!). Enjoy! <3
Starseed DNA Activation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
Ever feel like you’re not from here and that you want to go home? Then you’re a starseed! And guess what? You can start to feel more at home right now by activating some of that junk DNA floating around in your body, grounding the energy, information, and memories from past lives in other star systems. The PHCo7 delivered a download/activation of 11 minutes and 11 seconds to assist us in doing just that. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Junk DNA
I got the inspiration to do this one because of a healing session where I was the client, and a light language of mine started to come through. I thought, “This must be doing something!” So I asked my guides to infuse this light language with codes to unlock/reactivate the junk DNA that’s floating around inside of all of us. This recording is the result! I’ve certainly never channeled anything like it before, and I can always tell when I’m stretching myself vibrationally. This download is certainly one of those times! Enjoy and happy activating <3
DNA Upgrades, Healings & Activations ∞Mega Bundle
Use These Recordings to Activate, Heal & Upgrade Your DNA, Which Will Help You Shift Your Consciousness to a Higher-Frequency State & Complete Your Ascension to the Fifth Dimension
This Mega Bundle of 33 Recordings of Sound Healings, Light Languages, Activations, a Breathing Exercise & a Meditation is for Giving Us All We Need for Improving All Aspects of Our DNA. Valued at over $480 at Full Price. I’m Offering the Bundle for $222.27 & You Can Listen to Them in Any Order You Prefer. Here is the Full List of the 33 Recordings Included in this Mega Bundle…
Light Language for Releasing Your Blocks to DNA Upgrades & Activations
DNA activations and upgrades. We hear about them often, and we sometimes hear that we are receiving them or should be receiving them soon, but what if we’re not ready or blocked in some way from receiving those wonderful and necessary activations and upgrades? Maybe we have a subconscious block, or maybe the block is past-life related, and we have no idea it even exists. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light for releasing those blocks to receiving all the upgrades and activations to your DNA that you have coming to you. Before I channeled this one, I held the intention that it would contain all the energies, vibrations, and galactic light codes for un-blocking you from receiving those DNA activations and upgrades you need and deserve. And the result is a very powerful light language that will allow you to revel in all the benefits of having your DNA upgraded and activated. Better healing of the physical body, more access to our spiritual gifts and abilities, and greater awareness of the energies around us are just a few of the benefits of having one’s DNA fully activated. Joy!
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Activating All Twelve Strands of Your DNA
Our DNA. I’m definitely becoming more and more aware all the time of its significance in our spiritual evolution as human beings. Of course there is a lot of talk in the new age circles these days about what could potentially harm or even alter our DNA. One of the ways to take back our power around the topic of DNA is to activate and reattach all 12 of the original strands. Anyone who does that will not be susceptible to outside influences, whether they be chemical, psychic, or other harmful interference strategies. This 6-minute light language that I channeled is designed to release all of our blocks to being able to be 12-strand-DNA beings once again. Blocks that currently exist are: feeling like a victim of government agendas, negative e.t. agendas, the negativity of other humans on the planet and how that affects us, the chemicals and GMOs in our food and water, etc. I intended for the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes embedded into this light language to free us all from these blocks so that we can activate and reattach all of our DNA. Joy! <3
Archangel Michael’s Light Language for Activating the Divinity Codes In Your DNA & Cells
Divinity Codes. Maybe they’re something you’ve heard of before, and maybe you haven’t heard of them. They’re relatively new to me and my knowledge base. This is what I’ve channeled about them from The 9D Arcturian Council, “There are Divinity codes that exist inside each and every one of you, and they are waiting to be activated so that you may understand fully and embrace fully your Divine nature, your Divine origins, and the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. Once you begin to feel that and live it, your Divinity will be undeniable. You will not be able to ignore the Divinity within you. You will not be able to suppress it. And to the contrary, you will embrace yourselves as Divine Beings.” Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Crystalline Energy in Your DNA
Crystalline Energy & DNA. They’re a match made in Heaven…literally. I’ve recently discovered this truth about our DNA, the truth that there is crystalline energy present in it, but also, that the crystalline energy can lie dormant within us until activated. That’s what inspired me to create this 6-minute light language recording. Crystalline energy is what our light bodies will be comprised of when we fully ascend into the fifth dimension. But as many of you already know, we can access 5D right now, as we wait for the remainder of humanity to ready itself for the shift in consciousness. Having the crystalline energy activated in our DNA will not only raise our consciousness, it will also enable us to access more of our light bodies right now. Before channeling this light language, I held the intention that the language of light would be infused with the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to stimulate the crystalline energy that’s already present in our DNA. You will feel the effects of this one immediately. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Repairing Your Cells & DNA
Our cells and DNA. They all have been negatively affected by past life traumas, toxins, EMFs, e.t. manipulation, and so many other factors that interfere with their normal function. All humans once had 12 strands of DNA, and now we are down to just two, but this sound healing will help reconnect those disconnected strands as well. It seems like our physical bodies are under attack, and the only way for us to rise up and be sovereign beings is to take better care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. This downloadable mp3 recording is a sound healing to aid in that self-care that is so necessary at this time of GMOs, myriad pesticides, plastic in everything (and everyone), and that’s just me naming a few of the physical toxins out there in the world today.
The toxins in the energetic, non-physical, and thought form realms are also affecting us in ways that we cannot see in our bodies, but we can certainly feel them in our tiredness, aches, pains, and inexplicable illnesses. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. The tones, overtones, and crystal bowl sounds I channeled to create this download are all infused with the vibration and intention to heal your damaged cells and DNA. Listen to this one whenever you feel that sluggishness that comes with living in our industrialized society, or when you feel some crazy ascension symptoms happening in your body. Each and every listen will bring you closer to full sovereignty over your physical body! Joy <3
Light Language for Keeping Your DNA Safe, Secure & Sovereign from Outside Influence
Our DNA. It’s been talked about a lot lately, especially in the new age/spiritual communities. At first, we all got excited about DNA activations, getting more strands of DNA, and our ET DNA coming online and helping us access more of our spiritual gifts and abilities. And then the fear crept in amongst the awakened collective. Could ‘they’ being doing something to alter our DNA? Could there be something in these Covid-19 vaccines that will affect my DNA in a negative way? That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language.
We can use all the help we can get to keep ourselves as the sole creators of our DNA, and I know that this light language will keep you in the vibration of a sovereign being…creating every last aspect of your reality, which of course includes your DNA. How is this accomplished with a light language? Light languages contain galactic light codes, a vibration, and an intention, and the ones included in this light language transmission are all for protecting your DNA from outside influence.
The vibration we offer is everything. We create our reality with it, we feel our feelings because of it, and we even attract our thoughts and the information we see online because of it. So if you’re seeing a lot of doom and gloom posts and videos about your DNA being taken over by a mandatory Covid-19 vaccine, then this light language will definitely help you to stay out of that vibration and that unwanted timeline. You can take your power back and this light language will help. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternal truths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field. We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3 download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Your E.T. DNA
Our E.T. DNA. It holds the secret to unlocking our most prized spiritual gifts and abilities, because we have already existed in physical form in other parts of the galaxy…as e.t.s ourselves! And since those lifetimes were spent in higher dimensions, those abilities we seek so fervently in this lifetime are a part of our collective past. Our DNA contains all of the information, all of the past life memories, and all of the memories of our spiritual gifts and abilities attained in those lifetimes.
Having our e.t. DNA activated will also help us light up to the e.t.s that are visiting our atmosphere in their ships. And as such, the e.t.s in those ships will be more likely to communicate with us if we have all of our E.T. DNA activated. That’s why I created this mp3 recording of me channeling tones and overtones while simultaneously playing one of my crystal bowls. I knew that I could generate sounds, along with the bowl, that would result in the listener’s e.t. DNA becoming activated. Just listen once and feel the difference way down in your body’s cells. Once that e.t. DNA is activated in the listener, the sky will be the limit for what we can do in this lifetime. Love! <3
Tones, Overtones & Sounds for Accessing E.T.s, DNA & Memories from Sirius
Sirius. The binary star system is of crucial importance to us, as we struggle as a human collective to find meaning in our lives and new, significant ways to be of service. The Sirius star system is all about service to others, and the representatives from Sirius – dolphins, whales, and canines – help inspire us to become our better selves and remind us of who we have been. This recording of 10 minutes in length is filled with the tones, overtones, and crystal bowl playing I channeled when I created it, and all of those sounds were infused with the intention of granting you access to extra-terrestrials from Sirius (star family/soul family members), your Sirian DNA, and the memories you have embedded deep in your cells of the lifetimes you spent in the Sirius star system, incarnating in humanoid, canine, and aquatic form. This recording will activate that which is Sirian inside of you, as well as sending out the right vibrational signal to attract e.t.s from Sirius to come visit you and give you even more of that high-frequency energy from their beautiful star system. Joy! <3
Meditation for a Complete DNA Activation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
I channeled The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council for this 15-minute meditation, and the Arcturians brought through a series of easy-to-follow steps to activate each and every piece of DNA in your physical body. They enlisted the help of your spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, faeries, ascended masters, archangels, and a host of other higher dimensional beings to bring about the full activation of your DNA. This guided meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and the Arcturians bring through an energetic transmission that is both activating and soothing and relaxing. They create the perfect energetic environment for you to raise your vibration and receive the activations that are yours and yours alone to claim. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for a Total DNA Upgrade & Activation
This channeled sound healing is for a DNA activation and upgrade. Our DNA has been upgraded, downgraded, manipulated, and torn apart throughout history. We’ve been a great experiment for other e.t. beings, and all of that is coming to an end now. It’s time to take ownership of our own evolution, and the best way to do that is to access all of our power, gifts, memories, abilities, and connections to higher frequency beings in other realms. Full access to our upgraded, activated DNA is the path. That’s what this 10-minute sound healing I channeled is designed to do. It’s filled with the intention and energy to upgrade and activate all human and e.t. DNA that we have inside of us, re-attaching strands of DNA that have been disassembled over the millions of years we’ve been on this planet. We are coming into our own as a powerful force in the galaxy, and taking steps to become more of who we really are through the accessing of all that is encoded in our DNA is a statement to the rest of our galactic family. Love! <3
Light Language for Accessing Your Dragon DNA, Lifetimes & Current Connections
This light language transmission of just under 6 minutes was channeled by me, and I channeled the universal light through the energy of the Dragon Collective, which is a very misunderstood group of higher-dimensional beings. This light language is infused with the energy, intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring you into contact with the Dragon Collective. We all have dragon DNA within us, and it can be activated by listening to light languages and other techniques. One of the reasons why we have dragon DNA inside of us is that we’ve all had past lives as dragons. And some of us have guides that are dragons. We definitely have dragons in our soul families.
Light Language for Transcending the Limitations of Your Genes & DNA
Use this recording for transcending the limitations of your genes & DNA. Our genes and DNA that we were born with contain so much that helps us know ourselves, our family history, and our entire genetic line, but they do not have to limit us.
In every incarnation and especially in this lifetime, we really do want to go beyond where our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were able to go in terms of our abilities to create, heal, and love unconditionally. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission.
This almost six minute light language is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to move you beyond where your genes and DNA were designed to take you in this lifetime.
Breathing Exercise for Activating Your E.T. DNA ∞The Arcturian Council
I encourage you to use this breathing exercise for activating your E.T. DNA Our Extra-Terrestrial DNA. For most of our lives, we’ve been unaware that such DNA even existed within us. Now, thanks to all the contact we’ve had with higher-dimensional beings, we know we are made up of more than just earthly human DNA…we are all part E.T.
Now is also a time when it’s becoming easier and easier to activate that DNA within us. Just breathing with intention can do so much. That’s exactly what this download is all about. In this recording, the Arcturian Council reminds us that we are always surrounded by E.T. energy from around the galaxy. They give us a simple exercise to clear any fears of extra-terrestrials we may be carrying from this or other lifetimes, including those from other planets and star systems, and then welcome in that energy to activate our own E.T. DNA.
The Arcturian Council leads us through an exercise that will activate our E.T. DNA, giving us more access to our abilities, connections with E.T.s, and memories of our past lives AS E.T.s.
This is a very simple breathing exercise that we can do over and over again to activate more and more of our E.T. DNA. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Arcturian DNA, Past Life Memories & Current Connections
Arcturus. It sure does seem like home to a lot of us. That’s because our Arcturian lifetimes were so blissful. Arcturus is all about the spiritual evolution of the individual and the collective. And we carry those memories and that Arcturian DNA within us. We also have Arcturian Soul Family Members who are currently living in the Arcturian Star System and who reach out to us in a variety of ways. That’s why I created this sound healing. I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the tones and sounds with the intention of unlocking and activating your Arcturian DNA, giving you more access to your past life memories in Arcturus, and you will also be able to reach out to your Arcturian Soul Family and better receive their messages to you. Fun! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Pleiadian DNA & Past Lives
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones while also utilizing one of my crystal bowls to create sounds infused with the intention to bring your Pleiadian DNA online. This sound healing was also designed to activate memories from your Pleiadian past lives. In your Pleiadian past lives, you have definitely been a healer and a teacher. Those are the focal points of the Pleiadians, and the Pleiadian star system was created to explore those aspects of existence. So when you listen to this sound healing, you’re also integrating those past life aspects of yourselves, and your healing and leadership/teaching abilities will also get activated. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Andromedan DNA, Lifetimes & Current Connections
The Andromedan Star System. It’s right on the edge of the Milky Way, bordering the Andromedan Galaxy. And most of us have been there, incarnating a whole bunch of times. And the experiences from those lifetimes are inside of us, waiting to be activated. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language will activate that Andromedan DNA, bring forth memories of your Andromedan lifetimes, and give you more access to your current connections in the Andromedan system. Yes, we have soul family members spread all throughout the galaxy, and when we awaken to those connections, we feel more whole. Listen to this one before going to sleep at night, and you’ll increase the likelihood of having a dream about your Andromedan lifetimes. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for a DNA Upgrade
Our DNA. It’s kind of a mystery, but we do know this about it…we used to have 12 strands and now we only have two! We also have an inkling about how some of our DNA has origins from other parts of the galaxy. And bringing these knowings and inklings together to create something bigger is what this download is all about. I channeled a light language transmission that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that will give you the DNA upgrade you’ve always wanted. We can get those additional strands back, and we can activate that ET DNA. We can and we will…in this lifetime! Do this DNA upgrade several times and feel the difference in your bones after each one. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Extra-Terrestrial DNA
In this transmission of 6 minutes in length, I channeled a light language that will activate the extra-terrestrial DNA that you have in your physical body. The light language holds the vibration necessary to activate the DNA that has been lying dormant in your body since your birth. The time for us to know ourselves as more than just human has come, and therefore, we are ready for activations like this one. Once the alien DNA is activated within you, you can expect to receive memories and abilities from past lives you’ve led in other parts of the galaxy. Enjoy! <3
Activation of Your Andromedan DNA ∞Andromedan Council of Light
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds, The Andromedan Council of Light bring through a transmission that will activate your Andromedan DNA, lifetime memories, and current connections to beings from their star system. This is a powerful transmission, and The Andromedan experience is very different from any other star family I’ve ever encountered. You will feel their power and the power they activate within you after doing this one. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Lyran DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channeled a light language, with tones, and at times sounding much like a song. At times it seemed like I was giving an oral history of the Lyran race, as humans did ages ago while sitting around a campfire. The intention and vibration of this transmission will activate your Lyran (Feline/Humanoid) DNA. The Lyrans have a long history with humanity and planet Earth and were very active in Lemuria. The transmission will also help you remember your Lyran lifetimes and any current connections you have to the Lyrans. Love <3
Faerie DNA Activation, Lifetime Memories & Light Body Activation ∞Ophelia the Faerie
In this download of just over 11 minutes from Ophelia the Faerie, she takes us through a process of remembering our faerie lifetimes, and she also activates the faerie DNA within us. Finally, she helps activate our light bodies. After doing these processes, you will realize that you have been a faerie, that you still are connected to the faerie realm, and that in many ways, as we ascend, we are becoming faerie beings once again. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Sirius DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Sirian DNA, bring you more memories from your lifetimes in the Sirius Star System, and enhance your current connections to beings in Sirius. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and listen to the light language (which is also infused with some tones), and the galactic light codes will do all the work. You may feel inspired to speak your own light language that will further enhance the process however, and if you do, I recommend tuning yourself to the frequency of the dolphins and whales (both are from Sirius). Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Arcturian DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Arcturian DNA, memories of past lives you’ve lived in the Arcturian Star System, and will connect you more purely to the Arcturians that are present and available to you in this lifetime. This language is encoded with tones and those tones hold an intention to give you the experiences with Arcturians that you want to have. You’ll also gain access to the DNA within you that is Arcturian and the past life memories that contain information that will be useful to you in this lifetime. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Pleiadian DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this light language transmission of just under 5 and a half minutes, I channel Pleiadian energy and light through me, translating it into words and sounds that are meant to activate and stimulate your connections to the Pleiadian Star System. After listening to this light language transmission once, your Pleiadian DNA will be activated, and you will be more likely to remember your Pleiadian lifetimes. You’ll also have a more conscious connection to the Pleiadians who are currently reaching out to you. Do it once or several times. Speak your own light language when you get inspired to. And enjoy! <3
DNA Cleansing & Multiple Strand Activation ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators take us through a process to cleanse our DNA. Next, they offer a white light transmission to help us bring more strands of our dormant (what scientists call “junk”) DNA back online. This activation will affect you on a physical level, so be sure to drink lots of water before and after you receive it. And then rest up and enjoy the new physical vehicle you’ll be operating with! <3
Activation of Divinity in Your DNA, Mind & Cells ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us on a journey to wipe clean any information from our bodies that says we are anything less than Divine. He then takes us through processes to download the truth of our Divine Nature into our cells, DNA, and physical minds. This is a powerful download and transmission. Enjoy! <3
Tones and Overtones for Activating 5th Dimensional DNA ∞The Creators & Hathors
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators, The Hathors, Quan Yin, and The Arcturian Council (there may have been a few other contributors as well) transmit tones and overtones that are designed to activate our 5th dimensional DNA. You can sit back and listen to these tones and overtones or tone along. Either way, you’ll receive the benefit of your exposure to them, as they are infused with the intention to activate our 5D DNA. Drink lots of water after doing this one. You’re sure to have a lot of energy moving through you. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian DNA Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council take us through processes to activate that dormant DNA that exists within all of us and comes from the Arcturian Star System. Listen to this one once or as many times as you want. The codes, tones, and light transmissions are strong, however, so make sure you drink lots of water before and after the activation. The Arcturians say we will feel closer to them after doing this one, and we’ll be more of our whole selves as well. The original human had 12 strands of DNA, and we are getting closer and closer to that fully functional body and energy all the time. Enjoy! <3
Pleiadian DNA Activation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer an activation of your Pleiadian DNA. The DNA from the Pleiades contains unique abilities and skills that will come online after you give them permission to perform the activation and relax to receive it. This is a powerful procedure, so you would be served well to rest and hydrate after receiving it. The P’s use tones, sounds, codes, and light language to deliver this life-altering activation to our DNA. Enjoy! <3
Extra-Terrestrial DNA Activation ∞The Mantis Beings
This is my first time connecting with the Mantis Beings! I knew that I wanted someone besides my usual guides to do this one, but honestly, I had no idea it would be them. The Mantis Beings explain why they are showing up now, a little about our inter-galactic history and evolution, and then they walk us through an activation of that E.T. DNA that exists within all of us. They also explain what we can expect to experience as a result of the activation as well (and don’t worry…it’s all good!). Enjoy! <3
Starseed DNA Activation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
Ever feel like you’re not from here and that you want to go home? Then you’re a starseed! And guess what? You can start to feel more at home right now by activating some of that junk DNA floating around in your body, grounding the energy, information, and memories from past lives in other star systems. The PHCo7 delivered a download/activation of 11 minutes and 11 seconds to assist us in doing just that. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Junk DNA
I got the inspiration to do this one because of a healing session where I was the client, and a light language of mine started to come through. I thought, “This must be doing something!” So I asked my guides to infuse this light language with codes to unlock/reactivate the junk DNA that’s floating around inside of all of us. This recording is the result! I’ve certainly never channeled anything like it before, and I can always tell when I’m stretching myself vibrationally. This download is certainly one of those times! Enjoy and happy activating <3
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